Whitby Free Press, 26 Sep 1979, p. 35

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WT-TTBY FEPRESS, WEDNESD4.Y'SEPTEMBER 26,1979, PAGE 15 A N rr c c 7d w 68 cc to St KLA Air Aok ticr $90 832 SK< len, cot des stré 19 Nee $75 43d MUOYOBILES FOR SALE 1978 DODCE FMONACO V-8. Pom iteerng &,bral<e. New tirea. Ni ixhaust ayatem. 81,100. Phone.89 Sept. 28, 1073 PLYMOUTI FURY V-8. Pou eto.ring a brakes. Good condit "W5. Phono 608-M50. Sept. 20,' 1971 PINTO Automiatic. Radii As Is. Running conditioi Neéds body work. $200 or bec offer. Phone 668-0718. Sept. 19,7 $650. hon 55-4974.C Aug. 29, 1971 Toyota automatic, 57,1 miles, good condition. $600. Cali 668-4495 Aug. 8, « 971 Tornado $1 ,800. Low nilleage, has power everythii Good condition. Phone 668- 0920. Aug. 1, 7 74-Renault - R12 Station wagon. H clutch. $275. As is 6554136. JuIy 18, 71 68 DODGE" POLAR^ Goc ondition. New brake lob. Bi ro prove. As ls. $150. 302 Byrc t. N., Whltby. JuIy 11,7 RECTEAOIMAL VEHLES >TORCYCLE 1979. PE175. 2,MO LM. Ptod & polihed. Fox mhocke, Ifonts and Soli, Moto 3 helmet, lng- 1,00. PhO6 hytime after 4 m.00715 Sept. 20,70 AMAHA IT 175 in good condi. on. Recently rebutitý engine. M0 or best offer. Phone 668. 125 af ter 4 p.m. on weekdays. Sept. 19, 79 Ki DOO snow mobile. Excel- nt. condition. 440 TNT fan )oi. $1,100,or best offer, indlu. .s Tachometer & cover. Aisc raw for sale. Phone 655-8001. Sept. 12, 79 FTr. CEDAR SAILBOATr eds repairing. .Wiliisou for 5or bestý offer. Phone 655- l34. Sept. 5/79, FT. HANDMDE SKI BOAT 283 vy engine. v-drive, In good con- In. $200 or beout offwo. Phono .4416. Aug. 22,79 FOR sultab mettre bath1 l SUZUKI RM 125CExcei- ct-ondition, ro-built; tools, ýmot, gloves. Asking $1,000. one 294-6029. e Aug. 22,'79 1SUZUKI RM 1258 Excel-' *t condition. Wisco piston. ted & polished. Very quick Jpowerful wîth Bell Moto. r hoimet, Digger boots and tr accessories., $800 f irm.' *ne 668.2203. Aug. 22, 79 VALUANT siant 6 auToma- 72,000 original miles, good ining condition. $200. or best er. Cali 668-0621. Aug. 15, 79 MIELLANEUS 1SALE, Purpia rug & drapes, bie for moc. rocm. Aslcing $30 or offor for both. Phone 06&1618. Sept. 26,79 Y ITEMS FOR SALE crIb with orsa $25; wooden hlgh chair $15; iItems in good condition. Phono 9M eveninga. Sept. 26,79 ver on. 79 .0 79 n. 9 9 DO .00 79 19 5 ci p chl Sul ci di 4 fil PIress- Epo ru CaII 668-6111 - frmporium Ads wiII onliy 6e ccepted subject Io the% following Condîtions.. 2 VE.VIETSWIVEa. ROCKER CHAIRS. Fiat ba.e. BearIng awivel. 1Irmd, 1 !uat. As new. 8150 oach. Phono 008- am. sept. 20, 79 EASY 000D8 package deai. in- oludea: Stiver Cr-oaa carrnage, Peter- aon corMaeat,, atmller, Joiiy jumper, pisypen & othora. Aillln A-i condition. S2M., Phonoe008W3794. Sept. 26, 79 USED DOORS (1) 34" x 82 ext. mohogsny eab -$0()321, x le ext. caeta with wlndow $30 (3) 34"0 X 82" ext. mahogany with wlndow $30 <4) 32" x 80" screen door $25 (5) 34"! x 82" screen door $25 (6) 3211 x 80 scmeen door $25: French prov. cherry wood coffoo and ond tabla $80; 2 aiumlnum storm windows 32" x 55% 1' $10 oach; aingle alnk $10;, 24" whito range hood $15; arborite clrcuýar cof. tee table $15; coffee coioumed polo lamp $20; red thermalgard bedroom drapes $20; unined'drapes for chlid's room, light brown & animal pattem $10. Phono 068-4M8. Sent. 20, 79 MENIS SKATES Bauer, size 12, like new, haif price $45. Cail 668-1142, Sept. 19, 79 1 KIMBEIL ORGAN. Like new 3-4 yrs. old. $1,009. Cail 655- 3022. Sept. 19,,79. ADJUSTABLE WALKER $12; Portable gates one $6,- one $4 like new: Phone 668-6590. Sept. 19, 79. APPLIANCES Viking washer spin dryer, à*vocado, excellent condition $175. Rifle, 22 cal. Senii automnatlc, wlth case, excellent $85. Phone 655.4053. Sept. 19, 79 BOY'S BICYCLE 2011 wheeis $30; Oul space heater suitabie fÃ"r' cottage or workshop. 3 gallon tank and complote. $30 Phone 655-3670. Sept. 19, 79 RAîLROAD SLED $35; 4 rail- roadl steamer no. $35; boy's i.speed racing bicycle $55; giri's 2011 wheel bicycle $40; 4 newly uphoisterod swivel kit. :hen chairs $75; Malte speod' reei, to reel tapeý recorder $150; Antique condiment set $20; Occasionai' table $15; Press, giass dishe $5; Carnival vase $15; Oid band r'inger $20. Phone 579-6929.' Sept. 12/79, ODL2 And Universe 23' channol side band CB set. $250. for both. Tires F775- 14's glass beited, 2 summner& 2winter $80. Mahogany china'cabinet. Best offert Phome 668-3876. Sept. 12. 79 IESTERFIELD wlth 1, matchlng hair $12M 1 non rmatchIng chair $40. iltablo for basomoent or cottage. 8l08M. Sept. 12,79 Captains Bed very good con- lition. Asking $190. Atso, »Itetainment T.V. game, withý 4games, like new, used very ittie, Price $40. Phone 668- 659.Sept.- 12, 79 DOy'S SîZE 1 CCM Tacks ockey skates $20; Boy's blue ockov pa'nts. Waist sizo 24.26 0. Teiophone 668-5227. Sept. 12/79 ectric Lawn Movyer $7.; pro- ane camper heater $15.; F tour- scent desk lamp $4.; 2 bod orn cupboard doors *$3. each 6 m-etal cupboard door hingos nd handies 25 cents each. MI 668-9605. Sept. 5. 79 JLL LENGTH LEATHER oat Fur coilar. Brown/red Dlour. Warn very littie. 2 years I. $320 new. Asking $150. Size -Phono 668-7613. Sept. 5, 79 LM- PIEASE READ When the advertised iItem is soid, dispesed of, or unavailabie for whatover reason, the item wl Ilbe cdeemed te have been soid and a commission will be charged based on TrHE ADVERTISED PRICE as iliustrated beow, regardîoss If price is stated with "best offerl". If the Item is NOT SOLO, or dlsposed of, the ad wiiI bo *run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUMCHARGE of $3.00 'Wili apply. All advertisements must be piaced on an excijjsive basis wîth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month If net sald. RATES tif article is sold): 5% et advertised prico up te 8400.00 2% of balance over $400.00. EXAMPLE: Soid item advertised for $120.00 ' commission due $6.00 [minimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising anly! Please natif y us If you find a retailer iisted as a private advertiser. Please notify' the Whitby Free Press immodiately whè~n item is soid 50 that we may delete it from the falaowing,)issues. * All ads not fitting the -Empvriumn guidelinos wili.be treatod ancl charged per weok as regular classified ads on* a pro paid basis such as: services, heip wantod, clothiing, reai1 estate, and personai1 message type ads, or ads not quoting price' or quantity: Private ciassified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate hoadings. If in doubt, cail 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P-0. Box 206, 4hilby, LlN 5S1 OR DELîVER TO: 131 B rock St. N., WhitbÏ THE DEADLINE'FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS ThIE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT'NOON. a AQUARIUM 15 gai. wilth canape, ail accessonios, fron stand and flsh. Ex. lent condition. AsIc for John $9. Pono 608-9105. Sept. 5, 79 HOOVEIZ WASHER spin ,dryer. In good working ordêr $100; 1Children's car seats - one GM Infant seat, two Ford safe. ty seats $15 ea., Phone 655-4045. Sept. 5, 79 CHESTERFIELD SUITEý buiit for the big Man in mind. New $1,400. Will seil $800;. set of coffee table & end table. Solid mnapie $100 for the set; 3 pc. bedroom suite $175j kitchen, ýsuite'- 5 pc..chrome suite $15., Best offer wiil be accepted on iamy',of the above itemns. Phone' 668-3164. Aug. 29, 79 AIR CONDJITIONER $80; >Lewit vacuum cleaner $45; Camera stand, brand new $10; Maniyother Items. Price to seil. Phono 725-1585. Aug. 22,- 79 CEDAR HOPE CHEST top tray iined with green feit. <81,000 new, asking $300 or best offer. Phone 579-3395. Aug. 22/79 REEL-TYÏPE power lawn mowsr $75. TwIn enamel iaundry tuba, wlth stand and piumblng $30, Moffatt built-In aven and mohagany cabinet, range top blue enarnol wlth 36 Inch slave fan. $100.0111 7286470. Aug. 15,79 COLEMAN LANTERN $15; Funk & Wagnaii encyclapedia set $50; Praktica 35mm came- ra oufit $200; AMF.VOIT-MR 12 regutator with Dacor pres- sure gauge $150. Phone 668- 2675. Aug. 15, 79 GîBSON eiectric guitar & amplifier. $800. Phone 668-.6 Aug. 15, 79 30'INCN white Chefmaater stave gaod condition. $35. Phone 655,30M. Aug. 15, 79 Console Stereo Grundeig, not in working orcler $1 20. Two matresses & box springs twin size $40. pair; child's dresser red & hite $90.; Teak desk $95.; Phonoe fter 5 p.m. 281-2999. Aug. 8, 79 OSTERIZER BLENDER , Falriy new- $20;Double b.d. -a yoarsoid, wood hoadboard, footboarVd & rail. $20; Silver trivota, $5 & $10; Old lliyor but- ter dlsh wlth knlfe$5; Sliver candie stick $10 a pair, Antique, iodles dmesser wlth largo bevoed el val awlnglng mîrror $175; Antique choat ,of dawers, aolid -oa on china catoersami brahardware & lcey hole wltii iey$250. Seat offer on the abovo maties. Phonoe0806B7. 8 Track Car Dock Sej'1 F0. 501648 - Moc. Mo. C94'0- 26821 with speakers & 3 tapes. $50. Cati 4 - 6 p.m. 668-5919. Aug. 1, 79 HOOVER APPARTMENT size wAsher & dryer with stand. Avocado green. Good condi- tion. $350. Cali 668-4200 anytimne July. 25,,79 WOODEN BANISTER .$50; Hardwood fiooring $100; Aiso wooden chost $ 20; Large .2 tiored f iowor stand .$20; Wooden bed framne &s pring $10. Phone 683-6638. Juiy 25, 79 Air conditioner -'15000 BTV, 2 spoed fan 220 voit with window hardwr 20 h 655-4003. >July 18, 79 WOOD CUPBOARD $40; 2 wainut end tables $35 aý pair. Phone 683-6638., July 18, 79 AKAI STEREO in mint condi tion. Turn table, amplifier & receivor. 2 speakers. Complote $700 or besf off or. Good starter system. Phone 668 2649. Juiy 11, 79 PUMPAND FîLTERforabovo ground pool. Stainless steel tank. 3/4 H.P., 3450 RPM, 60 CPS, 115 volts. Asking $125. Phono 668-0570. July 11,79 1 PAIR 0F AUSTRAUJAN Diamond Dovea at $20 a pair,~ 1 pair of German Rouler Canaries at $30 a pai r One pair of Zebra Finches at $15 a pair. With cages If desired et $8 per cage. Phone 68&2481. Sept. 26,79 Metric - it's worth the change I I FOR SALE 18 month old pumebmd magistemed yellaw labrador, maie. $2M or. beat, offer. Phone 655-389 I - - Sept. 26,79 j I Plannling fop move? be sure to cal Phoneçc c T1he Hast Famois Baset inunhoWaci InstillIthe, fitness habit into your children. Get them involved in sports or activity. For a better Life- style for ail the family, try bicycling or skiing. The adults ini the family will benefit too!' Vegetaibles Can Be the Why flot make vegetables the focal point of your meals for the next few weeks? The vegetables which are being harvested right now in Ontario are so fresh, and s0 good looking, that they deserve recognition. How do you make a vegetable the star of the meal? Food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Minîstry of Agriculture and Food offer these suggestio ns. Prepare aIl vegetables just before cooking. Long-time soaking does themn no good whatsoever. Since most vegetables require short cooking times, be sure th e family is ready to eat, before even putting. the vegetables, on to cook. Check your herb and seasoning cupboard to get new ideas as to how to enhance the flavor of certain vegetables, or follow these recommendations. Season rutabaga with nutmeg, or paprika, or sesamne seeds. Toss sliced beets with a piece of butter and a drop of vînegar. Con sult a cookbook and prepare a cheese sauce for cauliflower. Serve, broccoli topped with a snial dollop of mayonnaise, to Ibeen added. vegetables the focal point of your meals. ( i" ta Ry.MaE with al your ýheart., Ifyou tik inss is a distant goal, consider tbis: you can walk ail the way. PaRTIIPaUI017nW The Canadian mavement for persanai fltness. Frée M-9 -i

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