Whitby Free Press, 26 Sep 1979, p. 3

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Gerry Emm appomted toTrevlew WHITBY'>FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY SEPM E1 6,1979, PA'GE 3 R egional review committeeloigfrpstv suggestions, on how to mke it work better By MICHAELKNELL Free Prese Staff >Whltby does flot sufer. by' belng part of Durham Reglon daims one Whltby regional councillgr., Gerry Emmi said in an in- terview wlth the Free Press that, 1I don't think we sufer other than there la more red tape." >Emm was recently ap- pointed Whtby's represen- tative on the region ýreview commlttee. ,: The commlttee's purpose, in, the words 0f it's chair- man, Oshawa, Mayor ýJim Potticary la te "find positive suggestions on how. we. can benefit their (the' public's) living in the region."Il< Potticary clalmned'that Wt from The yachting crowd vlslting Whtby's new boat marina l soon bave im- proved facilities for a little dry- land"'barbecuing and picnlcklng. The tewn of Whitby wil receive a $25,000 Ontario granit te further develop the Whltby Harbor- Park, Natural Resources Minister James AuId announced teday. «The 20-hectare (50-acre) park fronts on the water, and the new Port Whitby Marina that opened this summer wlth slips for .200 craft. "That park was once just a lot of bullruhes," said Whltby town treasurer For- bes McEwen, "but, along with the marina and recreation area, it will be was timne to reviewi the region wlth, the, pubIicý because "neyer in, the hlstory ofthe reglon bave we gone te the people" te find out their vlews on relonal govfrnment. The. proposai . for the revlew- commuittee came orlglnally -from Potticary and Whltby Mayor JLm Gar- tahore. Thýàe committee wll hold public meetings in each of the eight municipalities that comprise Durham Region. (The commnunities are: Oshawa, , Whitby,1y'Ajax, Pickering, Newcastle,. Ux- bridge, Scugog and Brock.) - It w accept verbal and written presentations romn inclivduals ,and,,written' fluistry the jewel of the municipality in another flve years." He sald the. park, which alsoý attracts local visiters, la also adjacent to the. town's 20-hectare maîne reereational area, that In- cludes bail diamonds, soccer pitches, tennis courts and a 1,500-seat arena. This la where Whitby star- ted years ago,. before the main, settlement leap- frogged north, and 'now we're comtag back. to it," said Mr. McEwan. Further development work viii include addition'of tepsoil,' sodding and ini- stailation of sanitaryr water and electrical services, plus construction of a road apnd parking area for vehicle visitors. briefs fromn any organization (businesses, communlty and' servicée groupe, rateayer's associations etc.) The comrnitteeî was"given a budget,0f $10,000 to com- pile the reportý which It will present to council . i the, sj»'ing of190 Any recominendations the commlttee makes, that are adopted by reglonal council, wll be forwarded to Queen's Park in the' hope of making amendments to the Région of Durham, Act' Pottlcary. said. "The provincial gover- nznent didn't listen' to, the muncipliteswhen the région was formed,"P he said. "But they-should listen now." WHITBY AND THE' REGION'S FUTURE Emm said that the only way te get the Whltby tax- payer to accept the reglon la to prove that it will be a benefit to them. "If you can prove that. tai the future,, it will be beneficial to them and their children" the, region wll gain-acceptance he said. There 'are three definite benefits 1te Whltby in regionalization Emmn 'sald. The takeôver of cert 'ain roads by the -region, deben- ture debts'and their conser- vation. The region, when it- took, over ce rtain, local projects, also took over, paymèént of the debt that was made.. E mm'bas taken exception to Potticary'sà dalim that "Oshawa doesn't need the region"I because Oshawa getsa'a fair chunk of, the benefits. .Oshawa la a definite beneficiary of reglonal government," he said. This la despite Pottlcary's dlaim that Oshawa foots the bilil for tI4e reglon because it pays 42 per cent of the money. -Emm also states that the region bas .beneflted from Whitby's planning,, Stace most of Whity's ta- dustrial land la below Hligh- way -401, the. region bas an easier Urne seing itself te, potential tavestors. Industrial planning la the region's and towns' Joint responsibility the, choice between Oshawa and Whitby for an investor doesn't exist because the levels of service and taxation are the same; the choice would then become between Wbitby and some other part of Ontario he said. Despite this Emm em- pba-h-slzed that "It's my job te get the best deal for Whlt- >When the hearlngs have come te an end, Emm sald that "the province la just as anxious te see wbat the recommendations wlllbe."1 What la Emni looking for in this revlew?1 "I'd like te see a fair share for Whltby. Tru4e acknowledgement« that Whitby holds the most vacant tadustrial land and that Whltby la the centre point 0f industrial develop- ment and not just the whlp- pmng boy of the reglon." Whl 'le the reglonhas some good thlngs- golng for it Emm said that there la stlll "4 room for improvement."$ That improvement should be found and implemented some councillors have sald because as. Potticary says, "the region is here te stay;" Ra~s~'. i 4V,. as m It's easy. Seli a Pen-Pac for $1 Keep 4(W PROFIT! Make Big Profits for your sehool, church, teain or clvlc organization, wi.th the easlest fund-ralslng program around: * Full 40% profit! " Free step-by-step manùal for fund-raising leader! " No cail backs, no order taking, no paperwor-k!' " Nothing to spoil! " No heavy buIky packages to carry! *No hidden costs-we even pay postage!I *NO RISK-Pay only after drive is over, AND return any letover Pen-Pacs for full credit!. Pen-Pues are a real value! 4 quality bail point pens with Iong-lasting ink supplies and effective ink erasers make up a Pen-Pac. (Outsîde, its hand- some red & white design states, "Thank You for your support.") -You seli a Pen-Pac for $j.00 (retail value la Sl1.64) and keep 4(W profit. Since evcryone needs i# and uses pens, your funds really add up fastl You Don't Rlsk a CENT! YOU KEEP 40W.à of what you've collected. You pay us AFTER your drive is'complcted. We even psy the cost of shipping your order to you AND you can return any leftover Pen-Pacs at our expens. L ORDER TOLL FREE Full. FrIends end nelghbours will gladIy buy. Everythlng You Need ils Includedt 25 Pen-Pacs corne packaged in a lightweight carrying carton. Order 1 carton per member. Also included are contribution envelopes, a 'how-î&' mnanual, record-keeping Iorms., even press releases . . ail designed to guarantee your success.. Who are we? Perfect Pen Company is a division of one ' of North America's Ieading manufacturers of .writing instruments. These are pens you can be proud of. We are. And we'iI stand * behind them with over 50 years of experience. Make BIG Profits-Order Today Availabîe to Fund Raislng Groupa only. If seîîing for yourself, send paymnent in full with your order. CALI TODÀAY orAAIL TRISCOeUPON nowl PERFECT PEN COn DEPT. FR/SA 142 s2141 McCowan Road. Scarborough, Ontario Ml S 4B9I 1Please send CI 250 CI 500 CI 750 ID 1250 CI____ éSo wecan raise $100 $200 $300< $500 s______ Sftip 10:1 Your Name 0 Organization Streee AdoreSS (If under21 Your Titie ~pen) _____ posti CoyProv.____________C0 The above shapping address is a Schoo Church Business Horne Aparimtn 01 her phoneI Hmane number where yauI Phone No. ________canbe reached I______ Ouf drgve waill si-.Number of members_________ X Sign Iene____________________eseedmoenomao undmo inamat-n TORONTO 292-2262 ONTARIO CANADA 140-268-5534 $ 25,ý000 grant. for" har bor park * ~ THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WKITBY NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TA KE NOTI1C E tha t the Council1 of the Corpora tion of the Town of Whitby has passed By.Law No. 887-79 to designate the following property, including lands and buildings, as a property of architectural and historical value and interest under Part IV of The Ontario Heritage Act,. 1974, S.0., Chapter %122:. Centennial Building, 416 Centre Street South, Whitby, Ontario Architectural reasons for the designation include the out. standing features of the Greek Revival Style of architec- tural design. Historical reasons for the designation include its service, f rom 1854 to 1964 as the meeting place for Ontario County Council and County Court proceedings and headquarters for County officiaIs. Dated at the Town of Whitby Municipal Building this lOth day of September, .1979. W m. H. Wallace, Cerk-Administrâtor. m

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