Whitby Free Press, 26 Sep 1979, p. 5

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FBetween You and Me By RUTH CHAMBEE OLC'S new prin cipal Abouùt Craig KMelle For me, it was, just Ilike belng "home" again as a day girl at Blshop Strachan'School but I was standing. ln a re ception room, at TrafalgrCse School being welcomed by Craig Kainche,-the principal. M'. Kamlche, a former Master at St. Andrew's College i Aurora, was head of the hlatory departinent, the dramna departinent, the chief instructor of the cadet corps and a housemaster durig bis 15 years there. Ontario Ladies' College, now known as Trafalgar Castie School was built and lived lii by Sherlff Nelson G. Reynolds, a Whitby resident wbo sold it te the school 105 years ago. A beautiful, old building ful of charrn and grace. Lovely grounds, a fewacres of well kept lawns, flower beds and beautiful trees two of which are copper beeches, magnificlent and especiaily 50 at thia time of the year. To me, atinosphere and environment are se important especiaily for young people. They are here in great abun- *dance. The aura 6f beauty i the castie 11k. setting ddes make a differencé to ones weil being and acts of carelessness are few and far between. The scbool is run by a board of governors, in ail, in- cluding the principal. The board makes ail major decisions icluding those wbich pertairi to budget and the hirlng of a principal. Day today decisions are in the hands of the principal, now Mr. Kainche. .The dean, Mrs. Pýerry a totally dedicated staff nmember bas just returned froin 4 y'ears ffi Israel as an assitant headinistress. Mrs. Perry, as deaîin ,sets, standards and Miposes ten ot Iportant fuction'. RS In a'd"~ocratic soclety there must always b. an ae- nate which the private school provides. If people turn away froin other "ystems the private school becomes the <beneficiary. ICharacter, ,discipline, honour -and 'values are em- <pbaslzed, not easily te. be forgotten. Doors open ail over the world l for'old boys'and girls -0f ,our' private school sstem; much like: a club andfor many people universlty offers thé saine thing.ý You cannot venture -far witbout meeting a, sebool mate, flot'necewarlly your school but one of the group and this is an Introduction in Itself.," Academnies; that ýrelatlgtehgher education, an in- troduction- te univerulty much emphaslzed at the school. -Hi1gb standards are set and are expected te, be adhere « Apàrt frein subjecta sucb as languages, math and science,' sports are an important part of. the -curriculum. Soccer, basketball, fieldhockey, volley bal, judo, cross country skilng and swlmming te, naine a few. Some of the sports are" played i competition with other schools. A necessary part of a young, person's training, a_ self discipline and excellence, two values wbich are an asset ini later life. Draina and, musie tee are important, aise debatlng and of course, a scbool çhoir. There la 'a strong student Christain movement -witbln the scbool'and tbey have a beautiful, chapel witb the' services 'conducted' by the students witli the exception,-f Sunday.. Now under the um- brella of the United Churcb, formnerly,, initimes past, the Methodiats it Is now iÉterdenominatejonal. A United Nations almoot, ýgirls frein many countries. Seety'per cent 0fth suents are Canadians whlle the, other thirty per cent come frin Hông Kong, Meico, the West Indies, the US, Venezula, El Salvador and Iran. >Some teo, from out of the province. A secondaryfunction the school is to service a snail community of foreign students te study English and special course is 'offerefi. Fucntionaily- bilingual these girls froin age slxtenn to seventeen, are registered in grade twelve. Witbin two years, these.students speak and write perfect English. They, of course,ý take other subjects and participate in every other way but thie purpose oftheir schooling ia te make thein completely'bilingual. Due to the revolution, in Iran man y anxious parents are sending their chldren te Cananda. About a haif a dozen are at this school. To say, they are an asset te our country is putting it mildly.. When I looked at these girls, some se young and se far froin home I wondered about their entry into our country. Has It been sfimplified for their parents by our government or 18 it a horrendous tangle of red tape and bureaucracy even a source of worry and concern te the girls. Our governinent must act in an orderly and expedient mnanner. With unsettled conditions insgo many parts of the w*orld and especiaily Iran, timeis, a large factor. No, time M ust be wasted, cer.tainy not by red tape. These girls are guests in our country', paying guests and makte ne deman- ds on governinent at anýylevel.__________ New breathin*g course This fail, Durhamn Region Lung Association will in- treduce a new pregrain for young aduit asthmatics. Geared particularly to the teens te thirties age group, this new prograin is meant te fIl the gap between Famnily Asthma Courses (for children to age 12) and Bet- ter Breathing Classes (for eider aduItawith more ad- vanced rahn probleins). brain The ten session ýprograin will b. under the direction ef a physical education/relaxa- tien instructer, and will feature beth vigorous exer- cise- te fimove physical condition, and. relaxation techniques based on yoga principles. Overaîl course objective is the achivement of relaxation through physical fitness -.the. importance of controlled relaxation being well known in the routine management of asthma. Optienal swiin sessions, and prefessional infor- mation on the causes and management of asthma are aise featured. This pregram, which is provided as a free Christ- mas Seal service, wiil be held at the Eastview Beys and Girls Club, Eulalie Avenue,- Oshawa, between 7:00 and 9:OOp.m. frem Sun- day,, October 14 weely until December 16. Applicants should b., bet- ween 13 and 39 years of age, and may obtain registration information by, cailing Durhain Region Lung Association at 723-3151. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY Notice of Intentidon NOTICE- is hereby give n that the Council 0'f the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a' by-law to change the name of the highway known as Dunlop Drive to South Blair Street. The change in street name is to have the name of the subject highway correspond to the name of the public highway known as Blair Street located to the north of Highway No. 401. r A/JI r '*-SOUTH BLAIR STREET AND FURTHER TAKE NOÏ ICE, that the Administrative Committee of Council will, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., on the l5th day of October, 1979, in Committee Room No. 1 0f the WAhitby _Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor, or agent any person who claims that he will be adversely affected by the by-law, and who applies to be heard. Dated at Whitby, Ontario, this l9thday of September, Wm. H. Wallace,- A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Clerk Administra tor, the Corporation of the Town of Whitby. 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LIN -2M8 TBY FREÈ < PRESS,ýWÊDNÊSbAýý"'S'Èl>'TýÈMBÊR26,ýl979, PAGE 5 Prom a purelyý busin speint of vzew their entry i te our country belps balance of trade, helpesiaial business, and this is what the school la, a sinail business. 'Qulte a large staff ls employed and a product is sold, education. The end result ls about $200,Mo from other countries fin- ding it's way to our country. The fees are paid, the girls are vouched for and wlule at school and for the duration of their 4tay are the sole responslbility 0f the scbool. Neyer will they take anything frein our soclety or governinent in the way of bandouts; they are self suffIient. They wiJl not be wlth us for long as they wll ail return to their own countries. This will b. our lcboa. We hope tbey mhay take some of our ways wlth thein and leave us some of theirs. A lesson for ail of us, to understand that we are not al the saine. Every nation bas lt's own chariacterlstics In- eludng ur wn.Accptane ad tlerncego a long way unlted group. CONT'D ON PAGE 8

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