Whitby Free Press, 10 Oct 1979, p. 3

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1979, PAGE 3 Dumpjuk food students toldý A challenge to oust junk foods 'from Ontario sehools w as Issuéd to aullhghschoël, students, their teachers, principals and school boards by Healtii Minister Dennis Timbreil on September 20. Speaklng to ma assembly of h*gh chool students at the. Sudbury Secondary Sehool. Timbreli ýa nnounced that twenty *1,000 prizes would b. awardèd to the, 20schools which were most-successful in developing can1ipaignà to, achieve junk food ceutbacksàý and promùote- nutrition awareness during the. sehool, year. The Food for Health DENNIS TIMBRELL awards wlll flot go to ad- ministrators of tii.sehools but Wo the student counicils to be used ini developlng future health related activities for the students. Timbreil called on the students Wo resist pressures of advertislng and peer groups that. would1 havýe them eat junk fooda as soft drinks and candy bars. Hewas also critical of school administrators who ailowed caterers to instal vending machines whlch dispensed junk foods and ailowed cafeterias tW feature junk foods. Busy thieves net $19'160. On -a positive note h. said, things were changlng and some caterers were ex- pressing'a wiilingness'to work wlth students and' teachers in getting good foods ithe. sciiodi Several sciiools, 'lncludlng Sudbury, already have good nutrition awareness programs under wayand he said, he hoped ýtii alwards would e ncourage ail Ontario schools to develop 'suc- cessful nutrition program. The new program wil b. sponsored by the. Ontario Ministry of 'Health wlth the. support of the. Minlstry of Education. "Without a doubt, the biggest. problem facing the. Minlstry of .He",l itoday' 18 how to,,conlvinceý people to change their lifestyles, for example, to get rid of overindulgent or inadequate eatig habits. "Tii. Food for Health awards program la designed to increas. nutrition awareness and encourage heaithier foods in. the achoos,"ý said Timbreil. SGood nutrition is not, something' that, can be legislated -,and enforced by law, he sald., It is something that requires educatin'ln' the. hope and expectation that people. will assume lni- dividual responsbility for their -own health and wel being.. Guldelines and entry for- ms for.'tii. awards com- petition have alreadybeen mailed to' student council throughout'Ontarlo throusgh the principals, of the sehools., $,OOO.spendi*ng liniit fo'r parties Tii. amount, of money spent on receptiona being iield by the. Region of Durhiam for officiai openingi and othèër oc- casions bas been provlded ~for i 'the. budget unless if cSs xnmoré than $1,000. At the. October 3 meeting of council, Wiitby, Mayor Jlm ,Gartsiiore pres.ènted the. rommendation W couneil in his capacity as, vice- chairman of thie management committe. Tii., ýdebateé over tie motion was heated, and long,. as some councillors, thought that it was'atil much too much money tW b. sp.nding on receptions. Some Councillors wanted it reduced tii.h price Of cof- f.., mos t notably Newcastle's BiH Carke and Oaiiawa's Ed Kolodzie., Carke was ej.cted from the. meeting :by Regional Chairman Walter Beatii af- ter h. refus.d tW sit down af- ter us, amendment to bhave' the. cost reduced tii th price of cofféeewas rejected. B.atii said thattiie amen- dment was rejected becaus. Clark. could not ascertain- the, price of coU...ý Anotiier amendmnent, proposal. came fromn Osiiawa's Bruce MacArthur Wo bave the, cost reduced- W $M0. Counâcilrejected tbat in a majority vote. Gartahore said that Propoéal would give recep- tions a special category I tiie budgËet and that if the. money was not Wo beused,, council could allott it for- sometiiing else. Any reception wich costs over $1,000 would have Wo get direct ,council 'approval, Gartshore'said'. >Tii. motion was passed by regional coundil. There. were some'busy burgiars in Whitby on the might of October 1 and 2. Durham Reglonal Police said tlwta person orpersns unkno'wn broke ito tii. Con- sumers Gag Com.>pany building:.at loi1 Consumera Drïive'sometim e, between» mlidnigiit and 7 a.m. <Tbey galned entry into the. building via the. varehouse door. Police said tjat the safe was entered and tiiat desks and cabinets were ransacloed. Approximately $1,000 in assorted bis and change *was stolen.., On the same nigiit, the. Works-D.partment's offices at 106 'Consumers Drive was also broken ito. Police àid that entry was gained into the 'Durham. Region facility througii a stockroom door. Desks and, NOTICE is hereby given. that the 'Council of, the Corporation-of ,the Town of, Whitby 'intends to pass a by-law to -change, the name, of the highway known "as' Dunlop, Drive to, South Blair Street. The change in streetname is to have the _ name of the subject highway correspond to the name 0of the public highway known as Blair Street located to the- north of Highway No. 401. e I ~ r s l~ " Bfrd b-andingý Tne Toronto Bird Obser- vatory iias recelived per- mission from' thei Central Lake Ontario Conserv aion Autiiority (CLOCA) Wo con- duct a fal bird-banding operation at thieLynde Shore Consrvtion Area. Tne.observatory,,began op.ratlons lait week. and wil continue'into the, firat week ofNo4vember. Tiiey are looking Wo band Saw Whet and Long Eared Owls. Tii. proj.ct wiU b. carrled on atnigbt. 'e-SWXTH BLAIR STREET LAKE 0V'Aqo AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE, that the Administrative Committee of Counicil will, at the hour of 7:30 p.,m., on the l5th day of October,' 197 9, in Comm ittee Roomn No. 1 of the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, htb.Ontario, hear in person or by his ,counsel, solicifor, or agent any person who claiis, that he wiIl be adversely affected.by the by law, and who applies to be hoard. Dalts'c at Whitby, Ontario, this l9th day of September, TAKE -ADVANTAGE 0F * ,GRAND ,OPENING ýSPECIALS * *AT ALL FOU R STORESI!!1* TIEWALLPAPER 3O4ROMFOTIPICEN REN Wm.1 H. Wallace. -A.M.C.T.. C.M.C., Cli!rk.Administrator. Theý Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, ýWhitby, Ontario CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHUTBY Notice o f -Intentipn,

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