Whitby Free Press, 24 Oct 1979, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24,1979, PAGEý 19 SERVICES BROOKLIN TOOL ( SPECIAL SALE AIr tools $40 Mi.crometers $19 2 ton hoiet $30 Dril! Press $225 3 Ton'Car Stand $21 Impact, Sooket. set $3 Tap & Dis $35 ý Plus other reiated pr< Dealers WOcomed COMPLETEAUTOMOTIV GARAGE SUPPLIES IfIGHEST PRICES Puid ter Gald and Silver Cofi aid guns, dlocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, cracks, oil paintings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST.w., QSHAA CARPER HOME REPAIRS i MPROVEM ENTS METRO LiC. B - 2554 itchens, Ceraiuiic Tilini Drywalî, Roc. Rooms,' Cdar Docks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cali'668-4686 « E PAM:1ENTS ONE BEDROOM ipparlment, mac two bedroom hou»e. No pets. TelephoneO 65-791. AUONLS AUICTION SALE Saturdiy, October 27 et 12:30 p.m. Clearing of houehoid affecte, for. Mr. Murray Mller, il 21 Church Sreet north, Pckering. Par. liai liatIinciudee: lwo 3 pc. bedmro suites; 5 pe. kitche n set; eofa & chair; varloue occiaslonal tables; day bed; treadiseeuwIng machine; waehstind; rocker drop lest table; miny lampa; good T.V.; washer linon; blankete; soalers; gluse; chna; email elect. op- plilnces; power iîwn mower; gardon tools; ladder and miny othor good mlsc. Items. Terme cash. No roeorvo. House.eoid. Kahn Auction Services. AUOBILES 1978 ASPEN STATIONWAOON Gr"s. Good condition. Appiy il 140 Kent St. apt. 72, or phone 668-11757,. ,,& n- oT neUDO! 427 600aH.P.%Re§ ELECTRICIAN Rosidential & Com- merdai. Rewirlng oid homnes a especlalty. Reasonibi. rates. Phono IEXPERIINCED BOOKEEPINC Fi &Mt of books 10 trwwiailtnS, taxil etc. Pick Up & deliveY. Plhonse6M 1012. ALTEHATONS Exporly cdons.PMm »682864. QUALIFIED TECHER Would Me1k. help atudentiff ugo 4 to 8 who ha' dlffICURlly isang.Fées 84 an houi Caii Sieter Therse Todd. 660&9M WhItby. FORRET MOT TUBS TO RENT MIi1«8a9 & In. mliii for homeown.r a faily eize Hot Tub, offsring theripeullo hydro-jet massag for timd iching limbe. LOie for 1.2 or 3 yeir with option tc own. Cai il ras1400.26645970. ResponsibI. Person Wanted To rent living accom-, modation ln a seasonai business IOCated ln south end of Whitby. 1 Co. 3o Dd. ME ins, Ai mi ani iii au dut Cod roi elh lurf pid Phc Fil for 114 CH( iong coll aizi LAI Cori dIlIo PIAP coll Phor RELI a toc 0249 zon Reasoniabie. Cali 668-7573 or Tor. 266-47<7 EF0R AE %LUMA M OT TUBS buy direct from ninuticturer end save. Hydro-Jot asoago caresses tired and aching rnbs. Enjoy therapeullc relaxation id fun for tho enlire fimiiy. Caiiton1 see 14800-268-5970. WIMMINQ POOL cover's heavy ut, wieved, double home, reinfor- d grommels, coiled'bolh aides., mises ultra-violet raye. Spoclally osn. 2-6 years wirrantlos. Manufic- ere agent In Oehawa. 723-7865. lie with new mattress, bumpor gde, 3 shoots. $40 or beSt offor. one 725-8485. IEWOOD Ail I. ý 'ood. Truck full 880$.00. Fret 'y'. Phone 668. 140. IOCOLATE BROWN Suede full glh doit. FuIpliepi Ming. Fur lîr. Sîzo 16, wom 2% monthe. Now . needed. Phono aller 4.668.1235.ý AGE ô PC!. Mes bedroomn suite. tomporary style. Excellent con. In. Aeking $600. Phonoe66816U8. NO Appirtmont sîze upright. Ex- ont condition. 3 years old. $1,500. ono 668.1668. JIABLE INDIV16UAL 10, babyell for oddior In our homo. Wet Lyndo 8,Whltby. Caii 668.167'7 deys, 668& Q evonIng. HOFORENT 0STOREY BRICK HOUS! Cmn- yiocited ln Wh!tby. Commorciaiy md. Ideam for business. Aviliablo eodialely. Mrm. J. Boyce. 668.-7704. HOME j IMPVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION Renovalo, add - omx, dry wall, fireplîces etc. guaranled, competivo pricos. ,ollucti 282-3478. PENOAL 'OU TIRED 0F BEING ALON!? hat epecial persn. Apply. P.O. 14. Owen Sound, Onlirlo. N4K 4l0 Wh10 ugo. "a i àgod room erature * sSwimming time *- wear a coat ARE Y( Muet te Blox 10 SPI. pli 2(rC tem~ baoc to ir. ESVICES CUSTON TA!! rm'oviia & lrming. Freo estimîlas. Phoneof6681094or PAINS T7% TIMES face value for Cinadlen coins bofore 1966. Buying goid & dlamond rings. Phone 668- 656or906.7057. RU TUKS %a TON FORD 6 cyiinder standard. Very good condition. CortIfiooc. Phono 668.6169 WANTED Whitby townhouse. Jefory Or Bume preferrod. Caii PrIncipies Oniy ReM Estato Services. 65492. ELECTRONIÇ BINGO Sponsor-, Valleyvie w Park $3,000 - MUSTGO! $1 j000 - JACKPOT MUST GO! 10 REGULAR GAMES AT $75 ,Lghtnlng round $200 - Gua- ranteed. Early bird $100 Guaranteed 20 free Instant bingo at $5 BONUS BUNDLES 16 VALUE FOR $10 OR PLAY For as litile as $2 FREE ADMISSION EVERY WEDNESDAY" RED BARN-AUD. 172 Wayne Court N. Oshawa HAIRDRESSER WANTED WITH CLIENTELLEi P HO0N E664-9262 CORRUGATOR SCHEDULER ,A large corporation of the Toronto area, requires a Correga Scheduier. Familiarity wlth doubie-Cuttîng an asset. Startlng salary, Comensurate with experlenCe. Excellent benefit package. Appiy ln confiden ce to: Box 206 Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 I il E $SALES, REP$ Ve have an oponing for a soi 'f motivatod person ýnterested'in the advertising sales field. Experience is flot a qualification, just ambition. For appt. calil Karen Thompson 668-6111 IWE'RE YOURWAY WE ARE ACCEPTINO APPLICATIONS, FOR ALI MILITARY TRADES Visit aur Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada Employment Centre Oslawa-Oct.e 10,17,24,31, & Nov. 10:00 arn. -3:00 p.m. Quality Screened TOP SOIL SAND & STONE TED ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY- Brock Rd., N.., R. R. 1, Pickoring 683-0887> PLOWING Plan now for the & M aýhndl No location too Rio or too .-SmaI., CAIL 668-5603 FRANKi _ _ _ _ _ R E A LT O R lor 225 BROCK STREET NQRTH ARE INTERESTED MN YOMUI We need a few good sales people. if you are interested un settung your own achievement goals regarding in- corne, we now offer you an exclusive audio-visuai train. ing programme, also, we'il encourage you toward reaching your goals. You can be infiated with the resuits we can help you attain. You can b. hippy work- ing in a professionai atmosphere which iends itsef to efficiency and pleasant working conditions. Whether you are qualified at present, or currently taking or considering the government pre-licensing course - we want to taik to you! For a confidential personai in- terview caîl TONY KLOMPMAKER 668-6171 1 --.r - f >M-m il

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