A-GE 20Q, WEDNESDAYo, OCTOBER 24.1<0-WMTià nv a Free PressEporium CaII 668 6 11 o EMpriýmAd$ wilil only b acceptd sûbject to the followug Conditions. MOBMS $10; by mbsm, - Iio bà %- I, @Y" $T1 0;bs. ~ _ __ _ _ Wheri the advertîsed item I od lpsd0,o unavaîll whatverreaon, he temwlI be cleemeci to have been soIc commission wllI be charged based on THE ADVERTISED1 as illustrated below, regarcjîess If priceis' stated wlth "best4 If the Item ls NOT SOLO, or disposeci of, the ad wllbe rui MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wlll appi advertîsements must be placeci on an exclusive basîs wl WHITBY FREE PRESS and run a? least one month If nci C C oi 1971 mileu exhi 35rfor 74k'l KM. F VAMi $900,0o 8325 ai SKI D1 lent ^c cool$1 desTa, straw- t le PT. ib Chevy oe lent col Portedj and poi. star heli other al Phonoe 1975 Sm2 lent. conc helmet,-ç Phono :29ý 77 RO 111DHALF TONI apag. Low inhieage. ch. Automatia tranumîs i MMp. AM-FM, 8-traok, poW 0.8.,Aaoking $5000.Al 1078 PLYMOUTH SEIRING black"Intorior. 318 2 ban mags Wlth radil. 60 merle itemo ,mëIlyutom. WII certil Phoneo0o.940 1974 AMUASSADON à OR Poweul teering & bralos. dîtionlà g. Radio and olIe condione. Wii certlly. Aoki 1971 DODUE CORON". vagon. 318 Autornatio. $30 Xfer, Phone e00a.gg '9R TOYOTA enow tir@ ClOaorsJack $t; trahir hltch1 00d condition. Cali 000.4257 73 PLYMOUTH FURY V-8. ering & brakes. Good cor 50. Phoneo 68. FS D0DUE MONACO V-8. ering' & brakes. New tIret muet syetem. $1,100. Phon Sept. I/ega Wagon automati( 50, Phne 655-4974.' Aug. 1Toyota automatiic, 5 s, good condition. $60 668-4495 «" Aug. E RECREATIONAL VEHICLES""ý1 >RCYCLE 1979 PE175. 2, POrted & poilshed. Fox shoc rit and Bell Moto 3 hein ;81,800. Phono anytime atti 3&7105. Sept. 26, ýHA ITr 175lIn good, cor ýRecently reb ulît engi Dr best <offer, Phone 6, iter 4 p.m. on.we ekdal *sept. 19, )00 snow mobile. Exc ondition. 440 TNT f 1,100 orbest offer, inc cýh ometer & cover.. AI for Sale. -Phone 65,5.80I Sept.. 12, HANOMADE 5SKI BOAT 29 flgIne, V-drIve, Ingood col $2,000 or beet oife. Phon Aug. 22,7 JZUKI RM 125B Excel Dndition. WIsco pistor & pollshed. Very quîci iwerful wlth Bell Moto met, Olgger boots anc ccessories. $800 f irn M82203. Aug. 22, 75 ZUKI RM l25CExceI. gloves. Asking 81,000. PÂ.6029. 1111 UMe new. Prfect oct. 24,79 i Explorer 00 cuble in. 18110n. Ford Mr booster, c for Brod.- Oct. 17, 7b 3 Red with rai. Mae 4 la Pioneer 'y. 82800. >001.3,79 IOGHAM î. Air con- ck. Good Ing $l'm9. Oct. 3, 79 station Oor bout Oct.37 15;AIl în kot. 3,79 Power ýndltIon. t. 26,79 power a., New ne 668. 1.26,79 C- 7,000 >.00 3, 79 ,000_ net. c ýer 4 tu) '79 idi- ÇCG Ine. p.rr 568-« ýys. 79 cet- fa n ci. 79 te i. id 1. 29 Fli rui wrnor It Gottle wWlf$3;,rlnn bike 820; baby ceu bed $5. pony Wiilcer $1&, room divider $20; haavy d«ty floorpoilshor $0,; ootrie kit. Chan dock 8,; oendur bénder $35; hydrollo rowar $40; tomm rn 810; 3. HR7S.9114 steel belted radial tire&30 1-XR7Sl4 $10. Cii00.1847. Oct. 24,79 CaHOCT ROWN Susd", full Foghcot ull pli. ilnlng. Fur colla,. Size 10, WOrn 2% MOnthe. New aizo noed.ed. Phton. mIter 4.000.1235. Oct. 24, 79 BROWN NYLON IROCADE Chouter. Ibid& cair Exellnt condition. $M0. Phone.0684m. OCt. 24, 79. INGLiS steve. White, 3w'. $100; baby caurlgo, cmn tum 1 nt a strolior or car bed. $30; two iawn mowe, 1 eiectrlc, 1 g.. $25 eCh, 1 sofa $2; 1 tobophone table $15. Phono 579.M39 Oct. 24, 79, TWIN OUEO $5. two end tables $5 >Phone durlng daytlo 00.500, Ext. 21M. evonlnge e980.470 Oct. 24,79, 1 BROWN, PERSIAN LAFMO ,COAT F with peard mlnk collat s-e1020 Uo P new,' used only a 1e* timos. Prico $40or boat cIter, Phono 004308. Oct. 24, 79 2 CAP TAIN% CHAIRS rod crushod velvet, swivel 'bases, $225'i pair; FO StYrofoam van codior, new'$40. bsà suiti box sprlng & mattreme 39" $50; Emor. boat son console wainut 609" long AM-FM with garard Changer $100; Antique White treadio sewîng machine $50; API wagnisonlc AM-FM tuner $45; Interior spin wooden door- 30 x 78 x 1 318 $2. Cofl< Phone 720-2327. SË'fl Oct. 17 QUEEN SIZE SUD Posin mattn th one brand. New hoad board. oint condition $110. CaIli 08-00j >Oct. 1i, ISOLINE LAWN MOWERS king condition. 825 @ah or bu, r.06&7511 after a p.m. Oct. 17,7 5H10D VELVET couch, gr- bdo style. 5Sysare Cid. $110. Phor 1075, alter a p.m. Oct. 17, BOY'S 11KE $50. Cait afier< wltt ai >Orki ffer. 81,R xc n.1 Oct. 17,79, HUMIDIFIER In good condition. Ap. Proximateîy 2 yeare oid. Upright model 850. Caii aft.r 5Sp-m. 68-8910. Oct. 17,79 WALL 'HUNO electrlc fireplace. Heat re&Irlog. $75; 2 E-78-14 snow tires $2. Phone 000.1843. Oct. 10, 79 -ELECTROHOME console steroo wlth AM-FM automatîc record changer, 8. tract recorder & playor, wainut cabinet. Ask.ing $225. Caii66&j.14e. Oct. 3, 79 BABY 00008 package deal. ln- cludos: Sllver Cross cardage, stroior, Joly Jumper, toddler seat, back carrier rocker loungo chair & othors. Agilin A. Il condition. $M0. Phonoe000.3794.' sept. 20,79 USED DOORS (1) 34" x 82 ext. nUW»MgaY 0" - $30 (2)32 x 8 ext, coder wlth wlndo w $30 M~ 3411 x I2' ext. mahogany wïth window $30 (4) 3"x 80Y'mormon door M$5)534"- x 82" mormon door $28 (0) 32" x 80 sorain door $M- F rencht prov. ch"n Wood colee.and end table $80; 2 lumînum stonn windows 32"' x 55W,' $10 euch; single. uink $10; 24"1 white ang hlood 815; arborfto circula, col. e table $15; colle. colourad polo mmp, $2M md thormaigard bedroom drap.« $20, unlnod drapes for child'a rom, Ilght brown &a mimai pattern 10. Phonoe00.480. sept. 20,79 VELVET SWIvEL ROCIKER CHAIRS. Iat base. Bearing ewivel. 1 med, 1' et. As new. $150 each. Phono 000. 062. Sept:'26.,79 Ex 1. et 79 sy. 79 RATES [if article Is Sod]: 5% Of advertîsed price Up to 8400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold- item adverflsed for 8120.00 'comnmission due $6.o Private advertîsing onlyl Please notlfy us if you fimd a1 rel Please netify the Whitby Free Press 'mmedet sold -so that we may -delete it from the following Issues. Al .ads notf ittlng the Em-purîum guidelinos wilI be treatec charged per week as regular classifled ads on- a pro paid b such as: services, help wantedt'ciothing, real estate, and persi message type ads, orads not quotîng price or quantity: Prii classified ads may' appear ln the Emporium section ur apprepriate headings. MIAIL AOS T: FREE, PRESS EMPORIUM P-00. BOX 206, THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORiUM ADS'IS THE FRIDA PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT Nnn t 3tc n c 79 excelli 3-4 yr * 3022. n BOY'5 1 hockey hockey, $10. Te PDL2 X chan nel $250. fi 14's gia 2 wintei china cR Phone6 sor's 34 glirlls 20" uphPoste, .875. Muiti rcorder & $20, Occi gia ishi hand ringei TELETAINI DAMES, LOI TLE. Prico S CHESTERI chair $120; Suitabe for cati 668-088 LUORESCI bdrot Cul Motal cupoi dl.. 25 cnte AQUARIUM ccssorles, collent condi PhoneoU00.9 FULL LEI coat ur, colour. Wori Old. $320 nev 10.' Phono & HOOVERý dryer. in gc $100; Chidre GM infan se ty seats $15 e 80, 45, 0; fl. 79 nd -n e Me OR DEL IVER1 131 Brock st. CHEERFIELD SUITEÈ for the big man in mind.è $ 1,400. -Will seil $800; set coffee table & end table. Sý rnaple $100 for the set; 3 bedroom suite $175; kitcl suite - 5 Pc: chrome suite1 Best offer will. be acceptec SALE Purpie rug & dri be for rec. room. Akng $3 lifer for bothi. phone 66&616 sept. 2 IlANCES Viking was cryer, avocado, excell ion $175. Rife, 22c automaà tmc, with,. ca ent $85. Phono 655.405 Sept., 19, ABELL ORGAN. Like r r.~ oid. 81,000. Caîll < Sept.- 19, s SIZE ý1 CcM Tac Yskates $20; BOY's bI, Ypa'nts. Waist»'.Size 2. elephone 668.5227.' Sept. 12/ A~nd Universe 23 e side band CB "set. for both. Tires F775. ass belted, 2 sumnmer 8 r $80. Mahogany < tbinet. Best offert SePt. 12, 79 4PEEO raclng bicycle $55; 'whft i bcycle 84; 4 nowy IrOd swîvel kitchon chaire e pf ee rosi eoi tpe $150; Antique condiment et melionai table 15; prose e$5; Cerivai vae 15; Od or $2. Phono 5794929. Sept. 12,79 IMENT TV GAME, WITIi lKE NEW, USED VERY LIT. "40. PhoneoO00.509 Sept. 12,79 'IELO with 1 m tchig i non matchng chair $40. hi 300or 18. 6,79 Ilent cal1. ase, ý53. 79 new 655-. 79. :ks lue A 26 '79 Sept. 12,79 'ENT DESK amp $4; 2 lboard doors $3 Oah; le rd dor hingesand han- a ch. Cali e00S. -%Pt- 5 79 15 gai. wlth canflp, Il 1Iron stand Md fiah. Ex. NGTH LEATH'ER collar. Brown/red In very littie. 2 years vW. Asking $150. Size $68-7613. Sept. 5. 79 WASHER- spin o.od working order en's'car seats - one eat, two Ford sale. ea. Phono 655-4045. M Aug. 29, CEDAR HOPE CET tfray lned with green f( $],000 newasking $300 or-bi 011cr 'Phono 579.3395. Aug. 22, AIR 1 CONDITIONER $8 Le wit vacuum cleaner $4 Camera stand, brand new $i Many other itemà s. Price to se Phono 725.1585.' Aug. 22, REEL-TYPE power iawn, MOwer $7 TwIn enamnei iaundry tube, wlbh star anpd piumnbing $30, Mottait bulit-I aven and mohagany cabinet, ran top blue enamnel wlth 36 Inch stov, fan. $100. Cali 728-6470. Aug. 15,71 COLEMAN LANTERN $15; Funk & Wagnail encyclopedia set $50; Praktica 35mm came ra Outfit $200; AMAF VOIT-MR 12 regulator wit 'h Dacor pros- Auq. 15, 79 30 INCH White choîmaster stove 90od Condition. $35. Phone 855-3006. - 49. 15,79 Console Stereo Grundeig, not in working ordler $120. Two matresses & box springs twin size $40.7 pair; child's dresser red & hite $90).; Teak desk $95.; Phone after 5 p. 281-2999. Aup. 8, 79 ILVIERIVE tS $U&,$1o, old mlvor bufterdlsh with knif. $59 ShlverCandie stick 810 Pari; antique ladies drosser wlth largobevlOd vii swinging miffor$175; antique cheet 01 druwoeru, sold cdc on, china cester, iii bras hardware & key hootwit h key 8250; IFOR SALE 18 month oid purebmdi i glsto.d yeIlOW labrador maWe.US0 Ior boat citer. Phono 055-3890 evennga.sept. 28,79 AU ARTS 2-16mo1N Mîcholî'n Radial lires. 4 boit paft.m. Uko now. Aslclng 800 for the pair. Cii 00-002. >oct. 17, 79 Aug. , 79 1 PAIR 0F AUSTRALIAN diantond Doves at $S0 a pair 1 pair cf Gorman Roufer Canaries ati$30à pair; One pair of Zebra Finches et $15 a -pair. WIth' ces«If deslred at $8 per cage. Phone 668-2461.sept. 26,79 IM fo mové? be sure to cal Phonen able for Id and a PRICE offero. n for 3 iy. Ali 0th the t SOld. Italler em is J anci basis sonai1 vate inder TO: N., itby built New ?t of Solid hon $75. Ion, ione *79 top eli . mg Strength and iron are often associated in word and deed. You!ll 1; find that.your daily meals will be strengthe'ned,,n utrlt ional ly, if the foods you eat contain»pienty of Iron. Lîke the iron in the steel of a powerful diesel engIne, the iron l n your body helps us to make Up a substance known as P hbmogbobin in the red corpuscles in you 'r blood, Other Impor- tant nutrients like protein and copper must also be present for the formation of this vital material. It Is the red corpuscles, or red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the other ceIls th.rough your'body. Unless they are well suppîied wlth hemoglobin' from the iron and other nutrients in the foods you eat,' they may not work efficientîy. Remember that the oeIls in'your body, must haveplenty of oxygen to "burn" or oxidize the food you eat, so it can be changed into energy and strength. Althoughý it's a long, roundabout process, your strength and energy realîy do depend upon the amount 0f iron whlch reaches your red blood celîs. Because, Its job'is so- important, people are often amazed to find that dietary iron is needed in very small amounts. A speclç no larger than the head of a pin will supply a normal, person's dally iron needs. But nutritionists tell us Itl is not s0 easy to get that esse'ntiaî "speck" of iron. Even the best food sources of this mninerai contribute only minute amounts. Meats, especiaîîy organ. meats like'liver and heart and sweetbreads, are.excellent sour- ces 0f iron. Breads and, whole grain cereals, leafy. green vege- tables, dried fruits like prunes, apricots and raisins, oysters and other shell f ish and dried beans also provilde Worthwhille amounts of Iron when eaten ýregularly. One other important source of dletary iron Is olten overlooked- that of enriched- white flour and enriched white bread. Since February, 1953, In Canada extra iron has been added, through enrlchment, to these dommon, wldely used foods. Only four slces of enriched white" bread will supply one-third of the daily iron requirement 0f an average man. This Is good news, for those who prefer white bread can now have their cholce and many of their necessary nutrients too. Doctors and nutrltîonîsts remind us that an lron-poor dally diet may be the cause of a condition known as nutrîtional anemia. When you have this type of anemia your blood appears pale and thin arnd you usually feel tired and listless. Although shôrtages of other essential nutrients, like protein and the B vitamins, may contribute to the anemic condition, a shortage of iron is probably the most common cause, On the other hand, some people are anemîc even though their meals contain plen- ty of iron-rich foods. Their bodies are not able to use the iron wh lch is available becau se of some defeot ln their mnetabolism. The safest general rule for an iron-clad diet Is the same sen-, sible story aIl over again -Every day choose balanced meals containing enriched or whole grain cereals and breads, rreat. and leafy vegetables. l't's as easy asthat. i Y FEI -iS WINTER MIS HERE We have coats, bôots, hats, mits, stiow suits, etc.. Alil sizes, aOU styles DISCOVER USI THfE< >NFARLY NEW SHOP, 131 'Brock StS. WhftbY 148-4100 73 Colins St. rr I I. -I jI I i m m 1 t -in doubt, cali 668-61 ý - - - -- . . %oiq pq a muur4. 1 1 - -"- -à 9 m 0 1 1 bm *ARE VOUR MEALS IRON.CLAD IS A QUESTION'BEING ASK7EDI by Joan Fielden m m