PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Katleen Wels wins mathematies prizýe atAnderson By MICHAEL KNL Free Press Staff Kathleen Wels has won Anderson Colleglate and Vocation Instltute's grade il prize for mathematies. Anderson principal, Fred Parrott said that Miss Wels won the prize on the basis of lait year's sehool perfor- mance and that the award will be givýen posthuniously, Miss' WeIs, Who was brutailysa"n on July 2, ýwas a high achiever in sehool and was recognized as both a top student and a top athiete. When he infonrned- the Free Press of the award, Parrott said he did not know whether'or not Miss WeIs' parents will receive the award for ber. Rfe did say, however,,that tbey were expected to be present to witness their son's graduation. Florida trip winner Earl Starling (left), owner of Starling Pools Ltd. and Tom Dodge, the manager of the Whitby Bank of Nova Scotia draw the winner of Starling's ail expense paid trip to Florida, conteat, The wlnner wiIl spend one week i Orlando near the famous Disneyworld. The winer also reeives the use of a car for bis stay. Mr. K. Adamsa of Sharon Ave, Oshawa won the trip.