Whitby Free Press, 14 Nov 1979, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY,,NOVEMBER 14. 1979), WHITBY FREE PRESS I Report frorn :Queen' s Pari ~~ By GEORGE ASIlE, MPP w (PC-DURHAM WEST) Therecnt elaseof heQuebec Governmnent's White Paper on'Sovereignty Association bas once again focused national attention on the very real tbreats of Quebec separation. Many will argue that this is an issue not en- tlrely withln the jurisdiction of an ýelected representative to the Ontario Legisiature. My personal feeling is that, flot only is this. a subjeet which rnust concern every Canadian,' but that la Is the responsibiity of leaders from every segment of althe communities acroos the country to, speak out on very clearly. Premier Levesque's White Paper to the people of Quebec, althougb wel written, is a blatently mlsleading document. He bas described "sovereignty" as meaning that the Government of Quebec would acquire.-, in addition Sovereignt- a0socato should fot be ne oi to the powers they already bave, tbose now exercisedby Ottawa ... the power to levy ail taxes, to rnake ail laws and to be present on the international scene. He bas outlined "association" as meaning that the Goverrnment of Quebec would reach an agreement with Ot- tawa (on bebalf of the other ten provinces) on a number of items. A few of tbese are proposed to be: the dollar would be rnaintained as the only currency between the two coun- tries, with free circulation of money; both parties would re nounce rigbt to c ustoms barriers at common borders; tbere would be free competition within botb'markets and joint management of Air Canada and Canadian National Railways, just to narne a few. In return, of course, Quebec would allow Canada"j few things, like free use of tbe St. Lawrence portion of the Seaway. The White Paper doesl not mention the true reailties of negotiating such an agreernent. It is completely unrealistic to infer that the Government of Quebec could have total legislative authority and international status, without the inherent economie risks. In responding to this document, Premier William Davis has once again said the Government of Ont ario continues to oppose ".sovereignity association". In bis statement to the Legislature, the Premier repeated that Ontario's absolute commitment not to negotiate "association" with the Government 0f Quebec remains complete and, un- diminished. Ontario is very anxious to be part of working with Quebeckers to cbange Confederation. The Ontario Gover- nînent sees the Quebec referendumf as yet another part of the total process which bas been going on in this country since'before Confederation. Througbout the years, the issues may bave differed, but the central theme bas been the samne. This central therne is a cornron concern for the preservation of a unique national community across the northern bal of this continent, a cornrunity that shares basic'values and is particularly sensitive to the various cultureof the people living here. The French-Canadian people bave been a vital part of this process, and we want them to continue to be. Tbe Premier is urging ail Ontarians to speak out for Canada, in' the strongest and most direct terms possible to our neigh- bours in Quebec. If you bhave not aiready read the White Paper on Sovereignity Association, I would urge you to do so. Althougb the total document is misleading and inaccurate, the historical outline as presented by tbe people who govern Quebec at tbis tirne, rnight belp you te understand wby sorne Quebeckers feel they bave been rnistreated., And un- derstanding their feelings is important,- regardless of whether or flot you agree they have in fact been rnistreated., Like Premier Davis, I arn convinced- that wbile there may be a government' in Quebec today cornritted .te tbrowing away tbe relative prosperity and freedorn wbich cornes with Canada as a nation, we are certain the people of'ý Quebec are not. SHANNON HUMAN RSUC CONSULTANTS -LTD..----- HERBERT W. SHANNON, B.A., M.A.,M.ED. WENDY E JOHNSON, B.A., HONS. B.A., PRESIDENT CONSULTANT SHANNON HUMAN RIESOURCE CONSULTANTS LTD). WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT TWO PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINARIS WILL DE HELO NOVEMBER M0,1979 AT THE GENOSHA FLAG INN IN OSHAWA SUPERVISORY SKICLLS For the supervisor and thosa who plan 10 become supervisors. Leam how to organîze work- asstgnments and motivaIs Oflpoyes. Lectures, workshops, roie-ptaytng and discussions. "The Transition.- Doing to Managing "Motivation of Subordinates "Supervisory Decisions " Effective Listenlng "Planning Vour Work THE WORKINO WOMAN To assist women In coplngwith probtems ln the worid of worlc. Are you a working girl, or do you want to become one? Lecutres, film, workshops, demon. strattons, rote-piaytng and discussions. " Career Planning and Networkc Building " Assertlveness and Interpersonal SktIls " Self-improvement - Make-up, Dreas Seminars will begin wtth registratton at 9:00 a&m. end lunch Mili be servedi from 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. The woricshops wiil end at 4:00 p.m. The total cost of each seminar ls $95.00. A certifleci choque or money order for 335.00 wilt ensure enroiment. The remainlng $W0.00 witi be patd upon arrivai at the semilnar. However, those who pay the fuit amnount f Ive days or more prior to the sominer need only forward $85.00. Please make choque payable to Shannon Human Rosource Consultante Ltd., and matliit to 370 Main Street Eaut, Suite 301, Hamilton, Ontarto, LBN 1.14. Enroiment ta llmittd. Addittonal Information may be obtatned by caitng Shannon Human Resource ConsultantseLt. at (416) 528-4271. REGISTRATION FORM NAME: ADDRESS: BUSINESS: No. Street Apt. City Postal Code Position Orgénizatton PHIONE Home: Off ice; SEMI1NARCHECK ON ETHE WORKING VVOMAN EN OSED(-CHECKONE)M0.00...85.0 M MMENIR 0 0 O-P. IMM MW m Ulm.- SAVE $1

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