Whitby Free Press, 14 Nov 1979, p. 20

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PAGE 20,WEDNES"A JlT1DI --- UtN CHA ANA OFFI BEG LEVI ONE EVEI FLE V0uI MEN' IGAM and o C'HESS DAN WORTHf 'B6LEVEL BACKGAMMON A NO CHESS COMPUTER FOR HOME PLAYj COfmPLTIY à0mmPD NTRODUCING THE DANWORTH TWIN.CHALLENGER, THE FURST BACKGAMMON AND CHESS COMPUTER THAT COM. 4ES THE TWO MOST POPIJLAR GAMES INTO ONE HOME MODEL. VOU PLAV DIRECTL'r AGAINSI THE TWN. ALLENGýR, MATCHING WUTS. VOU MAKE A MOVE, THEN ITS THE TWINCHALLENGER'S TIURN, THE COMPUTER ALVSES VOUR POSITION AND THEN FLASHES UTS RESPONSE ON UTS READOUT WINDOW. THE TWINCHALLENGER FERS .6 LEVELS 0F PLAY FOR EITHER BACKGAMMON OR CMESS, E-ACH PROGAESSIVELV HARDER, RANGING FROM 3INNER TO INTERMEDUATE TO INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT PLAY. DEFEAT THE TWINCHALLENGER ON ONE fEL AND VOU'RE READY TO MOVE Up THE ,COMPETITIVE SCALE TO A HIGHER LEVEL THE TWINCHALLENGER ON ELEVEL AND YOU-RE READY ITO MOVE UP THE COMPETITUVE SCALE TO A HIGHER LEVEL. THE TWINCHALLENGER EN TALKS" TOVYOUl, OFFERING INSTRUCTIONS AND COMMENTS ON UTS MAIN LE.D. READOUT SCREEN; OVER 300 X181V STRUCTURED COMMENTS CONCERNING ALL ASPECTS 0F BOTH GAMES. 80 CHOOSE VOUA GAME AND JR LEVEL 0F PLAY, AND LET THE TWINCHALLENGER CHALLENGE VOU TO COUNTLESS HOURS 0F ENTERTAIN. YT FULL .1 YEAR WARRAN UNCONDMOJU 30 DAY Cvl UNCONDITIONAL GUARtANTEE: C Worth ElactranUca dose hersby wan end unconditioal>' gueratee refund ta "an d.ail cuetomera tekse dvantege ai and purch- thraugh the Twînchalîenger off.m heraefter à prompt and full rafund the PurcheeUng prUce aof859.96 p $2.50 shlpplng ndh andlUng thîs pic Pt and fulU r*fund ta ha of fected Wit 10 diye 'of product beîng ratumned bénwarth ElectronUcsanmd BaUd refu ta, ha Un effect for a perUod a0130 de cammencUng fram the dete of recel of the Twnchaionger by th. pi chnulng customeir. Cuetomer May e>k the 2 books lncluded nea bonus andi fes or charge wUli hbUUbiad. WHETHER YOU'RE JUST A BEGUNNER OR AN EXPERT AT EITHER BA)bKGAMMON OR AT CHESS, THE TWU? CHALLENGER WILL AMAZE AND OELIGHT VOU. NOT ONLY US THE TWIqCHALLENGER THE ONLV MODEL ON TH MARKET THAT PLAVS BOTH BACKGAMMON AND CHESS, THE PLAVING FEATURES 0F EACH 0F THE GAMES CO? TAINED WITHIN THE UNIT WOULD MAKE THE TWINCHALLENGER.A BARIGAIN EVEN IF UT ONLV PLAVEb ONEOF TH GAMES. VET s US AVAILABLE AT THE MOST AFFORDABLE PRICE 0F ONLV 85N.95, A SMALL PRICE INDEED FOR TU- BEST ELECTRONIC UNIT VOU CAN OWN. THE SOLUD STATE MICRO.COM PUTERIZED TWUNCHALLENGER COMES FULL EQUIPPED, READV FOR UMMEDIATE PLAY. THE PLAVUNG BOARDS, EACH 12-W INCHES SQ., GAME PIECES, DICE, CUP AND DOUBLING CUBE AS WELL AS TWO INSTRUCTION 130OKS FOR THE GAMES ARE INCLUDED WITHIN THE PUR CHASE PRICE AS WELL THE LLOVDS ADAPTER WHICH US ALSO INCLUDEO PERMITS YOU TO PLAY WITHIN VOUA HOME AND FOR PORTABLE PLAY, SIMPLV INSERT 4 AA BATERIES. TA(E UT WITH YOU ANVWHERE: ON YOURý NEXT PLANE TRIP, VOUR NEXT DRIVE TO THE COUNTRY, OR VOUR NEXT PARTV ANVWHERE YOU GO THE TWINCHALLENGER WULL PROVIDE VOU AND VOUA FIENDS WITH COUNTLESS HOURS 0F ENTERTAINMVENT. BAC to order: Compete and tear out coupon and send to Danworth Eîectronics, 1867 Young St., Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario (AIIow 4 weeks delivery) $2.50 shipping anid handîing. 'm golng t a e you up oni your unconditlonal 30 dey Money Back Guarani"e. Plaeus end me the compte TWINCHALLENGER est for $59.95 plus $2.50 shipplng and hmndlîng and I underutand that If I'm flot 100% satiefled, I cen retum the TWINCHALLENGER to you for a fulU and prompt refund, Including my $250 ahlpplng and handîîng charge. I have 30 deys from the day I recelve the TWIN- CHALLENGER ta decîde whether or flot l'Il keep t, and even If I decîde to retumn the TWIN- CHALLENGER to you, I cen 81111 keep the ? books Incîuded, those books being a bonus ta me for just trylng out the TWINCHALLENGER and aiU the boards, places and adapter that corne wîth t. So piseas eend my orcter to: NAME: ADOR ESS: CITY: ____________PROV:_ ____________ P O S A L O D E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P A Y M E N T E N C L O S E D POSTL CDE:Chq. ". E~ Please charge my order for theTWINCHA LLENGER to my VISA (Chargex carci Number: Expiry date: Signature: VI-SA CREIJIT CARI) HOLDERSO no IlIog posUtici faifous resporw and tes 1) playel and daul situation selectIi dupllcati comploe vlof play (begînner.- taumament 2) you cen play elîher blick or yelw 3) LED. reedout screens vUsible Un & eUtUgt 4) 0 gémelevai t yUrne durUng gemni 5) edd or take away pUeces eny tUrne Un garne 6) set up gare. etuatUoqa aMW PIp lh ) dUgtal tUrne çUock for toumnament play 8) comment end Instruction reaédout scraen 9) audIo tone on/off seleolim 1, gal mose perrnUtted 11) pawn promotion ta queen or otherpI.ce.decaîon yours 12) permUta caatîlng antl En Paimt 131 )n verlcatonimemory racail 14) change board aide eny tUrne durlng gaine 15) no UIegeU mayas psmilnad 1e) pis» &ai aopenîng defecea- SicilUan, Que.n'a Gemnbît, Lapez, etc. 17) computer analyze ovar 3 million poamîble movea befons ding 18) rapons. tUime 12 seconda on level 1 to 4-5 mlnutes on eval 6 19) manuel overlde k.>' for additUonal varlatîana ture to numeicoue to lat heue. BACCOAMMON FEATURES Ulther ClasUcU or Modem 2)6ô leveasof pUay' 3) selectîon ai olther efectroffîc dUcs and doublng cube or manuel entry dîce ubllng cube -yaur choUce 4) cumulatives corekeepîng <even when tumed off) for taumrnent pUay' 5) et up an>' gaine n and pUay' through 6) LE.D. readauts visible Un &elilghts 7) LED. commentallnstmcton reedout ecreen wîth on/off >n 8) eudIo tons - an/off seUsctlon 9) posUtUon verifîcaf Ion by memory realU b>' computer 10) dUversification and tIn featursa 11) random computer respanse ta vary ev.ry gamne 12) Maenuel Overîde and Code Entsy U(eys eagîve playar te controU af gaine. CiLL TOLL FREE i -800-268< OR ASK OPERATOR 67 636 WECHALLENGE YOU to computerized L Dan- Tiant ta thit irng plus thin 1 to und wysâ elpt pur- IN-' H0 ON. 4E E lE .L m 1 m

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