Whitby Free Press, 14 Nov 1979, p. 25

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WI-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1979 , PAGE 25 BROOKLIN TOOL C0. 1SPECIAL SALE Ai-tools $40 Micrometers $19 2 ton holet $30 Drill Press $225 3 Ton Car Stand $21 Impact Sooket set $30 Tap&ýDle $35 Plus other related prod. Dealers Welcomed COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES IIGEST PRICES à jdfor GoId and Silver coins, ahi guns, clocks, jeweîery, dishes, furniture, cracks, ail, paintings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA CARPENTR HOME REPAIRS I MPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 itchens, Ceramic Tiling DrYwall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio - Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cail 668-4686 APARTMENTS FOR RENT_ LARGE 3 BDRM appartment In newer Whltby. duplex. Juet rsdecorctod. Large yaod $30 plus utlîties. Phono 576-1123. AUI TINS-- AUCTION SALE Saturdcy, Novombor 24f79, 12:00 noon. The proporty of Mr. il Mms. J. Vickers on Groenwood I Id. 314 mile soulli of Groonwood village. Scle of houeehold contents. Pecan dinling room suite wlth octogonal table; curlo cabinet; beda; drossera; min-ors; dîshos; numorous othor ar- ticles. Dtails noxt woek. Terme cash. No roserve. John Annis, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Monday, November lgth, 7 p.m. et 16 Bond St. E., Oshawa. The sats of thaestetswMr.& Mms. Gemet Thompeon of Goder St., Whitby. Coneisting of 9 Pc. mahogcny ding room suite; 4 po. wainut bedroom suite; large spInot type dock; aide by aide refrldgorctor &' 3011 range, white; oid copper wsshlng machine; 26" TV; old pins splnnlng wheei; 2 old dinlng rocin tables; nor- mal househoid dishes, pots & pane; plus corne colloctabie glass; dwum table; 2 - 3pc. loveseats; lampe; pins 75 MERCURY MONARCH 2 doo 302 V8 power eteorlng, prbrakes, auto. transmission, good condition. Cali anytîme after 7 weelcdays. Bat. & Sun. anytime. 68-84 1 1 ESR:ES <m PSYCHIC Intematlonay ^ known. Private consultation by appoînimont oniy. Cali ROSAMONO at 576-7492. Oshaw, star 4 p.m. i ACCOUMMODATIONI BRAND NEW 2 BDRM LUXURY AP- PARTMENT to shèro In Whitby. $162.50 a mo. Includes saunc, whirl pool bath, squash court & tennis. Phono 725.6195. PAYINQ 8S TIMIES face value for Can adicn coins before 1968. Guns, antiques, gold and dicmond rings wanted. Phono 6684M6 or 985.7057 (port Porry) e 0O MI1 M into activity. For a better Life- style for ail the family, try bicycling or skiing. The Instili the fitness habit your children. Get involved in sports or Quality Screoned TOP SOIL Also SAND & STONME 'TED ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY Brock RdI., N., R. R. 1, Pickering 683-0887 IHAIRDRESSER WANTED--i requirement. For Interview and sample presentation please phone 668-3989 for I 1 1177 TOYOTA CANADIAN 'Excellent condition. Loos than 10,000 miles. Safety inspscted. Used as second car. Plhonse68&3198. 19M FORD 6 cyl. autnmatic. 6,000 miles oqro rbulît engins. lorida car, no ruet. Very good runnlng condition. $W6, Certif led. Phions 6686-M21. 1972 UJNCOLN CONTINENTAL MARK IV Certlfled. A-1 condition. Fuliy equlpped. AMIFM st@eo & cassette player. 34,200. Phonse666. 1379. nA ART71 ONE SET ofl Firestone Deluxe Cham- pion Radiais wlth as than 5,000 mles on them. P16515 R13. Fite Om- nie or Horizon. Phfons 668-8026. ED:YARE DAYCARE REOUIRED 8:30- 5:30 p.m. Prsferabiy In or near my home. To start January 2nd. Greenwood Cree. 666&1690. DAYCARE avaliabie ln -my home. West Lyndeoares. Phono 668M063. M MYMENT ALTERATIONS Expertiy dons. Phono 668-2864. nFR AE 3M COPYMITE desk-top. Good working order. Plionse688.111 (MIke or Robin). FRIOGE range, freezer' and 5 pce. bedroom suite. For more Information cali 66.013 anytime. AVOCADO aide by aide frIdge a 30" etovo. Good condition. $450 for pair. Phonoe668.075. BUILDING MATERIALS From old homo. Stair case, bricks, etc. Phono 2943770. OIL TANK for fumaéce. 200 gai., 1 yoar old. $50. PhoneoU6-6273 after 6 p.m. BRAND NEW Gai Chinon, movis camera, with ail avalabie option. Nover been used. S25. Phono 668- 0621. TRAILER HITON that wiii fit Pontiac or Chov. car. WiII pull c house traloer. Phono 655&4237. LENOTICE 1 RUDOLPH H. BOB wlli not be responsibie for any dobe Incurred ln my namee citer this date without my wrtten consent. Slgned, October 31, 1979. Rudolph H. Bob. RECTAONAL V ILES, DUNE BUGGY 2 cstor. Prof. fesslonaty bulit. Modo for liard to gsi Into huntnng and filshing crocs.4Off lui

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