Whitby Free Press, 14 Nov 1979, p. 27

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Mainstreamn L CanadaI "Bing the Bullet" BYy W. Roger Worth The fu length coat of na. (uni Russian silver fox la prlced at $17,000. There's a luxurlous caif leather day-Into-night bag from Itiy that sella for a cool $275. Here's a mobair/wool/ acryiic sweater lrom Italy at $230. Or how about a bip- Iength festher Jacket at $5.50 per copy. These prlcey Items are flot Included in a sales promotion for a filrm deallng exclusively with the ver>', ver>' dcii. AIl' the goods are fixtures in a wldeiv dlstributed catalogue adverds- lng Slmpsons' goodies for the. Christmas season. - 1Tbat's wbat's happening lu the. reai worid of merchan- ding. In the sometimies unreai world of govemnment, econo- mics, and civil service manda- rins, there's a different view- point. "Canadians cani expect a tough -winter," says federai WHITBY1 Finance MisterJohn Croulie. "I1t's drne to bite the bullet."1 Crosbie backs Bank of Ca- nada Governor Geruid Doue>' when he diaims that witbout record iiig Ii nterest rates Ca- nadians face "an econounlc and social breakdown."1 Hash' words Indeed. Bouey contends that igh interest rates wili keep a Iid on the rate of Inflation (now slightiy les than 10% per year). FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAy, NOVEMBER 14, 1979,-PAGE 27 SWhat botii Douey and Cros- emotions! appeal could *ne. bic fail to make clear ln their viate Canada'. balance of pa>'- doorn-and-gloom pronounce- ments problem, as wellas pro-, umtilb the Importance of con- vide badly nceded jobs. sumer buying Canadian madc So, titis Christmas, before producti, ensuring that a higiier laying down $17,000 for a funi proportion of the dollars lu- iength fur coat kccp one tbing volved remain in Canada. lni. md. Duylng a Canadian Whlle Canada's trading product might eventually heip partners mlght be upset with drivedown Interest rates, pro- a reai effort £0 convince con- viding savings on the money sumers to "Shop Canadian," borrowed £0, make the pur- positive resuits from such an Chae. ISWorth éanmiài5aa,,. SERVING WHITBY AND SURROUNDING'AREAS FRAN-K - REALTOIR 225 BROCK ST, Ne 668-61 71 KITCHEN FRANK iHOME This ýcountry estate located in north Whitby gives the executive famlly quiet seclusion respiendant amongst its 15 acre property, over 4,000 square feet of luxurlous , ac- conidatonand the independence of a private heated pool and regulation size lighted tennis court. This multi-level brick and cedar beauty features walkouts to balcomies (a total of five entrances), three bedrooms, kitchen, living. rooni, dining room, family room, studio, den, sewing room, and three bathrooms. Other WHn'by NICELY LAND8CAPED HOMe ImmedIate posession, 2% bath. sapaate dinling room, sunken living rom. famlly room with atone firoplece, large lot mortgage. Vendor anxious to oil, asklng 362,900. For more Infor- mation call LORRAINE VANALSTYNE "171 cr 0000000. URGENTI.Y NEEDED 4. badrom executiva home On Whltby. Oelil LORRAINE VANAL8TNEOMi 71 cor000000. wHIirrY MM.5 2-store>' townhouse, 3 bedroom, living room and dinn room wlth rec-room. Plae eail MERS VISSER sil000171 or 11111171& COTTAGE ON CHEMONO LAKE 112%M9 Now la the time to plan ybur snowmoblllng and cross country skiing weekends, enlo>' the quiet times In front of the Franklin tîrepiace overlooklng Chemond Lake wlth your own prlvacy. For mors Information col ERS VISSER et 0064171 or 00571&. WHITOY- COMMERCIAL LOT $30.00. In th, hoart of downtown Whtby thîs 33' x 136' lot Ie Ideal>' Iocated on hlgh trafflo street. SulIdIng aqual ta 4 limes lot co"rfge la allowed. 84000. Mortgage esaumnabie, pa>' only $201 monthi>'. el MERV PARCHMENT 111141171 or 579450e. The Canada-wide real ~ estate service with 350- selected real estate offi- G'~c~oeces ln 200 communities across Canada.* A "FRANK' LISTING MEANS A GREAT DEAL LIST WITH "'FRA#4<" PEOPLE.1 0F THE WEEK fMatures include two brick fireplaces>' roughiin for sauna plus shower, dishwasher, skylight in living and dining area, central vacuum system, TV tower with rotor, alanm and smoke detector system, water softener and last but certainly flot least a double attached garage. Foi'further information, or for appoin- tment to view cail listing agent Marlene Kerr at W. Frank* Real Estate 668-6171 or at home 666-1750.4 IVHITS11Y -.4 SEDROOM EXECUTIVE ln estabilshed anse, neer schooîs, shopping and go-system. Main f loor femliy room with fîrepîsce and waîkout, Ieundry rocm on main floor. Master bedroom hes 3 pce. ensuite, attached double garage. Asking $861,900. OeIl LEO ZWIERS et 00"171 or 0084M5. NEARLY NEW Jack Jecobsean side-splil featurlng main t loor femîl>' room wlth atone fîrepiece and welkout, 180 ft. ful>' fenced lot, three generous slzed *m;~ou1vza utos, femîil>'sîzed kîtchan. The ultimata baneft is ca large firai mortgàai et10l14 pur cent isted $84,900. Cali MARLENE KERR 008171. WANTED à or 4 BEDROON BUNGALOW m' large lot wthin town limita prfefaabl>' wîth fînîshed basement. Oel MERV PARCNMENT 000071 or SM- DINING ROOM LIVING BOOM DIBTRESS SALE 88M9 House sa vacant, Il hem been raposaesssd, however new owner cen benefl t ronm a 850,00. Firut et 11 per cent ao wlth 10 per cent down e ver>' competitive 2nd could be arrne. foreà qualifled purchaser. For fur- therdetaîls oel GARRETT DOWKER 0084171. HOUSE FOR RENT 8405.00 4 yean old 3 bedroom bungalow, finlshed famîl>' room with firepiece, two car garage, huge cedar deck and ur.Ique slcylight ln front entrence. Ccli GARRETT DOWICER for Immadltecocupeno>' 006171. OSHAWA BEAUTY SALON $11,900. Located In bus>' plaza, downtown Oshawa, beautîfuli>' decoreted shop 750 sq. h. wlth ail qualît>' fîxtures. Prce Includes 5 dryers, 4 custom styling stations, 4 hydrauîic chairseand much more. Good leaue. For more Information ceili MERV PARCHMENT 008171 or 579.. OSHAWA.- IU5T USTED 847,90 Spaclous 3 bedroomn bungalow wlth large living, separete dînîng, workîng kitchen 27' rec-room, ettached garage on c nîce lot with mature trees. Almoot 83U,000. Mortgage et il'A per cent e great bu>' for Mr. Paint-up. See If with MERV PARCHMENTO8«4171 cr 579400. LOVELY 3 BEDROOM NOME Dining roora overlooking living areà with welkout 10 deck, ravine and streemn plus 12 acres of common land, excellent mortgcge et 10 314 per cent prced et 851,000. Cali LORRAINE VANALYSTYNE to se ti prestigeous townhouee et 008171 or 008-000. Please cail or drap by the office for your copyý of the new "Frank Country" property fali catalogue 668-6171, 225 Brock St. N., Whitby.

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