Whitby Free Press, 21 Nov 1979, p. 17

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3BetweenYoi, and Mi BY RUTH CHAMBERS~ About. bookmobile and other thi, A few thoUghts this. week about bookmobiles. Rf spent an hour, or so in .one.,watchlng c ourteot children flllni hi and out on a ralny afternoon. Th reWardlng experlencein that warn, coey van on a c day. Icanrernember when my chlldren ýwere verý mnany.years ago how I 1looked',forward:hi seeing- van, draw Up in, front. of 'thehouse oncee'a week. rémnember whether'it was prlvately owned or if - llbrary van. MostlIIkelY, the, former as we dld not the grants and subsidies that are available n ow. It E me that we paid ether, a rnerbership or 50 rnuch P This was I the ciY not a fringe'a'rea. We were not 1 a library elther but somehow this was much, nii much leasler. No one lives to leave a prarn and baby a building and hi haul the prarn up several stepsaua flnd a place hi park it was next hoiImpossible. Ut s thosedays that everyone whlspered I a library sc mlght not have been too welcome. 1 cannot ever remember going out hi the van. The hiave been a list tlcked off each week and the drive bring yourchoce of books ihi the home. These U came back after many years as 1 admired the new sj Llbrary vSvices are most impotnt hi any town lài fact so important that many newcomers go hi thi a few, days after they movei...They are dellght 'what they find ini our Whtby Llbrary. An excellent r ce departrnent communlty services, a great favouri I Nr would houghts y!tern. or OCity. e libray edwith refer en- te-wlth ~JFuNham Region <. INSTSELECI of Fresh and Mari TROPICAL FIc Also A. Good Selectio n c a CANARIES -. *éBUOGIES 0 COCKATIEIS * LARGER BIRI e SMALL'.ANIMAIS .Whitby-Ma Il 579-8577 CUSTON MADEWIl Thermally Insulai Enamel Finish in 1.2 " COMPLETE SELF CONTAINED ALUMINUM WINDOWS FOR NIEW CONSTRUCTION OR RENOVATION " HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL SLIDERS SEALED UNIT FOR FULL " COMBINED SEALED GLASS ISLTO UNIT WITH HORIZONTAL BLIDERS " NASH ALUMINUM WINDOWS HAVE A PROVEN RECORD 0F CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Mantâcure bySPECIALLV OESIGNEDJ *Manuacturd by EAVY ALUMINUM V DOUBLE SLIOERS PROVIDE rn FRI I IETE R O TECTOR AND SMOOTN OPERATION ALUMINUM LIMITED Proveni Service Since 1949 845 FAREWELL AVE.. OSKAWA ' ONTARIO a CANADA *&LIH 6N8 728-633 OSHAWAVIYT nCanad.an movemeni fOaf perboflal En ,'Our heart «!,9voawl'rgh. riON ne DS Drop In and visît weih us Mon. to Soi.10-10 ted Colors AL. GLASS AND SCREEN INSERTS REMOVE FROM INSIDE NERMAI. SARRIER TES AMUINUM FRAMAAE 5'xz 7 ENLA.RGlEM.Eý WMR EVERY ROLI 0F KODACOLOUR OR' FUJICOI NEGATIVE FILM (11l0, 126 135 mm sizes only ROUGHT UN FOR PROCESSINO & PRIMTING LUSTRE- LUXE FINISH« OFFER APPLIES NOV 121h tb NOV 3011, '79ONI M.B.M. PHOTOGRAPHY 668-6,111 131 MOCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY Mon - Wed 9 arn - 6 piin. Thurs. Fri. 9 am -8pin. SatIOarn - 5 pin. vuP BOUR FP17 WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDA'Y[yOVEMBER 21., 1979, PAF17 newcomners and many other departments. The chÃœIldrens Golng in the door one turns to the rlgbt and handai thefi, part of the library Is a denlit to young and*old'alike. book'or'boos h thée person at the desk and froni therê to Thesediys when bus, ness firma and lndustry relocate or look for new books or just browse. Then on to the persoii:at [1 sartUp na nw cmmultyonete firat considerations the other endwhere lbrary carda are stamped by a micro are cultural and recreationalý facilities -which muat be machine.'.As 1 watched ther a n relépoeso available ,for their emploYees.' Companles do now want from the, ýdoor, nocrowdlng or pushlng and everyone was their employees hi, be in -a barrea, sterile envfrornent, roeedintme B tierfor, bth ultralandrecreational requistes are part 1 would thlnk, the need. for a cuistomn made van would be of .the. planning.Motf these people' are rn-Ying from minimal. Peuple who.work i these vans have a good idea <major cities across the countjY or frorn south of the border Of w'hat is needed and what not to indlude. The Ã"ne I wasi and frorn across the sea, expecting to find such services. had a very small wash roorn which the employees felt was go, to encourage both business and industry we must absolutely unnecessary and so far has nyrbe sd providethese rnenites in hitby.thiit rather, necessary and need not take up too much There must be mnany people who fmnd it difficuit hio go hi space. the library and this wiIl be so even when W e have our tran- It will be some Uirne in the future before a llbrary branch sportation system. Young mothers many with their wlll be needed in Whitby. In the niean trne a bookrnobile husbands away for the best part of the week andchildren could be a beginning. They are said to be a proven success. who cannot travel abroad after dark in the wintereven o n a > Books and reading are not everyone's cup of tea but for - ~bus would benefit greatl from a bookrnobile. rnanY they'âareaa must. Children need earlyepsr-h Witha bokmoilethebook gohi te popl rater han books, and often a great love is developed whlch stays wlth 8the people go Mgh the books. In fringe areas such as'Otter: them'forever. Creek, the _Corridor Airea and many others ýthe r'esidents . would derive great ýbenieflis. A bonus too"for business men Was, weary after a long day could visit the bookmÙobile wltb liteeffort. School principals and staff woud no doubt g s lcorne one wlth open armas. When a certain number of people are servlced là"hisway and the visita nise hi betWeen maybe thity thousand a year It la thuefor-abranch to be built and the portable service Is - ýecently I 'nolo)rneeded là this area. Mi quiet Iu gasosyfo.23 t :0pm aotàhrde Us was a books aâre taken "out, 'give and. taire either way. So, this, ,hllly wet means a gréat number ofbos a rnonth,. For the first hour PR CL M A IO mostly house wives visit the bookmobPROanCaferA:30pON .y 'young the cbildren arrive. There la generally gn.evenlng service 1 BIG BROTHER WEEK the book too, rnaybe twice a' week but this could depend on the I, can't dernand. TAKE NOTICE THAT Novemrber 25, to Decem-ber 1, 1979, fs Iwas a It was suggested by a maie libranian who has worked ina. hereby Proclalmed'_as "Big'Brother Weekl"Inanfoth hae il va fr enyerr m ore that a thirty foot semi-trailer or Town of Whltby. Citizens areurged to recognize the great ieerns hi ideally a forty footer is Mnost suitable and likely cheaper i need for sui.table -men to become big brothie to boys frorn er book. the long run. Coniceivably a good second hand'one could "be father-abeOént homes. far from found. Then a carpenter could refit the inside. [cer and A door on the side with book shelves on either side of 'the 'DATED et Whltby, Ontario, this 2lst day of November, A.D., r outside door'llning the wall frorn floor to ceilinig. Acrosà on, the19. rid try hi otheër side bookshelves too from one end hi the other again undi frorn floor to ceillng. At either. end a desk and above the J. C.,Gartshore, Mayor, babies desks a window hi let somne natural ligbt in and'allow the Town of Whitby librarians hi look out. Without the window they sometimes re Must feel confined and cloeed in. a

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