Whitby Free Press, 21 Nov 1979, p. 1

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Buses iitrouble 'Firstlâyresi For the.firet tirne iia blsàtory, the, Whitby Chamber 0f ommercelbas.ýelected a ýwoman- president. She ila Marguerite 'Kulik of, Four Sevmà>Realty.< Inaltriterview,^ Kulâik ald tliat she bas no plan for any great changes. ý "Mt ti.,present tme, I have no plans hi change the Chamber drastlily," she said'addig that she wants to "ikeep the chamber mîovlng forward as basbeen doe i the past." She alobas soine fl>rm ideas on the purpose 0f the Cham- ber. " dte purpé of'« the Chamber, of Commerce, n my< opinion, la hi promote smaller and larger businesses and hI help busiessi the. Durham ýReglon and hi bu a soundlng board for the merchants of tbe.district.". Shown here la tbe 190.Chambur ex e"u tive: Sting are Kulik, paat president "ie Burgesof MBM Publisbing, second vice-president Kathy Horahan-0f W. F. Morùeau and Assocates Ltd.; and sittig are secretary-treasrer, Shirley Acker and Ïîrat vice-president Rick Raczkowski of Croven Ltd. If Whitby la to get a-bus service, it appears as though speed la requlred on the part of the Ontario governnient. Planstoinclude a buzs er-' -vlce in thel19Wbudget-talk could bu ln danger as the town waits for approval for the .service ,from ,the Ministry, of Transportation, a nd Communications. Last month, ln a cloffed session, council decided to' ask for price, quotations ,fromý bus companies but ac- cordlng to Coun. Bob Atter- sley, the com4Panles cannot respond until 'the MTC ap- proves< the plan. Specifications have been submitted to, the ministry which will decide whether to grant asubuidy for,,atw bus system. The ,Wppsalcals .for-a, two-bus,'four-route system that wW c~St Whitby tax- payera about $706,000 a yearl. t operate. Attersley, who re- introduced the issue bock to coundil after It had appire- tlY*been sheved permanen- tlysays- that MTC proval could bu delayed. lie sald that government officiais m ay bu a liWte.leery of deallng with the town af- ter it rýneged on:a 'promise to -have',the bus servicei operatio n 'by Decembler. "4I think we may .have A" problemü, ttrle said., "'The MTC went to a lot,0f troub~le b efore and were, dumped on." Hie was referring 'toa coundil pr!omise -made in Jly.that 'sald the town would have a servicei place hi take over routes to the Whltby Psychiatrie Hospital and Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital by December 3. Those routes were hi bu abandoned on September .3 when GO Transit took over the iter-clty service presently run by Charter- ways Ltd. To accommodate the town MTC ailowed Charterways hi continue the hospital run for three months past the closing date. Coundil later reversed is tand ad voted against buses, ld by Mayor' Jim Gartshore, a long-time op- ponent of any municipal bu service. The issue was considered dead' until -Atteruley, re- itroduceditiOctober., 1The new chairma 0éf the' town's finance department, Coun. Joe Drumm sald that- prellmlnary budget taiks are,'aiready under way and council should have depar- tmient estimates sometime next month. Wbien the present serlyce stps on December 3t more- thn200 staff members and patients wil have to,.getýý alternative means 0f tran-, sportation hi -thebhospitals. Broo klin freeze rej ected The. BrNOodin , fireeze' proposai was rejected by Whitby hiwn coundil by. a 5-2' j vote at lustweek's meeting. The. recommendation by planning director Bob Short would bave seen develop- ment i the hamiet frozen tem porarily by rezonlng the eniearea agricultural un- tilthehtinis readyto begin the. expansion.. Previously adopted plans caIl for Brookli to grow from lt's present population of 1,800 hi about 10,000 over a ten year period. The. reglon's officiai plan for the hamlet shows a provision for ,eventual .ro th h 25,000 but that proJection in, hi bu con- sidered in the Muure. When council approved the. plan for Brooklln It mode it cnitionaL Expansion in the. nortb would not begin until 2,40M new permits have hemn issued fer single family detachled ho"ue South 01 Rowsland Rood., It could -tae. up hi four, yen i li that reqirmen a ns -anogl family'starta, average about > 0Oto M a year., Short asked- coundil to, freezeaIl developmnent ithe area temporarilyi order to, >"eliminate the potentiai con- flicts and other points of con- fusion butween the zoning bylaw and the official plan." Short naid that as long as the conflicts eiat, the developmnent of the hamiet would bu 44premature."t The proposai ran into stiff opposition when it was i- troduced at the ad- ministrativecomimittee meeting tWo weeks ago and again came undeir beavy fire from supporters 0f Brooklin Coun- Bob Carson who 'represets the North Word that contains Brookln called the idea "imimoral" . "My main concern.la that a lot «- thse lands are owned, by individul"Car- son said., "As soon.as you start .rezofing yo ae danina the value'di those 9 dula $P, > If the. proposal was ap- -rvd !wmdtItIw would.be faced with many ýlawsuits; we wil end up in court fighting nmy people."p1 Coun. Barry Evans, a long-time supporter that development have a right hi know how their land will be zoned in the future," Evans said. ««I don't tbink we, as a -coundil, should bu affecting people's land values in any way." Coun. Joe Bugelli tried hi amend the proposai so that future councils could freeze the development but was defeated. The only two votes in favor of the freeze came from Bugelli and from Coun. Joe Drumm,.a -long lime op- ponent M o the Broklhi sciieme. .Drumm warnedconi that if develcpmnent was not checked "we will have developinent al over the place; we are going hi have Massconfusion." >Drumm also said that Short *!in tryhig thi give the. hiwu the.best ps-i Busin-essperson Of the' Year Shlown Iemereceiving the flrst Whitby Chamber of Commerce B of the Year Award from Jack Woodward (left) la BiH Bonnetta (right> of Boand R Tasot Ini ntroducing the award, Chamber pat-president Michael Burgess sald that th. award was for an aggréssive,_ progressive. nwho not only stood.for.the ideals 0f the Chamber but for the free entreprise system as well. Burgess also sald that the award would help fM1 the gap 10f t by .tihe Peter Perry Award which the. Chamber gives to Whitbrýs most ottandlngeitlzeof»teyear. Inhis accepance speech, Bouneta suâd tbat he belléved stronglyhibthy, in lhe Cam- bernrd advocated more support for loca businessmen. is

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