Whitby Free Press, 21 Nov 1979, p. 19

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WIIITBY FREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21,1979, PAGE, 19 Local evangelist a.@kg,,,, s'h Whatilf wyMPXV ihou ->:th ristnen-orpln :'; V HE R V . ILLIAM - _.sonl, Evangèllat Lite doesn't, h ave ,to ha, b enswered i the same verse ,ýcitingj joyful adventure. ~'ln the-Bibe, Whai18your Let'slook at wopoptàar lite? lUts ev en.,A *vapouri that...bttfalse ideas about lite. > :appearsfor a litt ie e ad Many ,people live just to hen vanishes àwayý. accumulate, things. Christ (James 4:14) warns us about. thla taIsàe Webster's, dictionary idea of lite in ýLuke 12:15, - defines lite.as, "Ithe- total "... take heed & beware .of number of years a person la courtousness: for a ma n's useful."1 lite conists not in the abun- Others view lite as a jour- dance of the things which hée ney to death, or as someone possesses."y has said, " Lite la the mier Christ also said, "lseek ye encountered between the first the kingdom of God and cradle &the grave."11bis righteousness and al The Bible, however em- these things, (food, shelter & > phasizes thebrevity' of 111e. '4othing) shail be added unto 'Lite la like "a dream", "a you." (Matt. 6:33). vapour" "4a thread soon cut off"l, "a tale that is told".- Wm. Jenmings Bryan said, Ail of~ these statement 'those who live for money from God's Word describe < pend the first hall their lite as short, and we ail lives getting it and the other agree that itfe is too short, haIt of' their lives keeping J, I am sure that you have others from gettingit! - experienced the low hangmng Someone asked John D. fog early in the morng, but Rockfeiler, "How much It suddenly disappears in the money, will make you hap- warm. rays of. the morming py?",' Rockteller repliéd, sunlight. This is the way' God "just. a little bit more!", describ es your lite- - a money and the things that vapour, a fog, a mist- that money caia buy wil not appears 'for a short time and completely satisfy. *suddenly vanishes. -Someone said,' "men Our'lives t.dY. are fuil, spend their'health to gain fast and frusteting. We live wealth, and later spend i the day of the nervous wealth. to gain back their -breadown. health!" Onepereacher commenting Please heed the words of about the day of the nervous Christ - do not live for things breakdown said, "Ini my only. They wilI not satisfy. cburch,- most of the ladies Then there are those who over 40 have either had a live for thrüll. This la no'-vous breakdown, going ,another taise idea of live. Adulta as weil as adolescen- ts are foilowlng tis course of M1e. Living on1Jr for the kdlks and the trl that'are found in lite. SAil klnds of thrills are avaligb1e to people today. Snlfflng glue, popplng pila,_ growing grass, alming acid, you name it, it's avallable to the public.- Many of today's young people have popped al their corks, blown ailý their gaskets and puiled ail their stops betore they reach 20- years of age., Then many asked them - selves, "Wbat's Ieft for me to do? I have had ail the thriMlsthat'the world has'to offer." Surely, 111e has m ore to offer thanthing & thrills, but thèse are- what Most people want out of life. Is thsyour lite There is rniuch moire to lite than things &,1 thrills. Life can. be a thjrillingieciting àdventure fàled with' joy & happiness, but most people do flot know bow to have an exciinpg, fulfillin iteÉf.-'ý- Thebible clearly -points the way to happiness and abundant living. The aposie Paul said, "For me to live is Chris t. . ." ' 1Paul mneant that living for Chist in obedience toChrist brought réal joy & happines into bi s lite this IsGod's plan for every person's itfe. The flrst question that arises- -from 1Paul's statement is "How can I live for Christ & be obedient to The fit thing one must do la to acknowledge that he la a sinner & that Christ loves hlm so' much that he died for hixn. The bible tella us that w e areail sinners because we ail commit sins.' -The bible says that Christ <ied for sinners. When, we' acknowledge that" we are sinners & that' Christ paid for our sins by bis death on the Cross this la the flrst step to a-fülfllling & excitlng lite of joy & hap- piness. The next step for the sin- ner la to accept by faith Christ's paym~ent for sin as bis own payment & commit himselt to Christ and to bis word - the Bible. When.oneaccepta Chriat, by faltb & cominits himselt to bis Word & obeys it, he wiil enjoy an exciting & fultillinglife. He wilbe able to say along with the apostie Paul (who was a murderer before he accepted Chriat) "For me to livein Christ ..."P ýWhat laLite? "'What là lite?" Asked a little child as he rompted on a golden day. Out of his lte the answer came: "Lite la play!1 Llteis play!1" "What islIie?" Asked the ýsturdy man as he tolled the sun andriain, And the woe in bis heart cried <out aloud, "Lite la Pain! LAteis painI1 " "What la lite?" askâ1 the old man as he gazed on the stars at night, and bis wlse, wise heart sang joyfuily, "Lite la Christ!I Lite la Christ! Is you sojourn here just mere existence? Remem- ber, lite begins when Christ comes in! ada -e

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