Whitby Free Press, 21 Nov 1979, p. 3

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Bugelli wants council £0 aend Clark a. letter of proteat Tnterest. rat es wil hve badeffeet onhmeowner The recently' ,insituted high mortgage interest rates- could spel, disaster for many Whitby' homeowners, acïcorcliig to oône1 towin coun- Joe Bugeli, who represen- ta the west Ward that in-- cludes the larg Otter Creek subdivision, told. council lest week thathe intends .to in- troduce a motion asking the town to lodge a protest with the federal government over the ralsing of rates. Bugelli said. that if somnething lu not done to ease-the impact, hundreda of .people -In .Whitby., alone would be forced t bno their homes..ý <His particular concern 18 with people who have already bought, homes ad- ding that potential buyersé would be. discouraged from buyitig a "home for..a few years and ýwoud fliot suffer a real economie-blow -from, the Increase. -,Those- who bought their home four yearsago will be fa'ced- with' mortgage in- ~terest increases of Up'to six per cent, when their mor- tgages are renegotiated this yearî at the'end.of the five year term, he'said. Bugelli claimed that the Inraewil. force mo'ntbly mortgage payments up by 40 to 50 par cent, making them impossibleto meet for many people. ".Because thesebigh' in- terest rates wil liUmit the. number .0f, prospective buyers, flot only will they flnd kt bard to get back their Initial investment, but they May also be put in such a bard financial bind that theyý may have to simply abandon their homes, " besaid. Heals id that more than 1,500 homes had' been abandoned in the &iY of Toronto since the new rates were introduced a montb ago. Whitby, whicb bas, "one of the highest growth rates in ,Canada," stands. to be bit barder than m ost municipalities. Bugelli's motion will bave coundil, sending letters . to Prime. Minister Joe'Clark and Ontario riding MP Scott Fenneil askingi the' gover- nment' to "reconsider their interest policy." Bugelli also wiants the motion circulated to other municipalities i Ontario for endorsement. -"We are responsible for, bringing .to, the federal« and provincial, governments wbat affects' this municipality,e'he said. "It is, n,,iot the.,responsibility of the individual." Couneil .wWl vote on the proposai at it's November 26 meeting., M'anagement personnel wiII bhave -to, 'supervise pisoners at the Wbltby Ja il If -the guardâ decidé tô"strlke, Illegaily ta back demands for ' Wseparata contract. bargainlnfg on Novembfler 29. Frank GlU, jail superin- tendent said "it 'could become a very diffîcuit situation if tbe strike went on very long." the 35 full-tim guards at: the faciity are members 0f the. Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) would be replaced by managemet perso neln ,thé event of a str-ike he ad- de! No other services at the- jail would* be affected ac- cording to Glu. Cafeteria staff are. em- ployed by a local catering -firmn he said. Cafeteria staff are em- plôyed. by a local catering finitbe said. OPSEU, president Sean O'Flynn said in a statement Iast week that the Ontario government bas rejected a union -,appeal that mightý bhave averted a strilce vote. union 'mmbers ithe Public service do not -have the right to strike. "Wé have made repeated requests to the governumenl. over the last five years to win the, right for correc- tional staff to, bargain separately from other provincial employees," O'FlynnÈsaid. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYLNOVEMBER 21.19792½PÇ 3, Your toothpaste cornes in millilitres (ML) JOHN I3ANI)URCHIN CIuirtered Accountant SUITE 103 MARY-B'RQCK BUI LDING 185 BROCK STREET, NORTH WHITBY, ONTARIO TELEHONE668-4341 TAKE -NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board ofOntario will be held at THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, 217 MURRAY STREET, PETER- BOROUGH, ONTARIO, on' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, the forenoon, at which time the' *Board will hear applications'for new licenices in accordance with The Liquor Licence Act, 1975 and Regulations thereunder. The following establishment has applied fora icence'of the class indicated, and the application wil be entèrtained at the afore- mentioned.locatioýn and timie. A. Scla,-The Old -Hatch House Restaurant 301 Byron Street.South, Whitby ining Lounge Licence Appicant: Antonio's Cusmic Restaurants lnc. AND FURT HER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resident in the municipality and who wishes to make representation relative to the application, shaîl make their submission to the Board in writing priorto the date of the hearing, or in person at the time and placeof the hearing <(copies of written submissions wilI be forwarded to the applicant). -Executive Director, Liquor Licence Board 0f Ontario, 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East, Toronto, Ontario. M5E 1A4. MINISTRY 0F CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT, 1975 Jail guards may.,strie manag.ementready

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