Whitby Free Press, 28 Nov 1979, p. 8

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PAGE R. WFDNF.qDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1979, WHJTBY FREE PRESS p flutlo Thie -o ýie Probe is, e e ree ýisýb Pirin C k 'oýth For the laut few weekis'many local newspaPers, Most notably the Toronto Star and the. Oshawa Times, have been glvlng .,blgh profile t th revelations of the.poilution' problema in the Pringle Creek, especlly in Port Wbltby. Many people and local politiclans have'been acting as ihough this i8 new and startllng news, it. in regrettable Wo disappoint them, but the story asffrst made public the Whitby Free Press edition of November 8, 1978 by the-then candidate for the Centre Ward seat on whltby Town Couin- cil, Michael Burgess. It is aiso important Wo note that no great changes'have corne about sùw. the story first broke a year ago. Since the story has again conte to the surface, the. Free Press ban looked into the m atter and will attempt Wo shed ,;ome ýllght into the problem. 1, The -two m ost vocal residents of the Port Wbiwy area en this issue are A. Mondria 0f, 1504 Dufferin Street and Rus Wilde of 305 Watson Street. Under close analysis, there are reaily tw o main com- plaints. The. ffrstone bas W'o do wltb the connection -into the. sanitary sewer systemn by a ten suite apartment building that presently belng bufit on the south-west corner of Duf-' ferin and Victoria Streets by a ntumbered company, 370859 Ontario Ltd. they say -Mondria and several of bis nelùhbour s sgned a petition demanding that a stop-work rder ha lssued by the town pr.venting the construction of the. building and its hooking into the sanltary ýsewer because it contravenes reglonal policy. Regional policy tbat was passed by coundil last year stated, accordiig tW Work's Report 262-79 "that dev.lop- ment of pre-zoned land ha approved but land severance and rezonlng ha approved subject Wo the complet: one of, the Droposed expansions Wo the Victoria Street pumplng station and the Harbor Street pumping istation."1 Acéording, W Walter Evans, design manager for the. Region 0of Durbam Works'.Department, the. apartnient building in question dld quallfy for hook-up hacause It was prezoned and the plans already approved. However, wbe n 370M5 Ontario Ltd. applied for the sanltary sewer connection, Evans sald, staff recommended Wo the works commlttee that the application ha denled. The attorney for the company tiien appeared before the commlttee and a compromise was reached hatween the reglon and the company. The reason for the compromise, according Wo Evans,, was that since the compa ny had complied wlth thepolicy before, its implmentation It was entitled to- the'connection -and would probably have won a court case in the matter. The compromise ailowed, tbe company Wé connect to the sanltary sewer system, however, they were also bound Wo instail a holding tank which would pump sewer into the system hatween midnlght and 4 a.m. when the sys tem Is not in great de mand. Tbe'agreement was signed December 4,1978. Under the ternis 0f the, agreement there, 18 a fail safe device In the Harbor Street pumplng'station that wil shut down the building's holding tank if the systeni hacomes overflowed or the company starts tW pwnp into the sysern before the, alloted time. Evans' said fiat if anytbing goes wrong ,îlfh the Harbor Street pwnping station and it cainnot accept the load from: the apartment building, the owners wlll have W find other methods forgettlng rid of their sewage. Wben tbe Pringle Corhatt diversion sewer 18 constructed màd ftheHarbor Street station 18 taken out of operations then the company wlll stop using the holding tank and com plete tie gravity connelction from the building Wo the Dufferin Street sewer. MILO DOLA TO S PT M.LS PR.C -98DP -98SER -A RC Under the agrement, 37ffl Ontario Ltd. must pay the Ousaof fulfllng the. conditions. £vant freeIy amitted tnat there in a problem with the prwset aO"tary sewer systom I he i.pringle Creek drainage arus and specillcally In Port Whltby. It. probfrm, Evans gays, la fiat tii. four pumplng stations fe.dlngthe. PrIngi Creek watcr pollution control plant, Brock Street, Htar Street, Victoria Street and Blair Street, do not bave stanjdby powe. Itat means, otatif any of tii.stations sufer a power failure, there would bhanocontrol of<the flow of sewage amd, in ail. lkelihood, the creek itlef woud hacome con- taxninated. The answer W a -question posed by the, residents 0f the aresa n'Works Report 2U-79 said that "the. problem wlth tue sanltary lewage service i h i.Port Whitby amea 1 not w ith regard Wo the size 0f the sanltary sewer pipes but rather -wlth regard tute capaclty 0f tue Haaibor Street and Vic- toria Streetpwnping stations."1 Evans said' that tue reglon 18 taklng mneasures Wo correct the problem in two different stages. The. first stage, wblch 18 sclieduled tW ha completed sometimne during 1981,.and at a cost of *3,4e1,00018 tue con- struction of a diversion sewer'between the Corbett Creek water Pollution control plant and the. Harbor-Street pum- ping station. The. reason for tis project 1s tuat tule MÎnistry of tue En- Vlronment, according tW Evans, bas forbidded any expan- sion 0f fh. Pringle Creek because it would endanger tue creek itself. .At present, tue four miion galons Per day facillty at Corhatt Creek 18 haing expanded W eigit. -1 The capacity of tue Pringle Creek WPCP 18 3.25 mgd althougi tue average daily flow for'tue first, seven mnontus of is year was only 2.42 mgd wltu a maxlnm day flow 0f 4.27 mgd.', The expansion of tue Corhatt Creek WPCP-and tue con- _struction of tue total project would allow tue works depar- CONT'D ON PG. 19 L113h ±I; fi toi V 1 lu I uk àÎ'h I 1 UN FORMAT ION CENTRE I PROPOSED RECONSTRUCTION 0F, HIGHWAYI 7 IN THE. REGIGNAL Mut Impm, DAI n Umm a m ýri ýmý Imm. 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