Pt a c p 'AGE 20, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 19, 1979. WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Pres Emporiu à m.l ~AJ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1966 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE ,Gcod condition, Asking $450. Cai if- ter 6p.m. 668-1386. Dec.,19, 79 1977 THUNDERBIRD Numerous ex. tra inciudlng air, onlfy 26000 miion.- Muai saili$5000. Phono 668k77689. Dec. 12, 79 1970 442 CUTLASS 455 400 turbo transmisaion. Power'windows and buckot seita. $1,000, or beat of fer. Phono 668-6481. Dec. 12,79 71 LEMANS saion wagon. 63,000 mules. Good condition. Zebarred ruat, proof. As la. $750 or boat 0f fer. Phono 84580. Dec. 5,,79 73 FORD MUSTANG COUPE 56,200 miles. Wilh 302 engine. V-8. New paint. Powor steering. New shocks. RebulIt carburetor. Snow ires ln- ciuded. -Mage ali around. Aîking $1,600. Phono 668-5328. Ask for Brad. Dec. 5, 79 1967 MGB-GT and 1967 MGB Road- ster plus many new and unused spire parts. Engines, wire wheeis, etc. $500 for lot. Phono 655-4107. - Nov. 28, 79 71 METEOR V-8, auto, PIS, PIBi $400 or boat of fer. Ciii 668-2354 miter 6 P.m. Nov. 21,7Ã9 80 BEAUMONT 307 îutomnatic, Pis, >IB, gond condition. $650. Certifiod. Phone 655-4495. Nov. 21, 79 71 FARGO CAMPER VAN equipped wlth frldge, atove & Watsr. 6 cyl. 225. Excellent running & body condition. As la but can b. certified. $1,500. Phone e65-390. Nov. 21, 79 174 DODUE CHALLENGER 360, 4- epeed, very gond condition. $2.600. hones53006. Nov. 14, 79 1974 DODO! DART 318. Power steerlng. Radio. 314 vInyl roof. $1.000. Phone 666-1487. Nov. 7, 79 77 FORD HALF TON Explorer sockae., Low mileage. 3M0 cublo In- ch. Automal transmission. Ford cap. AM-FM, 8-trick,,powsr booster, C.B. AakIng $4,600. Ask for Brad, Phone 668-328. Oct. 17. 79 1073 PL'YMOUTH SEIBRINQ Red with black Interlor. 318'2 bauroai. Hec «4 nage wlth redial. 60 series pionheer eteu-o syst»m. Wiii certlfy. $2,800. Phone I668-9496. Oct. 3. 79 1974 AMBASSADOR BROUGHAM Powersteering & brekes. Air con- dItioning. Radio and clock. Good bondition. Wiii certIfy. Asking $1.M9. Phone 608-051. Oct. 3& 79 > U ARTS YUR 0F SNOWTIRES on rima. Fits flkswegon Beaie. Only used one «er. $50. Phonoe668-5211I. De. 12, 79 .14" CNEV RINS et $5 eech; 1-15", nm to fit older model Olda. $5; 1 sot ýfwhei cxi and aprIng to make a dieu- $50. Phono 726-2714. Nov. 263,79 MICHEUN'snow tires. New .230 x SX stee« belted. $150. Phono 6813- M %, Nov. 21. 7e N0W TIRES 2 semperit steel beited liais. 165 5R70-13. Excellent. con- ion with oniy 2,00 miles weer. $99 fpair. New would coot $150. Phono «.135. Nov. 21,« 79 la" DODO! RIMS $10 each; héivy y tu-aler hitch for Ford van or pick $5W. Phono 6684564. Nov. 21, n9 VYESTE SNOW TIRES wtt the a for Chevette or Acadieon. Usod 1 $110. Cod$ etter &W 0p.m. a&6 Oct. 31, 79 mu Cali 668-61 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted-sub ject to the following Conditions. REA EAONAL. 1975 MON AIR' triler.- Sloepa 8. Fuidge, stove, silnk & furnace. '2,300. al al Anderson 668-4599. Dec. 12, 79 MOTORNOME 26t.Chas A Superior. Completeiy uefinished with new broadloom, drapes & velvet' upholstery. 2 sIngle bodo wlth night' table. Complet: bathu-oorn with stove with ovon. Double'stainlesa.. steel sinks. Large site ktchen table with bonch style seita on oithou-aides. Approxlmateiy 30,000 mles. Asklng price $18,000. Phono 683-3030, Plckering. - Dec.,5, 79 1977 PE250 SUZUKI 1,200 KIlome teMs Nover used this yoar. Complets with. endurable pants & boots and also holmet. $1,000. Phono 668-2113. Nov. 7, 79 440 SKI.DOO Very lefst. Used 2 seasons.- 1,250 miles.- Like new $575 orboit of fer. -Phono 6685155., Oct. 31, 79 ELLACELNEOUS NEWHOME ZIG ZAG sewing machine with box, hoider. Hirdiy used. Like new. $130. Phono 668&3448. Dec. 19, 79 TELE-STAR TV game. Excellent'con. dition. $20. Phonoe6889379. < Dec. 19, 79 LIKE NEW girls ski boots. Tyrol, sîze 4 $9; Classe 'de neige, site .7 $9; Aiberg (West Germany) site 1 $9; Grenoble, site 2 $9; Sportsman, alto 2 $9; girl's white skates, size 2 $4; Bo's skates.. Truline, aize 4. $12; Bobhy Hull, alzeo 1 $5W. Phono 655-4482. -> Dec. 19. 79 SKIS,' BOOTS a POLES Aduit altoe. 1175 cm. $50; pair of Junior skia 120 cm. $30. Phono 6834638. Dec. 19, 79 INGLIS Stove, white 30" oniy $40 or boit offer. Phono 655-4364. Dec. 12,79 SKI BOOTS San Remo Size 8½j. Noîrly new. $35; LadI's wlnter boots. Site 7½o. Worn once $10. Phono 576. 2366. Dec.* 12, 79' LIVING ROOM SUITE Consista of Ches torfield, 2 easy chairs, ottoman, coffee table & end table. Cream light brown colour. $450. Phone 668-3926. Dec. 1279 1 NEW black & white marbis bathroom &al holapod aink. 3011 x 19 3<14". $60;ý 1 new men'a Dynaitar skia & bîndînga. $130. Phono 728-0074 ai- torS5 p.m. Dec. 12, 79 STRONGLY BUILT f lat trailler *sîzo 10' x 4' with pipe raîling 1W hlgh. Tres 550 x 12". $200; Four steel lamp polos 24' Iongth hollow centres and tapered ends. $30 each. Phono 655-3166. Dec. 5. 79 CARPET FOR SALE 4 places (orange) shag, different room sites $20; truck rack for Pick-up $100. Cal668-0163. Dec. 5, 79 OVERHEAD wood panai garage door with hardware-.8' x 8' $145; oxterlor -door 34" x 82" $45. Phono 668-7072. Dec. 5. 79 ORGAN Eko. 2 years old. Full rhythm section.' Excellent condition. $1,100. Ci 668-153. Dec. 5, 79 2 REG. SNOW TIRES with rima. Site' E70 for Chev. $50 fou- pair,~ roiiing exorciser $50. Phoneo 668-989. -Nov. 28, 79 Do" M SATES 1 pair CCM, cite 5 $3 1 pýair Osut, site 5%- $10. Gond condition. Phono 668-4065 iîov. 2Ã.79 OUEEN MEZ bed veth heedboerd, castors$50. Phono 066-85U4. Nov. 21, 79 2 BLACK Ià WHITE TV. $25 ech. ln gond condition. Phono 0666-541 i ter- 4p.m. Nov. 21, 79 PMMAE READ When'the advertised iItem is soldi, disposed of, or unavailabie for whatever reason, the Item wiil be deemed t0 have been sold and a commission wili be charged based on THE ADVERTiSED P'RICE as ilustrated beiow, regardiess if price is stated with IlbeSt offer". If the Item is NOT SOLD, or dlsposed*0f, the ad wili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $3.00 -wi1l apply. All be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRIÊSS and run at ieast one month if not sold., RATES [if article is soidi: 5% of advertised price Up Io $400.00 2% of balance over $400,00 EXAMPLE: Soid, item »dvertised for $120,0 -commission due 600 1lminimum $3.00] Private adVertising onIy!> Please noti.fy us if,,you ,fimd-aretailer iisted as a private advertiser. Pîcat'se notifyý the Whitby'Free Press immediately whè item is soid 50 that we may delete it f rom',the foiiowing issues. Allads not f ittingthe Er-np.,rium guidelines will betreated andj charged per weekas regular ciassified ads on a' pre - paid basis such as: services, help wanted, cIothing, reai estate, and personai message type'acis, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private ciassified acis may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. 'in doubt, cali 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS'EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LUN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., SWhitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS.TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. LARGE 3 SEATER Chesterfied. Ruat veivet with match 1Ing pattern chair. Excellent condition. $500) or boat of- fer. Phono 725-9973. Nov. 7,79 BOYS 10 SPEED 81KE Gond con- dition $55; 1 Pair size 5 Tack skates $10; 1 pair altoS5 Lange skates. Used 1 season $25. lPhono 655-4495, Nov. 7,79 40 SQ. YARDS of white ahag car- peting with uïnderpadding $250i. Ciii afier 5p.m.668-0127. Oct. 31, 79 1 CHESTERFIELD- with matching chair. Dirk blue colour. Suitabie for rad re oom or cottage $50. PhoneOU3 3764 sitar 5:00 p.m. or wsekonda. Oct. 31, 79 BROWN NYLON BROCADE cheater- fieId & chair. Excellent condition. $265. Phono 668-862. Oct. 24, 79 *EDROOM aUT $150, baby crlb $2; walker $2; bottie weu-mor $3; training bike $20; baby car b.d $5; pony welker $10; room divider $20 heevy duty floor poliaher,$5; electu-lo kit- chan cdock $8;,sender bonder $35; hydrolic rower $40; ateem Iron $10; 3- HR78'14 steel boited radiai tires $30; 1-XR78-14 $10. Cati 668-1847. Oct. 24, 79 INGLIS atove. White, 30-'. $160; baby cordage, can tum Into ca trolier o r car b.d. $30; two iewn mowers, I eiectric, 1 gis $25 ech; 1 so fa $25; 1 telephone table $15. Phcne 579439 Oct. 24,79 CRUSHED VELVIET couch, grey, tuxedo style. 5 yeirc old. $110. Phono 668-1075,ou-S p.m. Oct. 17, 79 CCM B80"SB8K! $W. Cadi itou- ô p.m. 65-22. Oct. 17,79 ELECTROHOIËE console oteroo with AU-FM automatIc record changer,11- tract recorder & ployer, welnut cabinet. Asking $225. Col l8-146. Oct. 3, 79 CARDIGAN CORQI FOR SALE needs very affectionats home. Mae. 4 year cidl. Perfect fou- oldor couple. $50. Phono 666-1372. Dec. 12,79 FOR SALE Maeo. il month oid pure brod Simo'yed. Regitorsd with pipere $150. Pbene 668-1815. Nov. 28,79- TECHNICS SB-XI speakers. 1 pair. Excellent condition. OnIy 4 montha old $275 f irm; 6 watt guitar amplifier. idoal for'beginners. Hardiy uaed $50; H.0. train set. 1 year oid. 6 pce. train track, accoasorles etc. $40 Ciii 668& 5180 alter 5 p.m. Nov. 21, 79 WASHER AND DRYER ln good working order, $20 or beat offer, chiid's swing set with gildes, aeaawa, alido 'ad two swings ln now c'on- dition $50; antique rocking chair and matching armchair, beautifuliy upholstered ln silk brocade, early Canadiens, $40 or beat offer. 668- 6151. Nov. 21, 79 STOVE Konmore Mark .2, white, almoat new $175. Cali 668-3260ý_ anytime. Nov. 21. 79 BABY CARRIAGE 2 ln 1. $25. Phono 668-9553. Nov. 21, 79 HEAVY DUTY TRAILER HITCH for Ford Van or pick up. $50. Phone 668. Nov. 21. 79 BOY'S Black Panther Bauor skates. Size 8. $2. Phono 668-1063. Nov. 14, 79 REEL. TO REEL- Panasonic aterso, tape recorder. Use it 'elons or wlth tuner amplifier. Quantity of tapes & patch corda $175; Singer Zig Zig sowing machine ln portable case. New condition $10. Phono 86&61690 aliter6ôp.m.% Nov. 14.79 LADIES8 winter coat. Green wiih zip- ped Iling. Site 36M3 $15; Minas win- ter coat with zipped iining. Site 3840 $15. Phono 668-7595. Nov. 14. 79 DUJNCAN PHYFE dinfing table, drop leaf. Needa refinishing. $100 or wilI trede for secretarie'a desk. Phono Nov. 14, 79 AMERICAN baby canritge $50; Ger- man stroiler ivth boit suspension $40; baby crib,$25; convertible baby carragecar b.d $20 Pmoo 63.1574. Nov. 14. 79 ELDEGAS basa guitar (electrtc). Guitar case. Amplifier. Ail In good condition. Asking $375 for package. Ciii 668.427*fiter 4 p.m. Nov. 14, 79' UNDERWOOD Nanui office typewriter. Excellent condition. Great Christmas gîft for the student $150., Phonoe668-176. Nov.14,79 40 S& YARDS of white shag car- peting with underpadding. $250.Cal I - lu MmW ý ToC,.à . ,mo.,,,,. to egnl , n w Phon 728-2103 *,, w Views I's 'skii*ng a safe sp.ort?,, M You hear the' crackle of the soft snow;- you féel the crispness of the wind, you tingle with the warmth"of the sun, you are exhilarated with the speed and movement. Thousands of Canadians will enjoy skiing this year, and may experience one of the many injuries that are'so inherent in this sport. It's flot sports that are dangerous -- it's the people who participate in them. Ac cording to. skiing authorities, about 50% of the injuries are equipment-related, while the other 50%, are due to poor physical conditioning and negligence. Physical conditionin'g is important because the energy- absorption ability of the bone is minimol. The s! primary defence agailnst injury is mu'scular conditioning. Doctors of chiropractic emphasize a direct relatinhi between Jack of conditioning ýand structural injury.. Skiing flot only requires specialized attention to knee and leg exercises, but also a general- good^ tone of thé body. It is the type of sport that requires enduranoe and structural maneuverability. Equipment should be of high quality construction, proper itting, and well maintaine 'd. For example, because some parents consider ski-bindings for their children'in the category of "toys", children often have inferior equip- ment. The resuit: a high frequency of injuries of the bone growth centres among children. Ski po,-les have been. the basis for many shoulder and thumb dislocations, and for muscle problemns in the arms and back. Without pull-away straps, a caught pole exerts a tremendous shock on the.-limb as the body- moves forward with speed. The skier must be properly dressed for the activity -- not become chilled or over-heated. Too many or too few clothes can. contribute to colds, and other respiratory problemns. Properly designed ski clothes let you take simple falîs without getting wet and without getting hurt. Ski clothes should have a high coefficient of friction, which slows- the speed of the skier when he comes into contact with the snow. <Whether you are a novice or a seasoned professional at snow skiin g, remeniber that your body is your machine. To protect it, -you must practioe safe procedures and keep it operating efficiently. Sinoe' chiropractic is a health discip- line which places particular emphasis on the structural integrity of the body, rnany skiers visit their chiropractor frequently -- as a preventive measure. '00. mi I 21 5M rad diti for 4-1 dut up. POL rime "s 54 s, I 1 1 m 1