WHITBy FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1979, PAGE 13 ALTERATIONS Exportiy dons. Phone EFOALCAE SM COPYMITE -doak.top. Good worling order. Phonoe668-611 <Mike or Robin). OPENINO JAN. 2 WHITUY BO0K EXOHANGE. Wo buy, soit & rade used books. 120 Dundas Si. W. CONSOLE STEREO wlh AM-FM rscoivor, lurntabto end rosi 10 rosi taps dock. Wotnut finish cabinet, $150. Plhons8688-0621. 1 PNiR Rossignol Skis <160 cm) 250 Tyrolta .btndtngs, Ladi's Nordic boots, stZO 7. Cati 668-1228, botwssn 6 P.M. & 9 p.m. ARE YOU UNATTACHED ssparaisd, single or-divorced? Mool Ihal spociai person. Appty P.O. Box 104. Owen Sound, Ont. N4K 5PI. Pion3estate1 Turn you at my re- proof: behoid, i wili pour out MY spirit unto you, i wiii make 'known MY words unto y'ou. Proverbs 1:23 Metsic - it'sWotth cbanqe -wrhh If you just sit You won't quit Being unfit. HAK OU. "HE FAMILY F THE LATE HAROLD MACE wtrnh 10 express thoir sîncero gratitude and thanka for the dovotod attention and toving ktndnsss of Dr. Edmund Mittan, Dr. Camoron Ander- aon, Nurses and staff aI Dr. J.O. Rud- dy Hospital and ail our friends. PAVINO O8% TOMES face value for Canadian coins before 1968. Guns. antiques, goid and dismond 'rings wanted. Phions 668-6560 or 985-7057 <Port Perry) BUESS OPPRNITIES 'p Shape and proportion are brought together by Chloe ini this elegant suit. The Ioose-fituing, blouson jacket is gathered into a peplurn and covers up a very close-fitting bustier. Thse slirn, straight skirt, with contoured waistband fluishes off the look. Vogue Paris Originid #2225 cornes i sizes 6-14, lbnyGabrel honourarycampaign chairman.Ontario Maidi of Dimes AbiIty Fund says lJoin ourteam. The Ontario Mardi of Ornes sorking~witii many thouSands of Piiysicaiiy disabieci men and womeni across this Province heliîs îiem dscover their potentiai and get on with ii ng Jobs. housing, transportation. aids like wfieeichairs and artificîi limbe. recreation and wheeiciiair sports, camping hlildays pur services toucheversiaspect of a dîsabieci person siife and are availabie to auf. no matter wiihat the cause of disality The goal' independence for disahied adliits WVe tîeip tNIithey no0longer need pur heli) So wherl you 'jet nur lenter in thre mils - rr when our volunteer cails ai vour door - please ove generousiy 10 the Ontario MarÃh nf irp Abiiity Fund We cant hep wthmu your help. Hey bo Ys & girls, * IBROOKLIN TOOL Co. SPECIAL SALE Ail air tools. Half price an ail mîcrameters,, socket & wrench set, vices, jacks, drill sets, drill, press, 3 ton holst and other toals for mnechanlos. AIl items fuiiy guaranteeci. Made in U.S.A. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 TI hereb upon requii Muni< high blood pressure, Baloney! If you have high blood pressure, Ytou'Il probably have lt for the rest of your tife because it can't'6e, cured. But it doesn't have to 6e a probiemn-you can control It and brlng il down. See a ldoctor and take Your medicaton every day,. High Blood Pressure Treatit.. . andlive. HE ASSESSMENT NJOTICETO PROPERTV( WN ERS A ND TENANTS Pursuant ta section 46 of The ASsessment ACt, i by extend ta the 22nd day of January, 1j980, the day 1which- the assessment rail for the yeir 1979 Is Ired ta be returned ln ail municipilitîes, ln the Regionai cipality af Durham, exceP't the Townships of Brack and og, where the day upon which the assessment raIl le red ta be returned is extended ta, the l5th day of ýn further take notice that the time for lodging a'com- wlth the Assesament Review Court ln respect of any Bment contained ln the assessment rail that is 'd ta be returned on the 22nd day of January, 1980, la led to the 121h day of February, 1980, and ln respect assessment contained in the'assessment rails that lulred ta be returned an the l5th day af February, i extended to the 7th day of March, 1980. Lorne Maeciç, Minister. T.M. Russell Deputy Minister. Min istry of Ontario -Revenue Carriers are needed for delivery of the WHTBY FREE PRESS Wednesdays only! For information cal Circ.ulation Department. 668-6111iJ sew WSui table Mbý - mmmmmmmmmmmmmm_ p m cured MY' ACT