4,A IW . \Il)NL:SlDAY, J ANt ARY 28. I 9S WlI-VBY URHI l PRESS 7 Il1 1 V wîtb yPublished tever Wednesday !>-by M.H.M. Publishîing l'If and Photography Inc. Phone 668-6111 The Free Press Buildin Voice of the County Town Michael lan Burgess, Publisher. Managing Editor 11 rock Street North, ITe only Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whithy residents. 10. Box 206. Whitby. 01 Michael J. Knell Community Editor Marjorie A. Burgess Production Manager Karen Thompson Advertising Manager Mailing Permit No 460 Member o the Whitby Chamber of Commerce g. nt. Whitby Winter Carnival cancellation.... It is ail our responsibility It was with a certain sadness that this publication reported of the cancellation of this year's Whitby Winter Carnival that was scheduled for the third week of February. Despite the best efforts of the Whitby Jaycees and the Town of Whitby's Parks and Recreation Department support for the event was not forth- coming from any other community organiation or individual. This is, perhaps, a sad comment on the sense of community in this municipality. The evidence would seem to indicate that as Whitby grows in population, there is a decreasing interest in the events that bind this community together. Prominent personalities not only Whitby, but tin the entire Region of Durham, have expressed fears that this part of Ontario is becoming more and more of a bedroom community for Metropolitan Toronto. It could be that their fears are coming to light. Many of the new people who have come to our community over the past few years left the mad- ness and rush of big city suburban life and settle in the quieter urban areas that our town boasts. However, many of these people still maintain their cultural and community interest links with Toronto. Because of this, it is possible, they have not taken the interest in their new home that those of us who are long-time residents have. By this observation, we are not saying that these people should sever their ties with Toronto, but to ask them to take a look at the community to which they came. These people have founded a home in Whitby, and while they may still pursue their various vocations and professions in the city, everything else that they do is centred here. Their children go to school here, they shop here, they pay their taxes and vote here, they go to church here and it is from here that they carry on their everyday lives. Perhaps now it would be time to plead with them to~take greater interest in this community for the betterment of all of us. We need these people, we need their ideas, their time, energy, par- ticipation, co-operation and their new blood. Their contribution to this municipality can make all of our lives better. On the other hand this publication anticipates that much criticism will be launched against the many and varied service clubs in town because, for whatever reason, have choosen not to par- ticipate in this year's winter carnvial. It is, indeed, possible, that some of this criticism could be justified, not all of it. It is this publication's belief that many of these organizations are experiencing many difficulties. According to reports that we have received, the membership of many of these worthwhile groups has been dwindling over the past few years. A lot of them simply do not have the manpower or the financial resources to take on another project the size and scope of the Whitby Winter Carnival. Becuase of these restraints, many-of them will (amongst ongoing projects) concentrate on Whit- by's biggest annual event, the County Town Car- nival. For many of these groups, this event is the highlight of their year, a time when most of them can effectively raise money for their various community projects. It is ironic that the membership of these clubs is dwindling while the population is growing. Logic would tell us that the reverse should be true. Therefore, any individual who believes that such community events are worthwhile and is not a member of any of the organizations that put it on, then if that individual has the time and resour- ces he or she should get involved. Before anyone starts criticizing the cancellation of the Whitby Winter Carnival it may be wise to ask themselves why they did not get involved and make the carnival a success. Therein lies the key to the problem, in- volvement. It is our community, it is where we live and raise our families, we should all be involved here. We do not believe that any of these organization will ask for a lot of the individual's time but just enough time to make Whitby a good place to live. Keith Wager, president of the Whitby Jaycees said it all when he said, "It's a little bit of everyone's fault." Pephaps that is a thought that we should all keep in mind. Centre members sayjournalism not chauvinism needed Dear Sir: We feel obliged to comment on your preposterous editorial with regard to the Rape Crisis Centre (Jan. 21, 1981), in spite of its blatant lack of political and journalistic sophistication. You have used your publication's editorial page to discuss a sub- ject you have obviously not seen fit to research, and you may well have done the women of this community an extreme disservice for the sake of filling a page. A journalist who cannot see the connec- tion between women's rights and the violent physical abuse of women miqht be deerned somewhat lacking in insight, and one who editorializes without acquainting himself with the con- nection should confine his efforts to other sec- tions of his newspaper in future issues. Two telephone calls might constitute sufficient in- formation gathering to report on local social events; it is not enough, however to equip him to in- telligently cover either feminism or sexual assault. While our organization would cer- tainly consider for membership suitable volunteers who do not choose to call them- selves feminists, we would vehemently op- pose admittance to anyone to whom women's rights were unimportant. These rights are diverse, but include freedom from sexual harrassment and physical abuse. Ask any women who has been raped or beaten whether her right to personal sovereignty and freedom from fear has been infringed upon. As is true of any counselling facility, the Rape Crisis Centre makes no attempt to lead clients in any par- ticular direction. Your assumption that we might encourage a woman tofalselyaccuse an innocent man is ludicrous, and in- dicative of your lack of familiarity with your subject matter. Your statements with regard to "false accusations of innocent men" com- plete the portrait of a publication that feels little responsibility to the community it ser- ves. False statement by alleged victims of sexual assault are ex- tremely rare, and insuf- ficient corroborative eividence would vir- tually preclude the possiblity of such cases being brought to trial. False statements made to the police are dealt with by the filing of "pulbic mischief" charges. How many such charges were filed last year in this region? CONTI) ON PG. 23