PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1981 , WHITBY FREE PRESS "4: a I Assorted Vanleties Betty Crocker, Super Moist Cake Mix 500 g pkg. our reg. price 1.35 Aeaovted VilleS.. Meaty, Wfloie or Mlii E- I I I . I Ready Io Serve ýnz Soups SPECIALI Starklst Flaked White Tuna 61/2 or. Un Our mg. price 1.85 .16 difference Green Gani Frozen. ln Butter Sauce,. mixed Vege<abl.e, Fancy Peou or Nibiet 10 Com Pkg. Bai.ebery or R equ li Ruhsin à Spkce. K oggsf E es0 11 mrà ftles oâ. ToUne sFrowt Detue.or P.ppror.I Deep Crust Pizzapg .47 dîfference Reg Or Diet SPepsi Cola p 750 mi relurnablo bottie Our regrWYCo651lb .33'lb diff.rence 901i1uý Heinz Fancy Tomato Juice 48 fi. oz. lin --our7iWprice 1.23 .24 ditterence Canaa PakersWhoy Par!ly Skinned, Fully Cooked Sm oked Hams IL our reg. price 1.38 lb. o39 ib.difference Fresh, Sklnless, Plcnlc Porlc Shouder Roast IL. .44,lb. difference Meaty, Frozen, Park Side Spareribs our reg. price 1.78 lb. .6o lb. difference Maple Leaf, Rindiess, Sllced Breakfast Bacon Sm0 g plg. our mg. price 2.44 .46 difference Buma I A 1~ I____________ a Govemment InsPecte Speclal' Store Pecked Sell Breakfast Sausage lb 1 .48 Regular or Beef Speclal! Maple Leaf 1 ibý 9 Wleners pkg .9 BurnasSeii Vacuumn Pocioed pcl Bologna Chunks - __ -b i .29 Value effective Wed. Fab. 4181 TIII Close af Business Tuetî. Feb. 10111 A Definite Difference at Dominion 1 i EiiT4 ,iTTLIiOATTE Bake, Broul or Fry, Freshi Butt Pork Chops our reg. price 1.78 lb. .60 lb. difference I I I - t I Orange Peka., Salada Tea Bags 8 oz. plcg. of 60 our mgl. price 2.39 .20 difference Assorted Calours, Kleenex Facial Tissue pkg. of 200 SPECIALI Nutrlllous, Frazen, Sllced Beef Liver o--ur r8gýPrce .9'n .10 lb. dit ference Ben s Smoked Meat 2 x 85 g pouches our r". price 2.19 .30 difference SpeCial! Roguler or m.rhma#ow Flevoured SpeClal! WhIte. Pink, Y.flow Speclal! SwI.s M" or Blue, Oelauy 9 HotBathroom 41011 .7 Chocolate Cn 2.59 Tissue pg I14 Extra Absorbent or Daytlmie Domirgon Special! Dispoable pkg of Diapers 24 3,3 sealCet No1 eii Assort.d Colouru Special! NwFeeonSpecial! eCreamed Kleenex2ra u9 Maxi;*a .99 Honey 02 ,l'n .15 'row els 2tIt 119Pads 01302.99 Speclal! UPbOn Clkkin.Vegelabwe.OnôOn. Speclal' pca!Seil Mumhroom.Vegetable Beet or tiqudd Sunlight Seil Normal or OilIy Sei egtneDish fi.9Halo 30M 2.29S Ue 2tgbie 21.79 Detergent contSha po cn.1.99 Cold Reenedy 1Product of USA Pdctof USA Product of USA 1 Brussels Sprouts lb78 Product of USA Canada No.i Head~ 6 Broccoli. Product of USA Canada No. 1 Celery o Hearts *w88 _____________ i s wNeo-ra En ish Special' Eviscernied Frozen Pheasants i16.59 Maple Leaf Cheddar Franks Biner Smioked Plcnic Pork Shouiders Biner Sliced Jadqwurst_ Special! 3oj 1.98 Special! .b1.79 Special! 125g9 8 Fkg .98 Co.85 Dempte?. Country Bran Special' or Stan. Ground Whole Wheat 24 a z7 Bread o .7 Kr.fI Ch«» .Food Plain Cheez Whiz Quai-Icra Fleischmann's Margarine- Special! S2.39 Speciel! 2.59 Naibnal lnstitale LoufliiI of for the Blind] lie Blind] BIitu-.. N 'N.Nllh! .conii C.1 Product of USA Cellohe68 r- - - - y Li à foi 1 1 OF FSERVE l"f RIGHI TOOMIT OUANTITIES 18 go