WHITY FRE PE WENESAY. EI3 Y Il. 1981. PAGE 25 0 e r i RICHARD'S FURNITURE REFINISHING "IGive Your Furniture a Face Lift" Free Estimates Cali RIck Forestali 666-2992 or 655-4560 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For Class A & D License Cal PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Calil668-4686 LEARN TO DRIVE With Whîtby Drvlng Schooî Fult Drvers Z course, for Insuranco dîscount or privato lassons. Caîl M6. 1073 MUSIC LESSONS Quallfied instructor Viotin or Guitar __ 668-3741 AD VICE PHONE TOM THOMAS DECORATING Best Price and Best Quality Craftsmanship in the Province of Ontario. lOth Anniversary. Cali 668-3346 BROOKLIN TOOL CO. GARAGE f loor jacks - $80 and up, new and used, will take trade-ins. 683- 1753 MEcHANICS STARTER KIT-98 pieces sel includes ail basic bools for ap- prentice mechanic, brand new regular prce $750. Seli for $350 cash. 683- 1753 DRILL PRESS 58" MT No. 2, brand new $265, 6831753 SAND BLASTER for body shops, 8 gal. sand capacily. complele wîlh mask, hose, gun and extra nozzies $175, 683-1753 AIR COMPRESSORS AND ARC WELOERS, new and used $125 and up. Witt lake trado-ins. 683-1753 BENCH GRINDER '/i h.p. heavy duiy condenser starer brand new, neyer used. $110 683-1753 AIR TOOLS, a large assorirneni of naw & used air drills, grinders, san- dors. polishers. ratchets. impact wrenches, shears, nîbblors, hammers and many more. $30 and up, 683- 1753 COMPLETE AUTOM~OTIVE GARAGE SUPPLIES 683-1753 AJM BRUNINO 2000 ELECTROSTATIC COPIER AND PAPER PLATE MAKER for sala Partly diaasoembled due ta0 moving. reasonablo Cal668-6111l and Sask for Mîke or Sally, Oci 29.80 HeIp your Heart Fund HeIp youî Heart I * Are you lîred of tooking aI fatîîng bar- ne, buildings, etc? Gel rd of Il fres. FREE DEMOLISHING MATERIAL & HULL AWAY. Cati Slave Bezasî 655- 4527 G. M055 CONTRACTING Kitchens, batha, home renovalionis. Free Esîimalea. Caîl 728-7009 SCULPTURED NAILS inventory ofler. Full sel $20, fli $15. Calîl 668-1263 ANUNUNENT THE WINNER 0F THE WHITBY LIONESS 50-50 DRAW (Lic. 314901) was Ms Carol Keuken CE9991 BABYSITTING IN MY HOME. 5 days a week Caîl 668-1013 To babysil in my home or yours. Cal 668-9870 RESPONSIBLE TEENAGER WANTED for occasionai babysiliing, Call 666- 1393 CONSCIENTIOUS MOTHER WILL BABYSIT chiîdren in my -home Please phone 666-3959 aller 6 pm WANTEU DAYCARE SITTER, in my home for 3 year old and 10 monih old Monday 10 Frîday, Olier Creek Referrences requîred. TelephonE 668-9567 aller 6 30 p m WOMAN WILL BABYSIT IN OWN HOME. lunches and snacks provîded Close 10 West Lynde Public Schooi, $35 wveekiy Cali 666-1248 ask for Susan MOTHER 0F TWO WILL PROVIDE EXPERIENCED AND LOvING DAYCARE IN MY HOME. Monday thru Friday. Key Easst Area Good lunches Fanced yard Pinase cal 668 1218 anytime W.5REHOUSE SALE Have a warohouseofo usod office fur- niture and oqulpmonl for sale. Whaf we have on hand varies trom day 10 day, as thoso items are much in domand and slli roadlly ai our low prices. Wo generally have a good supply of desks, radliner chairs, siono chairs, ail sizes of fiiing cabinets and lots of steel shoiving, plus many other hard to gel Items. Cati us ar.yiime you are In the market for good used office furnilure and ask for Grant or Wes. Theso chapa can generaiiy toit you what la avaitabie and the prîce range. If you are In- lorostod In making such a purchase wo wiit bo ploasod 10 lako you on a tour of our Ajax Warohouso by ap- pointment. ICKSON PRINTING& OFFICE SUPPLIES AJAX 683-19U8 Swîmmlng Pool Manufacturer han 1980 lef t over pools being offered at a fraction of regular seliing price for eariy spring deiivery,. $1,690.00 la complete price of pools equipped with tiller, pumrp, motor, patio, walk around deck and fencing. Smal deposit wilt hold tilt delivery date. 0f- fer good only white supply lasta. Cal 1-800-268-5970 - Toronto 746-3340 Swimmîng Pool Manufacturer wIl lease and install new 1981 tamnily size pool complete wth walkway, Sun deck and fencing, on a rentai basis with option t0 buy. Vour chcice of style. Try before you buy! Cal M. PERIAL POOLS Toit Free 1-800-268- 5970. If within our local ca!ling ares, phone 746-3340. (Toronto) CERAMICS Custom firing, green ware, resonable. Cal 683-3162 WEALL & CULLEN NURSERIES REQUIRES ACCOMODATION for summer students, from April 10 Sep- tomrber. Please phone 655-4300, and beave details. WANTED TO BUY OLD WOODEN DECQYS WILL PAY GOOD PRICES Also any information per- tainning to a carver named BilIy Ellis who ived in Whit- by. CALL S. STUART 655-3158 BROOKLIN (APMETENTS (i - CNDOSFOR RENT WHITBY NEWLY DECORATED 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT, fully broadloomned, includes rdge. slove & gas barbeque. $410 monthly plus gas heal. Avalable March 1 Cali 576-4546 aller 5 p.m. WHITBY TWO BEDROOM APAR- TMENT SUBLET. March 15 t0 November 15. Aduit building. Call 666-2951 or 839-0262 EXPERIENCEO SEAMSTRESS. drapes, sheers, dressmnaking, drapery allerations, hemrs shortened. Inquires 576-3828 DO YOU HAVE A MAJOR CLEANiNG JOB YOU NEED HELP WITH? WE DO ALI ODD JOBS! CALL 668-5312 ANYTIME. EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER. LOOKING FOR WORK in West Lynde and Qiier Cpek ares Avaiabie week days only Refcrences avaîlable Pcase cail 668-7188 WANTED 225 Brock St. N., Whîtby 668-6171 or 668-6172 ARE INTERESTED IN YOU' We need a f ew good sales people. If you are in- terested in setting your own achievement goals regarding income, we now offer you an exclusive audi-visual training programme, also, we'II encourage you toward readhlng your goals. You can be inflated with the resuits we can help you attain. You can be happy working in a professional atmosphere which Iends itself to efficiency and pleasant working con- ditions. Whether you are quaîified at present or currently taking or considering the government pre-llcencîng course--we want to taîk with you! For a confiden- tial personal interview call. HARRY HAYES 668-6171 TYPISTIRECEPTION IST Required immediately for a busy office in a small frlendly growing company. This postion lnvoîving a variety of duties would appeal to an outgoing person wlth a pleasant per- sonaîity, good appearance, good typing skills (60 wpm), and the ambition to assume responsibility and keep busy without supervision. Company benefits include Lif e and Health lnsuranrt", Drug and Dental Coverage. H1-ours flexible, salary commensurate with experlence, although no experience is necessary. Apply ln person to: Whitby Free Press 131 Brock Street North Whitby. ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURER, Iocated in Pickering requires a qualif ied TOOL & DIE MAKER. Must have ability to work with minimum of direction and supervision. Usual company benefits. Cali 839-1105 rWANTED A home for a menitally handicapped child. SALARY * BENEFITS TRAINING * SUPPORT A rewarding career with meaning, purpose, and direction., SECOND INCOME - CREATIVE CIR- CLE. Our crafl kits are fun to demon- strate, easy Io seab, no dellvery, no in- veniory. free hosless gifla. Cali 579- 1501 MIG WELDER, 2 years esperience for shul mea5 fabrication shop. $7.50/hourly. Cali F, Schothruîs 686- 2447 MECHANIC WANTED for heay duly smali mobors & Chain saws. Ex- parienice necessary. Caîl 655-3842 SALES HELP Experiencad sales person raquîred for key board instruments Must be dapendable, well groomed and have sirong musical baciground, Cati 666- 3544 or come in tu Lowrey Piano & Organ Centre. Sel eway Pitre. Whtby. NEEDLE CRAFT OPPORTLJNITY. Join our woll establlshod company with a proven method of soiiing neediecrali producîs. Genorous commission. No lerritorios. No ex- perience necessary, we train, Manager position available. Cati Sharon Goalin ai 986-4826 EXPERIENCED PRINTING SALESPERSON REOUIRED for local f irm, good commission and bonuses. Repiy 10: P.O. Boa 561, Whilby, Ontario wilh fuit details. LOCAL NURSERY REQUIRES MAN FOR TRACTOR WORK, some larm experlence would be an assai. Mid- dla age applicanîs wouid be preferred. Apply in porson to: Bob Lent, WeaiI à Cullen Nurserles <Hwy 12 north of Taunton Rd) STAFF SEC RETARY Large diversified Canadian Corporation located in Scarborough. Excellent benefits including: dental plan, coat of living allowance, 41/2 day compressed work week. Should have minimum grade 12? and two years secretarial experience. Please reply in writing to: ELI LILLY CANADA INC. 3650 Danforth Avenue Scarborough, Ontario MliN 2E8 Personnel Reoresentative (13W) HIGHIEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, Jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil, paintings and sealers. FRI EN DLy FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA LI FE AGENTS OnIy life insurance agents -past -present Need reply ta this advertisement To double pour closing ratio and commissions. Send resminii confidence to: R. S. PRICE 354 Regal Briar Whitby, Ontario LiN 6N1 WHITBY FIZEE PRE WEDNESDAY, FEBI Àoooo>