Wl-IIT13Y FREEPRESS. WIi-I)NLSDAY, F1±BRUARY 1 8, 19~81I, PAG F I19 v 4 ITO OUR f ON HOM .E DELIVERY In order to reduce escalating costs &to encourage better service Your Free Press Carrier will be calling on you at the end of each month and asking you to pay 5O0e jfor the past mont h's papers. If you don 't, wish to pay, for whate ver reas on, your paper will stili be delivered to you. Ifý you do. enjoy reading the paper and are satisfied ith your carriers servtce and pay the voluntary 500 charge.....,.your name will be entered in a draw for a for two to Fb rida. y reward your carrier for good our coi service Jtri bution will by letting him make more money and also make him eligible to win trip to Fb rida (DisneyWorld) for him (her) and his parents. *You benefit: by getfmg better service (flot to mention possibly a free trip) *Your carrier benefits: by being rewarded for doing a good lob *Your local news paper benef its: through reducig circulation costs we can spend more money i other arecs, such as inproved news gathering etc. For f urther information cail: The Whitby Free Press Circulation Dep't. 668-6l11 trip