WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNIU'SDAY. FE13RUARY 18, 1981, PAGE 5 Provincial election '81 0 0 0. Ontarjo 's econoile future is Wei's issue "O0ntarios economic future in the 1980's is the issue" in this provincial election campaign accor- ding to the Liberal Party candidate in Durham West. In a written statement released last week, Norman Wei attacked the Progressive Conservative government of Premier Bill Davis saying that it has not done enough to help small business. Wei said that in Durham West, which comprises Ajax, Pickering and Whitby, there are about 200 manufacturers employing some 12,700 people. "About 6,700 of these workers are employed by small Canadian-owned businesses while the rest work for foreign-owned branch plants," he said. "These establishments form the backbone of On- tario's economy," he con- tinued. "They provide jobs. And yet, in bard economic times, the small and medium size businesses are usually the first to suffer. " Wei said that t.he current haign rates of interest are forcing many of these firms into bankruptcy. "The bankruptcy rate among small businesses is at a record high level. Ac- tions must be taken by the government to assist those small businesses whose existance are threatened by the crushing blows of high interest rates." The Ajax resident said that one way to help these businesses is to establish an Emergency Interest Relief Program that the Liberal Party first suggested in April of last year. This program was designed to give short-term assistance to those com- panies adversely affected by high interest rates by creating a pool of gover- nment money to help pay in- terest charges. Wei said that a business would have to demonstrate that its existance was threatened and that a loss of jobs was possible. The assistance would amount to 50 per cent of the difference between the actual interest rate paid and a base rate of 12 per cent to a maximum of $100,000. The political newcomer admitted that it was only a short term program. "In the long term, what is needed in this province is a progressive and innovative government procurement policy, " he said. "A Liberal government at Queen's Park would direct all government r agencies and crown cor- porations to purchase their goods and services, to the largest extent possible, from Canadian controlled forms." "The best way to support a company is to give it business." Wei, an environment engineer,, said that the Liberals, if elected to power, would introduce a five-point "industrial strategy" for the province. This policy would include: a government procurement policy that wilI support Canadian controlled businesses; encourage in- dividuals to invest in Canadian business yen- tures; give tax incentives for research and develop- ment in high technology in- dustries; est.ahlish an ad- visory service and education programn for smnall business; and, improve the provinces' apprenticeship program. "Ontario can be strong again in the 1980'%" Wei said; "We have the resour- ces, the expertise and the willingness. What we need is the right kind of leader- ship to put all of these ingredients together. " Wei also attacked the Davis government's recen- tly announced $1.5 billion B.I.L.D. program sayîng that it lacked "innovation and sincerity. " "lMany of the proposals are recycled election promises from the early 1970's," he said. 'IThat's lack of innovation. The proposals were announced less than a week before the premier called the election. That's lack of sincerity. " "'Some may even cail it manipulative policies. " ELECTION PROCLAMATO Oif whiicli ail persons airte asked t10 take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. I obedienc> to Ht'r Ma jestyiS urit ofeclectiLm, directL'd by mne to tie refu rning ojicer in each electoral district, for tuie purpost' of electmng persons to represent thte voters in the Legislative Assenibly of Ontario, Public Notice is hereby given of the following in each electoral district: AL LTIMES SHOWN ARE EASTERN STANDARD TIME Eligible electors (voters), is finalized on Saturday, March 7th. missed during the current door ta 1981. 7 p. m . w door enumeration, who wish ta Subsequent applications for have their names added ta the additions ta the voters' ist wilI be preliminà ry voters' ist, must contact considered by the returning off icer their returning officer and ask on an individual basis. about the procedure before the ist THE OFFICIAL NOMINATION 0F CANDIDATES CLOSES in the Returning Office of eoch Eîectoral District Thursdoy, Morch 5th, 2 p.m. ADVANCE POLLS (Locations to be published Iocally 0f Oaller date) SATURDAY, March l4th MONDAY, March l6fh VOTING HOURS 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. ELECTION DAY, THURSDAY, MARCH l9th VOTING HOURS 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. At a time ta be pasted Iocally, the officiai tabulation of results wil be their offices, using the state ments tram each polling place. made by the returning officers, in GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Given under my hand, ai Toronto, Ontar:o RODERICK LEWIS, O.C. CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER Em \I. P2) SI. - .00p, N