PAGE 1. Wl ENESAY. FEBRUARY 25,I %I.WIlITBY FRE PRESS Province bac.ks out of building new courthouse The province has shelved plans to build a new cour- thouse opposite the Whitby Municipal Building on Rossland Road according to a senior official of the Ministry of Government Services. Instead, the province will renew its lease for another five years for space it oc- cupies in the western half of the . Durham Region's headquarters building located next to the municipal building. The courthouse and the provincial assessment office are housed there. The assistant deputy minister of government ser- vices, Lon Pencak, said last week that plans for the $8 million courthouse has been shelved "for the time being." "We have prepared a five year (construction) program and it's just not there." he said, "That project is not on the books." In 1979, the provincial government announced that the courthouse would be built on Rossland Road after acquiring the site in a land swap deal with the Town of Whitby. Pencak said that the project has been postponed for many different reasons, including cost. "For the foreseez future, we have no proje he added. However, Regi Chairman Gary Herri said that the region will move out of the buil simply because the prov has decided to extend lease until 1987. Durham Regional Cot has been hoping to be ab establish all of its officE one building. Presently region's offices are ho in four different buildinj Oshawa and Whitby. Herrema added that region has other finai priorities to consider b building a new headq ters. Council has spent proximately $100,000 repairs to the building ii last year. It curr( houses the offices of chairman, chief ministrative officer, c solicitor and perso commissioner. The chairman said the best solution in the term would be for Province of Ontario to chase the entire building let the region move to quarters. However, no sucha native is being consider this time. The construction of courthouse was one of major projects planne the province for Durha the early 1980's. The other projects in the construction of the Ministry of Rev building in down Oshawa, the constructi the L.C.B.O. warehou Whitby and the replace of the antiquated buil at the Whitby Psych Hospital. The total estimated for these projects (incl the courthouse) is million. Pc7RTICIPacTIID/17 he Canad ianmovement for personal able ýct," onal ema 1 not ding ince its uncil le to es in the used gs in the ncial efore luar- ap- on n the ently the ad- lerk, >nnel that long the pur- g and other Cap uJu Council Column Port sewers overlooked again alter- By COUNCILLOR BARRY EVANS ed at Centre Ward the Last Wednesday regional counil reversed a promise the Fte residents of Whitby have heard for too many years - that four sewers would be extended in Port Whitby. In expectation of d by these sewers, town council initiated a special study of the m in Port with a view to realizing its unique potential for recreational and residential purposes. This study will con- clude tinue to completion, but will sit on the shelf until the region new casts a benevolent eye on Whitby. venue Since the early seventies sewer capacity in the Port has itown been overloaded, with resultant spilîs into the creek and lake on of during peak usage. Development and rebuilding have been se in at a standstill, since no permits for sewer hookups are oh- ment tainable. dings The decision is not only a blow for Whitby, it is a blow for iatric the Region. It demonstrates the prime failing of the regional system - that it does not create a government for the region, cost but instead generates unmitigated parochialism among its uding councillors. Since a regional councillor has only to answer to $125 the electorate in his own municipality, he gains no votes by supporting worthwhile projects in other areas. Therefore, regional councillorsevery often only represent their own town on regional council, rather than the entire population. Evidence of this is seen by en bloc voting by Oshawa councillors on most major issues, from Port Whtby sewers towelecting a regional chairman. How often do you read of a regional couneillor supporting projects in other cthanthis own back yard. This is the fault of the system and not the individuals in- volved. Until the regional councillors are answerable to the entire population of Durham, we cannot fairly expect impar- tiality.