WIIITrBY URI3E I> RESS, WLDIN1SDAY, MAR('l 4, 19,81,PAGE Il 7.8 Per cent tax increase wlll maintain town's level of service, Attersley laims Council Column A manpower reorganization will take place in the parks maintenance area which should improve efficiency and enable the staff to handle the additional park acreages fromn new subdivisions without increasing manpower. The Whitby Fire Department will acquire a new pumnper truck to replace a 1960 model which is still in use. No ad- ditional manpower is contemplated. A programn, conducted by our department which has been popular and beneficial to school children has been the Junior Fire Department program. This program will be retained during 1981. In this Year of the Disabled, council has approved a trial extension of service for the Handi Transit service. Beginning March 1, transportation service will be available to the han- dicapped for extended hours in the evening and on Saturdays. In addition, the Mayor's Task Force on the Handicapped will study and recommend ways in which the town might further aid the handicapped. I believe that the council, by approving the 1981 budgets, has successfully responded to the challenge of maintaining a reasonable ievel of service -in the commnunity whiie respon- ding to a continued restraint program. By THE WORSHIPFUL ROBERT J. ATTEBSLEY Mayor and Regional Councillor On February 16, 1981, council approved the 1981 current and capital budgets for the town. With inflation continuing to increase in double digits, it was gratifying to be able to restrain a tax increase to 5.8 per cent or $18 on the average house in the rural area, and 7.8 per cent or $25.50 on the average house in the urban area. I arn referring of course, to those services which the town provides. The budget infor- il mation from the Region of Durham and the school boards has not yet been received. In keeping the miii rate increase at this level, the Town of Whitby will be maintaining similar service levels to those which have been provided in previous years. When you con- sider that a larger population continues to be served each year, it becomes increasingly more difficuit to provide these same levels of service at an increased cost which does not reach the current infiationary trend. It should be.noted, that ij the town, for the fourth consecutive year, will flot issue any tax supported debentures. Ail costs for the services provided t' a AND GREY TRUST Sincei 1844 Whitby: 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 Tor.Line 683-7189 .\kmheî cr anada t1)cpusîî InNturance (Corporation CROSS-COUNTRY SKIS Hagan Tourlng FoamgkamAB Reg. 85.00 CLEARANCE499 CROSS-COUNTRY i.o SKI BOOTS U0/O OFF- CROSS-COUNTRY SKI SJIS 19 Reg.689.95 CLEARANCE1795 CROSS-COUNTRY WAX 75 Reg. 1.79 CLEAUREE JUNIOR STRETCH SKI PANTS Reg. 95.00 tol105.00 9 CLEARANC6911 MEN'S THERMAL SKI PANTS ~ 9 Reg. to 110o.00 CLARANCE69F15 DITRANI MEN'S SKI JACKETS O 5 Reg. 110.00 CLEARANCE 5 9 JUNIOR SKI JACKETS Down f lled Ditrani 9 Reg. 89.95 CLEARANE 39" SKI WAX MU.Sr CLERNCE 23c0 ~~SKI BOOTS Nrdca, Garmorit 9J.%0 FF TYROLIA BOOT BAGS 195 Reg. 29.95 LERNC ALPINA MASTOR GOGGLESO9 Reg. 16. 50 CLEARANCE KORMA ALPINE POLES 1~ Reg. 21.95 CLARANC171 i i l1 ili *e»0 IGOLF AND 90 I TNNIIS SHIRTS 25%oOF SUMMER FOOTWEAR 50% OFFI a F INAL CLEARANCE! *ALL INVENTORY MUST GO!. MESH FOOTBALL SHIRTS 98 Reg.lS.es CLARANE 8 'TRAINING SUIT Q9 Reg; 29.95 CLEARANR 1995 TS BAIL CAPS '9 ck ~Ro. 7.95 CLEARANIE396 TENNIS CLOTHING 60 % OF A.B.C. SPORT JOX 30 % OF JUNIOR WARM-UP 'THERMAL SKI AN 29" MEN'S & LADIES' fl0 SKI SUITS MV 0 OFF DOWNVESTS Reg. 59-95 to1il0.00 cLEAm E2911fs 7995 256/o cOFF DOMETRE T-NECKS lA9 R09. 17.96 CLEARANR149 ALLEN "A"p SKI SKINS25 Underwear 5 OFF SKI SWEATERS 30% FF TOKO BASE REPAIR CHIPS 0 Reg. 3.28 :IMAM 991- ALPIE SM0 ROSI FS COUP SKI OBes Rq. «0.00 CLAAuoe 295 K2 COUP 71088SKI 29 ROSIGNOtLPAO 26081SKI98 Rn, 170.00 au 12988 Rq. 165.00 IEU MENS WESTERN SHIRTS Suede yoke 1995 Reg.59-M mmAANEI 20IOH.T.WII IW M L are beîng funded this year. The main priority in 1981 continues to be road im- provements. The council has approved reconstruction work to Lake place on the foilowing streets; Mary Street, east and west, Perry Street, Hickory Street, Annes Street, Green Street, Coronation Road, D'Hillier Street and Stewart Street. Storm sewer work will take place on Palmerston Avenue and Aimonds Avenue. In addition, many other roads wiii receive attention via the Town's asphaît overlay program. Another focal point thîs year will be our Neighbourhood Improvement Area. This land bounded by Chestnut, Ash and Mary Streets will be deveioped in co-operation with the several land owners and our two senior levels of government. The work on the park, which began in 1980, wili be completed in 1981. This work foliows on the heels of the Ash Creek En- closure, and wiil be completed in concert with the road im- provements to Hickory and Mary Streets, as well as the ser- vicing of lands for additional resîdentiai deveiopment. The town will continue with its two stage deveiopment of D'Hiilier Park and will compiete this park plân in 1981. No other major recreation facilities are contemplated this year. <p uJ. Obilklilliý[ýw