1V1l.ï IS>A . NliKI.Il . t I -WlIII 1 I KIl-UI PI'IS.i' e Press Emnporium CaiI 668M61 11w IÃAUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 65 CHEVY NOVA. Restored. Have $1.600 invested. 51,000 original mites. Wltt take $1,250 or beat offer. Cali 571-0271. Feb.25,81 1971 CHEVELLE, 4 door, 327 motorf. automatic, as s,. needs body work, fieavy duty springs ail arourid, front end jusi done. $500. Cali 723-0855 Jan 21,81 1972 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, PIS, PIB, Power Rear Window, ideai for contractor. $550 as is of wii car- ily. Cali 668-1481 Feb. 4,81 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA STATION WAGON. Oniy 56,000 miles. Needa some work. $395 as Is. One owner. Cali 668-0532. Mar.4.81 73 FORD GRAND TORINO to seil for parts. Asking $750 or besi offer. Engine 351 Windsor, 65,000 original miles. New Holley 650 CSM 4-barrai carburator. New Offenhauser high- isa manifold. New Maiiory duai- point distnibufor. New tripe-core radiator. Superior mag rims all around. Ail parts good in this car. Cali 725-9537. Feb 18,81 1973 T.BIRD, loaded, new tires, good body, mocing f0 Fiorida. Witi sacrifice for $1200. CaiI666-1247 Dec 10,80 73 TORINO. 302 mnotor. $450. Cali 666-2710 all er 6. Feb 25,81 73 GRAND TORINO, 351 V8 automatic, PIS, PIB, in good con- dition. $600 Cali 655-3679 Dec 17,80 1974 ASTRE GT, automatic. radio with rear defroster, in good working condition. $1375. Cali 668-8937 Dec 1,80 1974 ASTRE GT, automatic, radio, with rear defroster, Ir' good working con, dition. $1275. Cati 668-8937 Dec 10,80 74 DODGE CORONET. Good run- ning condition. $700. Can be cer- tifiad. Cali 668-1564. Feb.25,81 1974 ASTRA, as is, good condition, $1300. Cali days 668-6922 or evenîngs St 668-4046 Feb. 4,81 1974 DODGE VAN, running condition, PS, PIB, 6 cyl., automatic $60 or besi olfer. As is. CatiI666-3528 Jan 28,81 1974 FORD F100 PICK UP. Very good shape Asking $1150 certîfîed Cali 655-3527 ater S P m b48 1975 DODGE D200 PICK-UP TRUCK, 318 V8 automatic. cap, recent paint. radiais. 71,000 mules, certif îed aski09 $2100. Phone 668-3052 Dec 10,80 YR à E .:TIIR/ P TWO RECLINING CAR SEA mounting bracliets, velour good shape $50. Cati 668-871 Floor lenght, double thîckr llvlngroom Drapes, $400 n years otd, excellent cond cleaned, $150 firm. Calit66M METAL DESK, 60"X30" ta tibte, tyepwriter table at $75. Cali 686-2131 GREEN CHESTERFIELD (ai $350. GoId Living room c Lazy-Boy chair newl $95.' 78" X 15" - $30. Floor potl Rug Shampooer $10. Anc pliances. Cati 666-1247 SPANISH DESIGN BAR, bis & caivet, strobe ights on b, includes record piayer, AMI trac, large unit, includes 3 i 2 customed speakers valuai asking $400. Calit 683-303 Items for sale. Bunli beda & maîtresses $1 ktchen table & teaf S50. f Igure skate sîzea 5½ and 6 Cali 668-0170 ATS, wiih rInserts, t Dec 10,80 ,nes, goîd ew. Four ition, just 6-2794 Feb. 11,81 op, refrac- one ide. Dec 31,80 na Shoppe) chair $75. Snowtres Isher $1. i smaii ap- Dec 10,80 cl leather oth sides, FM with 8 bar stools, ci at $1,000 30. Other Jan 21,81 1100. Oval *Ladtes i$8 a pair. Feb 11,ý81 OLO FASHION TUB $75, and ContInen- taI bed $40. Cati 666-3288 BLACK GLASS DINING ROOM TABLE (round) and 4 white cînyt chairs. Diameler 4ft. $300 Cait 576- 4464 Jan 7,81 BROWN ALUMINIUM SCREEN DOOR, 2' 10" X 610)", tîlie osed $50. Cali 668-2213 Dec 10,80 one large TEAK COFFEE TABLE, good conditton, $50. Cati 668-6747 ai- ter 5. Mar.4,81 One DOUBLE BED, BOX SPRING & MATTRESS. Good condition. Askîng $100. Have one LIVING ROOM COUCH & CHAIR. Gotd. white and black,. Good condition. $15Olset. One rad 8x12' RUG for $50. One TV STAND $20. Calilstar 5 p.m. 666- 2098> Feb 18,81 9 PIECE ANTIQUE DINING ROOM SUITE. Sotîd Wainut 6 chairs wth teaiher uphoistered seais & baclis, buffet & 4 model chtna cabinet. Tradttonai style, beautifui design. Excellent condition. $2000, Cati 683- 0889 Feb 11.81 ANITOUE RINGER WASHING MACHINE and Copper Tub & wooden wash stand $100 for bolh or besi of- fer On. exercise bed $5. 2-pc sec- tlonal chestertleld new in AugI8O. Rosi cotour. puits out lu bed. siorage compartmertt ondernealh $300 or besi of fer CatiI666.1598 FaO 11,81 ONE PRO 2001 PROGRAMABLE SCANNER. Excellent condîton Att accessories inctudad $225 or beal of fer Cati 668-362ater 4 p m Feb 18.81 SOFA & CHAIR-; Bloe. green & qoid floral oattern Arm caps in good condition $150 Cati 666-2457 FaO 18.81 HARDWICK GAS RANGE in gîod condition $150 L.,jti 668 1504 aller 430 Mai 4,81 $115 RANGE, 30" $100 WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC WASHER $225 900god Condition Cait 623 1534 PLEASE READ Whrn the advertised Item is sold, disposed of, or Unavallable for whatever reason, the Item will be deemed to have been sold and a commission wiII ha Charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless If priCe le stated with "best off erg'. If the Item is NOT.SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wilI be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3:00 will apply. Ail advertlsements must be plaCed on an exclusive basis wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if flot sold. RATES (If article la sold): 5% of advertised prîce Up to $40000 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertised for $1 20.00 -conmmîsson due S8.00 (minimum charge la $3.00) Private advertising only! Please notify the Whitby Free Press Immediately when item is sold 80 that we may delete It f rom the following issues. Ail ads not fitting the Emporium guidelines wiIl be treated and charged per week as regular classified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personal messcage type ads, or ads not quoting price or qUa.rit!!y: Private Classified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. Ail fdl wtII go ln cîeseîîîed sectIon unies@ otherwîsee pecîîîed. If in doubt, Cali 668-61 il MAIL ADS TO: OR DELI VER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 131 Brock St.N. P.O. Box 206, Whîtby, Ont. Whltby, Li N 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ANTIQUE WALNUT DRESSER. Circa, 1890. 8 drawers, 3 mîrrors i1 fuit- ienglh. 2 wing). $350. Evenîngs. Sundays 668-3729. THICK SOLID PINE TRESTIE TABLE, 371/z wide x 59 long. Extends to 80" $500. 4-DRAWER CHEST ON CHEST ,Roxton". 45 high x 34 wide. $350. 3-SEATER 8ED CHESTERFIELD AND MATCHING CHAIR. $300. SWEDISH STEEL FIRE SCREEN, 36 wide x 281/ high and MATCHING FIRE SET, $35 compiete. Cail 668-2258. Feb.25,81 ANTIQUE OAK DINING ROOM SUITE- 6ý chairs & hutch. Excellent con- dition. $950. 54" SPANISH OAK FORMICA BUFFET wif h glass doors. 1 year oid. $325. GENERAL ELEC-, TRIC STOVE-' White. excellent con- dition. $150.Cait 579-8915. Feb.25,8 1 2 YOUTH BED MATTRESSES 66x33- Very good condition $20 each Cati 668-4193. Feb.25,8 i KENMORE VACUUM CLEANER wîlh beater bar & accessories. $75. Cati 668-3885 Mar 4,81 TRESTLE DESK, DARK HONEY PIN E, with brass finsh handies and knobs Complete wîth Captaîn Style Chair $575. Cati 666-1899 Jan 28,81 GRAVEL GARDEN TRACTOR. A-i condition, rebuîtt 76 HP angine, 30" reet mower. sulky snow piough, new tug tires and chaîn $600 Cati Roger 6554570 CONN ORGAN, $1100 section and bench Leslie s Buffet wlth i rror attache Dresser with mîrror $50 2769 STEREO with stand $100 CHAIR $10 3 LADIES' COJ 12 1 Leairier $30. 2 tuP-le each Cali 666-3428 Strummer peakers ed. $100 Caîl 623. Feb 11,81 t HIGH ATS- suze ength $25 Mar 4.81 Three tires for sale, two snc pair 6.50 X 13. one sommer1 13. On. apartment szed electrh borner, white i good condit Heafîng duct pipes, 4 inclh n sections. 20 feat, witl degreaeibows $10. One Dodge WheeI Rim, 15 in One "Peter Storm" Ramn naw, ight weight. Saimc prize. Siza XI $50 One set of hockey equipmei medium; skaftas, pads, gtove etc. $100. On. 12 foot aîumInum car heavyduty, with 31/z HPmnoi Two Lacrosse Sticks, one SE junior $10 esch. One exercise bicycle, otd sI- One pair of ski pales, sion person 8to 5'11-$ 10 Iraner, full size modal to os voit syslemn $50 Caîl 666-2935 aller 5 p.m. LOWREY GENIE ELECTRI( 1 year otd, Asking $900 8573 iows $25 a $10. 600X tc st ove, 4 tion $75. idiameter ýh two 90 nch $10 Suit, bran ion Derby ent, man's es, sticks, top boat, for, $600. ,enior, one ýyle $25. ninum. for ise on 110 Feb 11,81 CORGAN, Cali 985- Feb. 4,81 TORONADO CELLUSLOSE IN- SULATION BLOWER, 110 volt. hosa couptînga & somte hose. Excellent conditon $150. Cati 666-3528 Jan 28.81 BRIGS AND STRATTON 3 HP engine, n runnîng condition Ineeda muffler> for tawnmower etc. $45, Cali 579-2073 Dec 17.80 TWO MENs HAIR PIECES, naturat haîr. darli brown, corrent costifi new. now $745 each Cao be cotour tînted to suit indîvîduais needs Askîng $150 each or best offer Cati1668-4721 .Dec 24,80 CASCADE 40 EI.ctrlc Water Heateir, 5 years otd askîng $50 Anthes Olid Burolng Furnace witfi extra 2 speed motor & power humidifier. askîng $200 200 Gallon 011 Tank, wîth ap- proximat'tty 40 gai oit 55h09g $50. Cali alter 5Sp m 668-4326 Jan 28.81 FLATBED TRAILER wîth dual axies. 20' long, $3.000 54 HARDWOOD SKITS, $2 each, 50 CEDAR RAILS. $1 each 5 SHRUBS, $10 aach, 1973 MARQUIS BROUGHAM. oniy 27.000 mites. A 1 condition. $3.000 lîrm Cali 6689656 I____________________________ BABY ITEMS IN GOOD CC crib $30, Pedestai highi Waikar $5, Pîsypen $30, i $35. Cati 668-6093 eveningt LADIES BLACK FINE FLICED LUNE BOOTS, bi size 7, $70. Cati 668-2213 WHITE 2 BURNER T, STOVE. One conîrol for bot White, good shape. worki Cali 579-2073. 1978 GOEBEL ANNIJAL PLATE WITH BOX. $185. P 6461 aifter 6p.m. WHITE WEDDING DRESS, cary good condition, Ilke n, Cati allter 6 p.m. ai 668-9836 BABY CAR BED $15, Pis Joiiy Jumper .t5, Baby S Waiker $10 Etectric Bottli plus glass botlls $5, 2 sn( biua bag typa $5, 1 brown, months - 2 place $10. Ail Ir condition. Cali 655-3873 GIRLS BEIGE ALL-WEATH wîth attached hood. Size Cati 668-1076. DRUMMER PRACTICE PA[ symbol and hi haf $200. 40 trIc Organ S$150. Cail 576-13 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANIN volumeso011904 edit ion. As Phone 655-4456. SILVER HOLTEN TRUMPI CASE, ike new $250. Cati 72 'wing $10, B Sferitizer Dwsuifs - 1 & laeige 18 , excellent Jan 21,81 ER COAT 12. $25. Feb.25,81 D SET aiso Cord EIec- 364 Dec 17,80 ICA. 25 sing $65, Mar.4,81 ,ET WITH 23-0855 Jan 21.81 ELECTRIC GUITAR, like new, $95. BONTEMPI TABLE ORGAN $20. BLACK AND DEOKER CIRCULAR SAW $15. Phone 668-4407. Feb 25,81 2 SNOW TIRES & RIMS - size 14, $40 each. 1 NEW LADY'S COAT - size 20. $80. SHOWER CURTAIN $10, MINIATURE CRIB $35. ELECTRIC GRILL $25. ELECTRIC COFFEEPOT $10. ELECTRIC CAN OPENER $5. SLOW COOKER $20. 4 AUTOMATIC DOOR CLOSERS $20 each. 1 TV AM- PLIFIER $40. CHILDIS LAMP FIX- TURE $8. Cai 571-0271. Feb.25,81 COLLECTOR PLATES- Comptete series of 4 "Preservîflg A Way oI Lile' by Peter Entril Snyder. Limited Edit ion and Numbered. $70 each or 4 for $260. 1 BEOTIME STORY PLATE by Joseph Osatari, numbered and liited - $28, first and second ln "Scenes of the English Countryside" by Peter Barrett - Limited edition. $70 each or 2 for $130. Wlii tradefor Canadian or American goid or silver coins. Cali 579-6929 at ter 4:30. Feb 25,81 KIMBAIL SWINGER 200 ORGAN $800 f irm. WONDERLAND DEMOLITION DERBY PINBALL MACHINE $300 f irm. Excellent con- dition. Less than 1 year otd. Cati Elmers Furniture, Hampton, Ontario 263-2294. Feb.25,81 OIL FURNACE, TANK, CONTROLS, $200. 668-6644. Feb.25,81 SHEEP SKIN COAT, fuît lenght, ladies, size 12-14, ln very good con- dition, $150. Cali 668-2213 ,Dec 31,80 2.1. I Thr t Tfnue % LS~'l!,'Mir Cr 668-9168 Phone -_579-7521 I 4 m 1 a a 1 'l Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. mmmmmwl Mar 4.81 1 INDITION, chair $20, Bath table Feb 18,81 LEATHER rand new, Dec 10,80 "ABLE-TOP 1h burners. ing. $15. Feb 18,81 HUMMEL hone 668- Feb 25,1 size 12, in ew $100. Feb. 4,81 PETS & 8 MONTH OLO MALE SHELTY Sheaitend Sheep Dog), house tralned, very quiet, papers, excellent dog for showing. $200 have sean for $400. Cati 668-1 576 aller 6 p.m. Feb 18,81 ONE PAIR 0F ZEBRA FINCHES, $14 a pair. ONE PAIR DIAMONO DOVES, $20 a pair. Ideatlfor christmas giftt and witi hold tilt Christmas. Cati 668- 2461 Dec 10,80 ST. BERNARD, $10 to good home. Good with chiidren. Phone 725-8370. Mar.4,81 TWO SETS 0F SKIS AND BOOTS, one ladies and one mens. Ladies sîze 5 boot, and men's sîze 9 boot. $50 a set. Cali 668-3209 Jan 14,81 On. pair cross country teather ski boots - blue à white, size 6, like new $15. Cali Harold 66814721 Dec 10,80 For Sale - 1 PAIR 0F DOWNHILL SKIS, BOOTS & POLES. Fisher 170s. Look 57 bindings with safety brakes. Boot size 81/2. $250 or best olfer. Phone 655-3100. Feb 25,81 74 SKI.DOO 440 Fan Engine, new engine, aest season (50 miles). plus DOUBLE BED TRAILER (has wood aides & ends). New tires with plates- $800. Cati 668-2129. Feb.18,81 1969 SKIDOO, excellent condition, $425. Cali 623-1534. Feb.25,81 BEN HOGEN GOLF CLUBS, 14 club set, new bag and head covers, 1/2 price of new $300. Calit 666-1247 Dec 10,80 chîîd'S BICYCLE $10. Boys and Ginls Skates $5. Cali 668-3234. Feb 4,81 LARGE Frammeas nap.sack, excellent condition $30. Ventes Copper.Tonê Stove Hood, 36 loches - $30. Cali 655. 4220 Jan 14,81 SQUASH RACKET, brand new, $10, Catil 668-6563. Feb.25,81 NEW IN TOWN? Dec 17.80 Feb 25.81 iy sy e ol n %- 'kt fl 9 %KI 1 L*1 % 4 %-, kt A Il f 'l 1 1 1 LI v 1 %Ill 11 1 9) V L 13 1. L 1)13 L eu