PAGE 1I.Ws, Dl LSDAýYN A I«'lIl , I SI. lITYFRIT PRESS Merchant fights to conserve energy By S. GREENAWAY Free Press Staff In these days of ever in- creasing çnergy costs and ever diminishing energy resources big and little businesses alike are turnîng ,heir thoughts to any means (f conservation at their disposal. Making a move towards the future Gus Brown Pon- tiac-Buick Ltd. in Whitby unveiled their contribution to more efficient management of energy in the form of a Leland Energy Management System, making them the first General Motors dealership in Canada to own such a unit. "The days of cheap energy are over and the days of more expensive energy are with us and lay before us so an energy management system like this will definitely pay for itself several times over in the future," said incumbent Durham West MPP George Ashe at the opening ceremonies last week. Ashe, along with incum- bent Durham East MPP Sam Cureatz and Gus Brown, president of Gus Brown Pontiac-Buick Ltd., cut the ribbon, officially put- ting the computer into operatioh. According to BFR In- dustries, the company that distributes the Texas based corporation's product, the key function of the Leland EMS is to utilize energy only when it is needed to power necessary equipment and to ensure it is turned off when it is not required. The computer operates existing control mechanisms, i.e. valves, thermostats, switches etc., making it equally efficient whether the energy source is oil, gas, electricity or water. "The Leland Energy System is on the job 24 hours a day, every day, adjusting schedules automatically for daylight and standard time changes, statutory holidays and weekends, eliminating the human factors of forget- fulness and pre- occupation," said a BFR spokesman. Prior to the installation of the unit Mike Freeman, a consultant for BFR In- dustries, made an energy study of Brown's dealership. "When Mike did the sur- vey for us he found numerous areas where he could show us how to cut down on and save on energy costs," said Brown. Along with the installation of the computer Freeman had the lamps and display lights changed to more energy efficient ones, such as more efficient-watt miser lamps, which use less wat- tage per lamp and high in- tensity discharge fixtures which put out "10 times the amount of light per watt than the normal incan- descent1light." "The survey itself can verify the usage of energy needs before the system is installed," said Brown. "We felt so strongly about the one system that we had both our locations equipped with it." Along with the main show Brown is confident will be paid off in between 24 and 30 months time because of The system can also monitor and warn of fire, illegal entry and vandalism. Incumbent Tories Sam Cureatz (left) and George Ashe (right) were on hand last week to help Gus Brown officially put into operation a Leland Energy Management System recently installed at Brown's Pontiac-Buick showroom. The unit, a computer in itself, along with a second such unit, installed in Brown's used car showroom, had a combined price tag of $18,000. Brown hopes to recapture his initial investment within 24-30 months through reduced . energy bills. room and dealership on the south side of Dundas Street East, Brown owns a used car dealership directly across the road. The total cost for both locations was $18,000, a sum reduced energy bills. It is estimated that the system will reduce electric power usage by over 87,000 kilowatt hours, gas by 400,000 cubic feet and reduce electrical demand by 21 k.w. every month, annually. "People just don't know how much they are spending on energy," said Freeman. "It's physically impossible for the system not to work because things do not con- sume energy if they are not turned on." HeIp keep the promise of Ontario. Elect a Davis government. Ontario is rich in promise. We have the people. the resources. the initiative and the vitality to make Ontario the envy of th worid But promises do not fulfill them- selves. To build the future we need strength and leadership Premier Bill Davis has demonstrated that leadership He has shown that he has the under- standing and the vision to identify the priorities in Ontario's future and to take the vigorous action needed to capitalize on them. The Davis Government's new B.I.L.D. plan is a comprehensive economic program. designed to stimulate the economy. create jobs and to realize Ontario·s future potential. 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Vote Progressive Conservative. g, GEORGE ASHE Your P.C. candidate in Durham West il 1-"hf-EWRITERS REF:ýAIRS &SE RVICE 1 ALL MAKES DANFORTH TYPEWRITER -Rentals, Sales &Service 408 Dundas Street VVest 2940 Danforth Ave 0.1hitby Toront.) 666-11-31 eýst 1930 698-('-1589: P¶cîner k'injdI t pit It iuri.t. (- rpuirat lur1 FightO Them Ail Heart Attack, Stroke High Blood Pressure Rheumatic Fever Plantaseed for yofuture wtour GICs. Buying a Guaranteed Invest- ment Certificate from Victoria and Grey Trust is like plant- ing a seed for your future. While we nurture your investment, all you have to do is watch it grow. And the high yield is guaranteed! Oui GICs can be purchased for terms of 1 to 10 years. Term and interest payments can be tailored to suit your needs. Invest in a GIC from Victoria and Grey today. And enjoy the full fruits of your labour tomorrow AND GREY TRUST Since /844 Whitby: 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 Tor. Line 683-7189