Whitby Free Press, 11 Mar 1981, p. 24

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l>AGF 24, WI:L)Nl SI)AS MNIAR('C l W II R R1S Free Press Emnporium- EmoimCaIl 668-6111 EmpoiumAds wiII oniy be occepted subject.to the following Conditions. ~AUTOMOBILESI FORRSASALE 65 CHEVY NOVA. Resfored. Have $1600 liivested. 51,000 originat mites. Wilfake $1,250 or best offer. Cati 571-0271. Feb 25,81 1971 CHEVELLE, 4 door. 327 motor, automatic, as Is, needs body work, heavy duty springsaiat around, front end JuSt done. $500. Cati 723-0855 Jan 21,81 1972 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, PIS, PIB, Power Rear Window, ideat for contractor, $550 as is or wiii cer- tify. Cati 668-1481 e.48 73 FORD GRAND TORINO to seit for parts, Asking $750 or best olfer. Engîne 351 Windsor, 65,000 original mites. New Holley 650 CSM 4-barret carburator. New Offenhauser high- rîse manifold. New Matiory dual- point distributor. New trîpte-core radiator, Superior mag tims ait around, Ait parts good in this car. Cati 725-9537. Feb 18,81 73 TORINO. 302 motor. $450. Cati 666-2710 after 6. Feb 25,81 73 GRAND TORINO, 351 V8 automatic, PIS, PIB, In good con- dition. $600 Cati 655-3679 Dec 17,80 1974 ASTRE GT, automatIc, radio witfl rear defroster, In good working condition. $1375. Cati 668-8937 Dec 17,80 74 DODGE CORONET. Good run- ning condition. $700. Can be cer- tified. CatiI668-1564. Feb.25,81 1974 ASTRA, as ta, good condition, $1300. Calit days 668-6922 or eveningsaiat668-4046 Feb 4,81 1974 DODO! VAN, running condition, PIS, PIB, 6 cyt., automatic $600 or beat offer. As is. Cati 666-3528 Jan-28,81 1974 FORD F-100 PtCK UP. Very good shape. Askîng $1,150 certified. Cati 655-3527 affer 5 p m. Feb.4,81 1976 MONTE CARLO, care features PIS, PI8, air condition, AMIFM cassette, swivet buckefs, radiai tires, 61,000 mîtes. $3750 certified. Ex- cellent condition. Cati 655-3026 anytime, Jan 21,81 1976 PONTIAC VENTURA. 2-door hafchback. 260 V8. Power brakes & steering. Cerified Oct 180 $1.795ý Cati after 6 p.mý 839-5656. Feb 25.81 -26 FT. SUPERIOR MOTOR HOME, CLASS A self contîmîned bedroom with vanîty, fuit bat hroom wth sink, vanity, toîtet, bath & shower, 4 borner stove & oven, double steel sînk. extra large ie frîdge, large furnace. newiy decorated 440 Dodge mnotor $12.500or bealoffer Cati 6633030 Jan 14.81 ______________ I tan & goîd .tn good !457. Feb 1881 IG ROOM taira wîth & backs, cabinet, 1design. Cait 683. Feb 11.81 OM SUITE. sulent con- ISH OAK as doors. RAL ELEC- -etient con- Feb.25,81 IG ROOM white vinyt t Cai 576- (TENSION- up to 12 t 4 chairs ira aakîng Il 728-9732 er 6 p.m. Mar. 11,81 E TABLE, 68-6747 aI - MAar.4,81 il PLEASE READ Whrn the adVertised Item Is sold, disposed of, or unaVallable for WhateVer reason, the Item wiII be deemed to have been sold and a commission wiII bo charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless If price is stated with "beat of fer". If the Item is NOT SOLO, or dlsposed of, the ad wili be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $a.00 wiII apply. AIl adVertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at Ieast one month If not soîd. RATES (If article la soîd>: 5% of advertiaed price Up ta $40000 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertlsed for $1 20.00 -commission due $6.00 (minimum charge la $3.00) Private adVertIsing only! Please notify the WVhitby Free Press Immediately when item is sold so that we mnay delete it from the foiiowing issues. Ail ads not fitting the Emporium guideiines wilI be treated and Charged per week as regular classified ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, help wanted, Clothing, reai estate," and personai message type ads, or ads not qUoting priCe or qUantity: Private Classified ads may appear in the Emporium ' a :Ho GOsO Il SOFA & CHAIR - Blue, greg f lorat pattern. Arm caps. condition. $150. Cati 666-24 9 PIECE ANTIQUE DININC SUITE. Solid Wainut. 6 ci leather uphoIslered seats buffet & 4 modet china Traditionai style, beautifut Excellent condition. $2000. 0889 ANTIQUE OAK DINING RO( 6 chairs & hutch. Exci ditton. $950. 54' SPAI FORMICA BUFFET with gia 1 year otd. $325. GENEI TRIC STOVE. White, exce dition. $150ý Cati 579-8915ý BLACK GLASS DININC TABLE (round) and 4w chairs. Diameter 4f. $300 4464 Jan 7,81 SOLID CHERRYWOOD EX' DINING TABLE to seatt people. Like new. With aakîng $550. With 5 chai $600. For information call between 8 and 10 s.m. or sfti One large TEAK COFFEE good condition. $50. Cati 6E ter 5. Al ade wilI go ln cîassîfîed section unis@ olhrwta. apeciti.c If in doubt, cal) 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LI N 5S1 OR DELI% 131 Brot WhItl THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOOI KENMORE VACUUM CLEANER with beater bar & accessories, $75. Cai 668-3885ý Mar.4,81 HARDWICK GAS RANGE in good condition $150. Cati 668-1504 after 4:30. Mar 4,81 GAS STOVE wtth rotisserte, 59" high x30' wcde, $200 or best offer Cati 723-2005 Mar 11,81 OLD FASH ION TUB $75, and Continen- tal bed $40. Cati 6663288 Dec 17,80 ANITOUE RINGER WASHING MACHINE and Capper Tub & waoden wash stand $100 for both or beat ot- fer. One exorcise bed $5. 2-pc sec- tianat chesterfloid new in AugIBO. Ruai cotour. puits oui lu bed, torage comparîrnent underneath $300 or besi ofler Cati 666-1598 Feb 11,81 CONN ORGAN, Si 100. section and bench. Lestie s Buffttaiwth i mrror attacht Dresser wtth mIrror $50. 2769 LOWREY G ENtE ELECTRII 1 year otd, Asking $900. 8573 KIMBALL SWtNGER 20( $800 firm. WON~ DEMOLITION DERBY MACHINE $300 f irm. Escý dition. Less than 1 year Elmera Furnifure, Hampfc 263-2294. ELECTRIC GUITAR. tike ri BONTEMPI TABLE ORO, BLACK AND DECKER C SAW $15. Phone 668-4407. SîLVER HOLTEN TRUMP CASE, tîke new $250 Cati 7 DRUMMER PRACTICE PAI symbot and hi hai $200. 40 tric Organ $150 Cati 576.1: ENCYCLOPEDIA BRtTANVi volumnes 0f 1904 edîf ion. As Phone 655-4456 1978 GOEBEL ANNUAL PLATE WITH BOX. $ 185 p 6461 aller 6 p tni COLLECTOR PLATES-( series ut 4 *Preservinq A Wm by Peler Enîrît Snyder Edîlion and Numbered $70 for $260 1 BEDTIME STOR by Joseph Cseiarî. trumbi limited . $28. irai and si -Scenes oftrtie Engtîsh Coui by Peler Barreil -Lîmîled edi each or 2 for $130 Wili Canadien or Amerîcan gutd coins Cali 579-6929 af fer 4 3 VER TO: ck St.N. ýby, Ont. Strummer speakers. ýed, $100. Cati 623- Feb 11,81 IC ORGAN, Cail 985- Feb. 4,81 o ORGAN IDERLAND PIN BAL L ellent con- ,oid. CatI Dn, Ontario Feb.25,81 new, $95. AN $20. 21 RCULAR Feb 25,81 PET WITH 23-0855 Jan 21,81 DÏ SET aiso )Cord Etec- 364 Dec 17,80 ICA. 25 sking $65, Mar.4,81 HUMMEL hone 668- Feb 25,81 Coroptete &y of LIte Lînîîted each or 4 tY PLATE ered and ,ecund in ntryside- ilion, $70 trade for 1or sîlver 30 Feb 25.81 section Under appropriate headings. THICK SOLID PIN! TRESTLE TABLE, 371/2 wide s 59 tong. Extenda to 80. $500. 4-DRAWER CHEST ON CHEST - *Roxton,. 45 high x 34 wide. $350. 3-SEATER BED CHESTERFIELD AND MATCHING CHAIR. $300. SWEDISHI STEEL FIRE SCREEN, 36 wide x 281/2 high and MATCHING FIRE SET. $35 compiete. Cati 668-2256. Feb.25,81 TRESTLE DESK, DARK HONEY PINL, with brasa finish handies and knobs. Comptete with Captain Style Chair - $575. Cati 666-1899 Jan 28,81 METAL DESK, 60"X30" top, retrac- tible, tyepwriter table ai one aide $75. Cati 666-2131 Dec 31,80 ANTIQUE WALNUT DRESSER. Cîrca 1890. 8 drawers, 3 mirrors (1 fuit- iengih, 2 wing). $350. Evenings, Sundays 668-3729. Feb.25,81 CHEST 0F DRAWERS,i drawer, good condiion, $60 EOUIPMENT, Brownîe 30 protecior. ediior and screen, $75. Cati 655-3285. bîrch, 5- Ofl MOVIE 00 movie iike new, Mar 11,81 SPANISH DESIGN BAR, black leather & veivef, sîrobe lights on boih aides, inctudes record player. AMIFM vith 8 trac, large unît. inctudes 3 bar atouts. 2 cusiomed speakers vaiued al $1.000 aakîng $400 Cati 683-3030 Oiher items for sale Jan 21,81 One DOUBLE BED, BOX SPRING à MATTRESS. Guud condition, Asking $100 Have une LIVING ROOM COUCH & CHAIR. Goid, white atrd black Guod condition $150'set One red 8a12' RUG for $50 One TV STAND $20 Cati aller 5 p m 666. 2098 Feb 18,81 2 YOUTH BED MATTRESSES 66 x33* Yery good cund0ion $20 eacri Caii668-4193 Fti b25>81 Floor Ienghl, double tictînoe.gold lIvingroom Drapes. $400 new Four years nid, excellenr condition, usl cieanpdl $150 iirm Cati 666 2794 Fût) 1l181 RE FR IG ERATO R. $115 RANGE, WESTINGHOUSE WASHER $225 Att Cati1623-1534 Wesl intg to useý 30 $100) A UTO MA TIC n guod Conditionf Feb 25.81 Three TIRES for a pair, 6.50 x 13,c a 13. One DODGE Wl $10. One 12-foot ALI BOAT, heavy dut) $600. One set of HOI matra medium; r sticks, etc., $100. Two LACROSSE one junior, $10Oea One EXERCISE1 $25. One pair of SKI Pi person 8tofi 1,$10. HEATING DUCT PIPES, 4 inch diameter in sections. 20 feet, with two 9Odegree eibows, $10. IRONER, fuit size modet to use on 110 voit syatem, $50. Cilt 866-2935 alter 5 p.m. Fb118 FLATBED TRAfLER wif h dual ales, 20' long, $3,000. 50 CEDAR RAtILS, s1 each. 5 SHRUBS, $10 each. 1973 MARQUIS BROUGHAM, oniy 27.000 mîtes. A-i condition, $3.000 fîrm. Cati 668-9656 Mar.4,81 CASCADE 40 Etectrîc Waler Heater, 5 yeara otd askîng $50. Anthes Ditd Burntng Furnace wifh extra 2 speed motor & power humidifier, asking $200 200 Gallon Oit Tank, wîîh ap- proximatety 40 gai oit askîng $50. Cati affer 5 p.m. 668-4326 Jan 28,81 Ovat KITCHEN TABLE & lest $50 Ladies FIGURE SKATES. sîzes 51/ and 6.$8a pair CaiI668-0170 Feb< 11,81 BABY ITEMS IN GOOD CONDITION, crib $30. Pedestat hîgh chair $20. Watker $5, Ptaypeîî $30, Bath table $35. Cati 668-6093 everairga, Feb 1881 STEREO with stand $100 HIGH CHAIR $10 3 LADIES' COATS -suze 12 - Leather $30. 2 futt tength $25 each, Cali 666-3.428 Mar.4,81 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! 668-9168 o Phone - 579-7521 FO WHITE WEDDINC very good condîti( Cal allter 6 p.m. et SHEEP SKINC ladies, size 12-14 dîion, $150. Catii GIRLS BEIGE At with attached hi Cati 668-1076. TWD MENs HA hair, dark brown, now $745 each.C to suit individua $150 each or best WHITE 2 BUF STOVE. One corl White, good ahe Cati 579-2073. BRIGS AND STP n running cond for tawnmower e, DIL FURNACE, $200. 668-6644. TORONADO SULATION BLCI couptinga & s50 condtion $150. i 2 SNOW TIRESà each. 1 NEW LAI $80. SHOWEF MINIATURE CRI GRILL $25. ELI $10. ELECTRIC SLOW COOKER DOOR CLOSERS PLIFIER $40.C TURE $8. Cali 57 qTCES T la SALE I 5 E PES ES SUPPLIES I DRESS, size 12, in e Ion, Ike new $100. 668-9836 6e.48 MONTH OLD MALE SHELTY Feb,4,81 Sheaitend Sheep Dog), house trained, very quiet, papers, excellent dog foi COAT, fuît ienght, showing. $200 have seen for $400. 4. In very good con- Cati 666-1576 at ter 6 p.m. 66U-2213 Dc3,0Febl18,81 LL-WEATHER COAT ST. BERNARD, $10 to good home, ood. Size 12. $25. Good with chiidren. Phone 725-8370. Mar.4,81 Feb.25,81 AIR PIECES, naturai WANTED -GOOD HOME i current coat it new, OId Engîtsh Streepdog, female. Can be colour lrnîed yeara otd, shorf-heired, purebred, iais needa. Aakirîg regîsfcred, cen breed. Asking $100. ýt olter. Cati 668-4721 Phone 655-8029. Dec 24,80 Mar.il,81 RNER TABLE-TOP irlfor both burnera. ~ P R I G ape, working. $15. W L» OODS I Feb 18,81 N 3H Pen 1 e, TWO SETS 0F SKIS AND BOOTS, one lition (needa muffler) ladit andon men .di' size ! ot 5 e ttc. $45. Cati 579-2073 otan e' i 9bt.$0as. Dec 17,80 Cai 668-3209 Jan 14,81 TANK, CONTROLS, For Sale - 1 PAIR 0F DOWNHILL Feb.25,81 SKIS, BOOTS & POLES. Fisher 170'S, Look 57 bîndinga with safety brakea, Bool size 8½2. $250 or beaf 0f fer. CELLUSLOSE IN. Phone 655-3100, iWER, 110 voit, hose Feb 25,81 me hose. Excellent - -_________ Cati 666-3528 Jan 28,81 1969 SKIDOO, excellent condition, - $425. Cati 623-1534. &RIMS - size 14. $40 ______ ___ ______ DYS COAT - size 20. »R CURTAIN $10. '72 SNOW PRINCE. Excellent con- lB $35. ELECTRIC dition. $350 or beaf offer, Cati 668- ECTRIC COFFEEPOT 8090. 'CAN OPENER $5. Mr118 l$20. 4 AUTOMATICMa118 S $20 each. 1 TV AM. - -__ ________ CHILD'S LAMP FIX. 1-0271. 74 SKI-DOO 440 Fan Engine, new Feb.25,81 engine, last season (50 miles). Plus DOUBLE BED TRAILER has wood aides & ends). New tires with plates - sale, two snows $25 $800. Cali 668-2129. Fb 88 one aummrrer $10, 6.00 e181 'HEEL RIM, 15 Inch, LARGE Frameesae nap-sack, exceller .UMINUMCAR TOP condition $30. Vnts Copper-Tont UM, iNUM31/CAR TOP Slave Hood, 36 inches - $30. Cati 655 ifwth3½HPmoor, 4220 ICKEY EOUIPMENT, Jan 14,81 kates, pads, gioves, STICKS, one senior, SQUASH RACKET, brand new, $10. ch. Cati 668-6563. BICYCLE, oid style, Feb.25,81 OLES, aIuminum, for- le 5 t. nt le

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