PÀA î. 2, . LNIî:S1AYý. NIAI{UI 191 , I ) ['l I'*1Y IR P R[SS Former Durham West NDP MPP Dr. Charles'Godfrey is seen here at a recent new con- ference during which he endorsed Liberal party candidate Norman Wei. Godfrey said that he endorsed Wei believing hirn to be the only man who can "kick Davis' Ashe out of Durhamn West." His "defection " caused a minor scandai in the current provincial election campaign. -Free Press Staff Photo Ex-NDP MPP gives endorsement to Grit canddae ei By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff The former NDP MPP for Durhamn West has thrown his support behind the local Liberal party candidate, Norman Wei. Last week, Dr. Charles Godfrey who held this riding between 1975 and 1977 endorsed Wei believing hirn to be the only candidate capable of defeating incumbent Progressive Conservative MPP George Ashe. "Norman Wei is the only man who: can kick Davis' Ashe out of Durham West," Godfrey told a press con- ference. Godfrey also endorsed Wei because he has "'dernon- strated a commitment to environrnental issues." Another. issue close to Godfrey's heart is the health care system in the province saying that Stuart Smith, Liberal party leader has corne out with some reasonable suggestions about making it more finan- cially stable. He criticized the NDP's health care position as being too "inflexible." Godfrey also attacked Ashe over the recent an- nouncement that the gover- nment will construct a L.C.B.O. warehouse in Whitby saying that they "Ikeep announcing it" and not building it. He said that Tory's cam- paign promises are mostly "recycled efforts. " "George Ashe has not been effective," he said. "What you have, essentially, is a conservative incumbent, high in the party, that can't deliver." Althqugh he has allowed his membership in the NDP to lapse, Godfrey stressed that his endorsernent of Wei is not a criticisrn of present NDP candidate Hugh Peacock. "Hugh Peacock is an ab- solute stranger to me," he said. However, the Whitevale physician and medical professor said that the party has suffered since Stephen Lewvis resigned the leader- ship. Under present leader Michael Cassidy, Godfrey said that the party had "lost their flexibility and philosophic viewpoint. " This was not the reason for what will be called his "defection" from the party. "I arn concerned with kicking Ashe out of this riding," he said, "because we're not getting good representation at Queen's Park. " Godfrey said that he ex- pects his endorsement of Wei to sway some votes from the NDP, although he admitted that some of those votes could have been frorn those who supported him and flot the party. Godfrey ean't vote Although Dr. Charles God- frey has forrnally endorsed Durham West Liberal can- didate Norman Wei, he can- not vote for him. Godfrey, the New Democratic MPP for the riding between 1975 and 1977, lives in Goodwood which is part of the riding of Durham-York. Godfrey was flot a resident of this riding when he represented it in the Ontario Legislature. Aithough he aclritted that he will not be able to vote for Wei, Godfrey did not say who he wiII support in Durham-York. TAX TIME GOT YOU UN ASQUEEZE' Ilf tax time puts you jr <À the sq ueeze, remem ~ ber, last year the trained specialists Y at H&R Block took the pressure off for over three-quarters of a million Cana- dians by preparing accurate income tax returns at an average cost of about $20. That's a good return for the money. And a lot less pressure. This year be sure. THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS H&R BLOCK Pensioners:I Ask about specialrates. OSHAWA 15 Bond St. East 1343 King East 924 Simncoe St. N. WHITBY 122 Dundas St. W. PICKERING 82 Kingston Rd.W, open ge.m .9 p.m. Wmkdays. .5ssot, Phone 723-2217 Oshawa In S 1 EATON'S the¶;a