WIIITBY FREL PRESS, WEDNILSDAY, MIARCII 18, 1981, PAGE 21 id CALA HIUHAHILYS FURNITURE REF1NISHING Maorch Sp@cl.il 20 % Off Repairse nd ReflInlshlrsg durlRg March. Frse Estîmates -Give Your Fumiture a Face Lft' r 600 EucIid St., Whitby Coli Rick Foorestell 666-2992 TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINING For class A & D License Cal PARTICIPATION 416-363-8031 dav. eve. & Sat. courseE CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Titing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar )ecks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Caîl 668-4686 MUSIC LESSONS Quaîified Instructor Viol in or Gu itar 668-3741 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Silver coins, old guns, cIocks, jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil, paintings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA A&R HOME IM PRO VEM ENT No job too small. Foi free estimate cali 579- 6545. DAVIS AUCTION SERVICES Ask anyone who has used our services - theyre our best recommendat ion! Estates, Antiques, Farma, Consîgniment 79)AAà gr PRE-INVENTORY CLEARANCE 20% off guitars, music, records, pianos and organs with no trade-ins. March 18 to March 31, 1981. IRWIN SMITH MUSIC LTD. 191 Queen Street Port Perry, Ontario 985-2635 INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the proiects or services iîsted below, addessed to the Regional Manager, Finance & Administration, Ontario Region, Department ot Public Woks, 4900 onge Street, hlth Floori, Wilowdale. Ontario M2N 6A6. wil be receîved untîl 1500 hours on the specîtîed ciosîng date Tender Documents cen be sean, or obtaîned through the ottîce of the Drector Genemal, Deparlment oh Public Works. Ontario Region. Tenderîng Oftice. 1ttr Fluor. 4900 Vonge Street, Wiliowdaie. Ontaro PROJECI No 170347 - Cieenîng. Manpower and immgration, 132 Dundas Street West, Wrrîtby, Ontario CLOSING DATE THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1981 Depusît Nil Enquiries 416-224-4240 Trie lowest or eny tender nl necessariy accepIced C AN AD I ARTICLES FOR R SAL.ELE Swlmming Pol Manufacturer hua 1980 leh over pools beîng ottered et a traction ot regular sellîng price tur early sprîng delîvery, $1.690 DO is complete prîce ot pools equîpped with iller, Pump. molor, patio, walk arourîd deck and tencîng, Smail deposît wil hold tîlI delivery date. Ot- ter good only whîle suppiy lests. Oeil 1-800-268-5970 - Toronto 746-3340ý Swimmlng Paal Manufacturer will leese and instl new 1981 tamîly sîze pool complete with walkwey, sun deck and tencing, on a rentaI basis wîlh option 10 buy. Your choîce oh styie, Try betore you buyt Catlitm- periel Pools Toit Free 1-800-268-5970. Il wilhin our local callng ares, phone 746-3340 (Toronto). COW MANURE tor sale. 50c per ouâhel. Caît 668-9656. SALE LOWREY ORGANS Fantastic reductlons on the Carnival Festival and Jamboree modela. Visit Our show room and check these money-savlng specils. Lawrey Plana & Organ Centre 380 Brock St. S. Whitby 666-3544 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1978 DODGE MAGNUM XE. 400 engine, 55,000 hlghway miles, power steerîng, power brekes, royal blue wîth lîght-blue vinyl top, new brekes, good radial tires. good condition. Muat seli fatalAaking $4.300. Cai 431-1774 betore 3 p.m. Asti tor Claire. 1979 CHEV HALF TON, 39,000 klometers, asking $6.200. Oeil 655- 4879. WHITE TRACTOR Model 285. 4-wheel drive, duel wheels, air, AMIFM, 850 houra. WHITE 285 CULTIVATOR wîth harrows, 18-toot wîth wings. WHITE 548 HEAVY.DUTY PLOUGH, 5-18" bottoma, automatîc reset $30.000. Phone 985-2228, qýýFj0 RRý PENTHOUSE, new condominium, 2 bedrooma, trîdge, stove, cerpelted, garageAae. GO Transit connection. $425. CatI 655-4508. Wanted ta Rent - 3 ar 4 bedraamn HOUSE in Whitby erea. Reterences avaîlabie. Cati 66883024. RIDE near camner af Dan Mis& EgîIntan, Toronto, 8-30 -4:30 or 9 5ý Cati 705-277-2926 E UTRIG OTTER CREEK AFTER SCHOOL HOMEWORK HOUR tor elementery EMPLYMENT DO YOU HAVE A MAJOR CLEANING JOB YOU NEED HELP WITH? WE 0O ALL ODD JOBS! CAIL 668-5312 ANYTIME. I DRESSMAKING I ALTERATIONS DONE PHONE 668-2864 W ILD CAREj MOTHER 0F TWO WILL PROVIDE EXPERIENCED AND LOVINO DAYCARE IN MY HOME. Monday thru Friday, Key East Area. Good lunches. Fenced yard. Please cati 668-1218 anyti me. Ecelaneous SENIOR CITIZENS IN THE WHITBY, AJAX, PICKERING, BAY RIDGES AREA - Free transportation by bus ta the beautitul new Christian Life Cen- tre Sunday mornings. Phone Bill ai 683-6861. AUC:fl AUCTION SALE Fine turniture. Dlning room suites, antique oak desk, watnut desk, good glass, antique Gingerbread dlock, wooden schoot chairs with drawer, gramephone, Limoges tea set, cran. berry glass epern, antique oit temps. 21 years experience dealing infune antiques, lurnîlure. glass and china. This sale a muatt Plan ta attend. 1614 Chartes St., Whtby 666-3731 Osys 579-6250 Eventngs Auctianeer: Bill Wannamaker AUCTION SALE Thursday, March 19 - 7 p.m. 1614 Chartes St., Whitby 1 block south of 401 an Brock St., sauth two llghts, weat 1 black, turn sauthi off Basa Lino. Antique toy tank, Stattordahire china tee set ironstonel including cheese dîsh pletter, lead crystal in pinwheel pattern, liquor decanter, matching glassçs. quantity ot flow blue plates and platters, antique pressed glass, cracker barrels, signed tee pot, cream and suger, quantity of nice china, an- tique ruttled cheese ish with lId. Wedgewood Chrstmas plates, Royal Doulton, large Limoges pletter, severel piecea of pottery, Depression Corntiower plates, sherbets, glesses, plant stands, end tables, quentity ot picturea, 20 pieces tiîneat leed crystel, antique curly meple 4-poster bed, round welnut dinîng room table, 4 rope seat ledder bacir chairs. cedar cheat. pîne wash stand in good shape, modemn oak dining room table and chairs, antique oak buttet, an- tique oak kneehole deslr, oak book- case with glass doors, dropleat tables, corner whtnot. coal oit lam- pa, collection of antique pocket wat- ches, new Bulova Accutron, collec- tion ot tishîng tackle and roda, collec- tion ot costume îewellery and rings, amaîl tables, chairs. houaehold fur- nîshînga and so on Ths ta a goad sale - plan ta be thorat Vewîng lime 10 e&m. to sale time. For information caît 663731 days or 579-6250 eveninga, Sale every Thursdey nîght et 7 p.m, Open Mondey through Frîdav 8-30 a.m, 10 6 p m to receive LARGE SELECTION - TOP UUALITIY BRAND NEW, BRAND NAME FURNITURE PERSONAL .HOUSEHOLD-GIFT ITEMS FULL GUARANTEED BY MANUFACTURER ON SUN DAY MARCH 22nd 7:00 P.M. AT TORO LIQUIDATIONS- HWY 7 & 12 at Thicksofl Rd. 2 miles north of Brooklin. Open for viewing and pre-auction purchasing Thursday and Friday nbon to 8 p.m. 2, 3 & 4 peece chestartîvîds, bedroomai, dining rooms, kîtchien sets and ac- cessories. lampas, sereos, TVas. cothee and end tables, gîits. loys. noveities, tois% radiosrideabed. paîntîiga. mattiesa sets, plus nuriierous othier itemns Antique fepros china cabinets, riall stands, terri stands. brase Dada, tee caris, *ail ciocks, rockers TERMS. Cash - Charges - Master Card - Chque wth L1.. iWANEJTED Ontario MINISTRY 0F REVENUE DURHAM REGIONAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE WHITBY ASSESSMENT CLERK- CLERK 3 GENERAL SCHEDULE 3-7 $235.47 -S267.94 WEEKLY (Under Revlew) DUTtES: To revise intormation on assesament data sheets and com- piete new assesament data sheets; calculate the assessed values ot residentiat, commercial and Industriat propertias; answer enquiries recelved trom municipat officiats, ratepayers; etc.1 QUALIFICATIONS: Preterably three years retated cierical exparience; abiltty ta organize and comptete work asslgnments wlthin prescribed time limita and la maintain goad worklng reattonshlps wtth other emptoyees and the public sarved. NOTE: Equatity af Opport unlty For Emptoyment This competition closes on March 27th, 1981. Applications ln wrltlng 10; Mr. W.H. Parnell, Asseasment Commissianer, Durham Regional Asseasment Office, 605 Rosstand Rd. E., P.O. Box 270, Whitby, Ontario MINISTRY 0F HEALTH Whitby Psychiatric Hospital Reg istered Nurses: $362.0O - $429.00 per week You wîll provide care to patients in a psychiatrlc setting. File 25-15181. Qualitications: Currerit registration as a nurse in Ontario. Registered Nursing Assistant: $6.94 - $7.32 per hour n thîs position you wit assiat in thie supervision oh nursing care to patients. File HL 25-16181. Qualitications: Graduation trom a recognized nursing assistant training centre and registration with the Cotiege ot Nurses in Ontario. Individuais wiit be required to complete a course in psychiatric nursing during their emptoymant with the hospitl. Please aubmit application by April 2, 1981, quotlng appropriate fle number ta: Regionai Personnel Admîniatratar, Mlnlstry ah Heatth, Human Resaurces Bran- ch, Box 613, Whttby, Ontario, LUN 5S9. Equetity of Opportunity for Empioymenl Ontario Ontarto Public Service EXPERIENCEIJ PiRI g INU SALESPERSON REOUIRED tor local ilirm, good commission and bonuses. Reply 10: PO. Box 561, Whitby, Ontario with toit detaîls. SALES PEOPLE REOUIRED who are capable ot earning $800 per week. Car necessary and training gîven to suilabte applîcents. Phone 495-0453. Z ANNOUNENTS WMBA Ladies Austllary os havînig e General Meeting Tuesdey, March 31 et 7:30 et the Whîtby Public Libmary. Ail t.. uma ot basebali pteyers are welcome. OSHAWA ANTIQUE GUN COLLEC- 'TORS show and sale, Kînsmen Com- munîty Centre, 109 Coibomne St.W - Oshawa. Sunday. March 22, 1981. 9 ani tu 1 p m Ladies Sîlver Dollar draws Admission $1.0DO Ladies Fores! SEVES CASH Turn your unwanted marchandise In. ta cash. We hendie estetes, bankrup- ýcies and liquidations Antiques our ~speciattyi 21 yeers experience dealinq in tine antiques, turnirure, glass and china Free appreisals Leti us selt your mercliendise lu the riiqhest bidder 1614 Chartes St., Whttby 666-3731 Osys 579-6250 Evenînga Auctanuer BiltWannamaker NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUI THE MAT FOR YOU! 1 ýf Wý-,, 1 si ý .., - .-P «Cýýe ' Phone 668-9168