PAGE 22, \VEINESDAY, MARCI i 18, 1981, WIIITBY FREE 1PRESS rCall 725-8967 with news items for the co-imn. Corridor Capers Bv MARY ML'LACHLERN I J WLITBY (OMMUNITY CARE Community Care will again be preparing income tax returns for seniors. Please give themn a caîl at 668-6223, and arrangements wiii be made for thîs service, free of charge. If you are unable to come to the Community Care Office, a 'X, WALK TO SCHOOL! Oshawa $46,500 3 bedroom semi detached home Iocated near schools and daycare. Deep lot completely fenced. Good 11 1/4 % mortgage tili October 1984. Carnies like rent! Cail Leo Zwiers now 668-6171 or 668-6950. CAPE COD HOME . 52 ACRES - Stream, bush, open land in Kendal Huis, 8 room home, fireplace, large dining room, hollywood kitchen, double garage, excellent barn wilh 5 boxstalls, super financing and more for $147.900. Cali Bill Turansky 668-6171. JOhN i(>hlN~uIU\ ~ 6684171 -A OPen Sat. 1 - 4 p.m. 9 Michael BIvd., 45, $45.900. 3 bedroom, 2 storey, 1112 baths, walk out to private patio and garage, Joanna Jef- ferles will meet you there 576-3333 or Res. 655-3896. Netco Reaity Coup., Reallof volunteer will corne to your home. Just a reminder that Community Care annual meeting wili be on April 29. This year the guest speaker wîll be Mr. Correil from Canada Pension. Ail seniors are urged to come and enjoy this special evening. Entertainment wili be provided and refreshments will be served. The time and place will be an- nounced later. Whitby Commuinity Care is stili in need of volunteers to assist answerintg the phone in the office and driving seniors for various appointmnents. Caîl Marie at 668-6223, Com- munity Care office for more information. Better still, cal and offer your services. This year, the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association will be making a donation to Community Care. Funds are always welcorned to heip carry on this worthy and needed service. It is our hope that other groups wili foliow our example and donate, even a small amount, to help Comrnunity Care con- tinue their valuable service to Senior Persons. PAPER DRIVE A paper drive did take place in the Corridor Area last Saturday, but alas, somne homneowners were missed. At least one house on Manning Road and one on Elizabeth Crescent were completely bypassed. Please, if certain streets are flot going to bcecnavassed, let us know in advance so the good people wilî not be lugging papers to the road only to bring themn back again. PAPER DRIVES FOR AREAS OTHIERTHAN OTTER CREEK AND THE CORRIDOR There have been several inquiries concerning paper drives WANTED IN WHITBY FOR CLIENT House with 4 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, main ftoor family room with fireplace- prefer end of May or early June closing. Cail LIllan North 668-6221, 683-6221 or 668- 7479. CENTURY 21 GOLD JACKET REALTY LTD. 824 Brock St. N., 668-6221 in other parts of Whitby. If anyone has information as to day and time of paper drives in areas other than Otter Creek and the Corridor, cali, so that the residents may be informed. ONTARIO IIEART FOUNDATION, WIIITBY BRANCH Kudos to Dolly Goddard, Co-ordinator of the Whitby Bran- ch of the Ontarîo Heart Foundation. Whitby's goal was set at $15,000. Proceeds from the drive have now surpassed $22,000. Dolly credits the success of the campaign to her dedicated team captains and their ability to recruit willing canvassers within their areas. The door-to-door canvas netted well over the estimated $15,000 figure and Rose Day, the Heart Foundation dance and other generous donations put theicing on the cake. The entire campaign was extremeiy well organized and from ail of us in Whitby -'Thank you Dolly, a job well done!l' WESTMINSTER UNITED CIIUilCII Youth group meet every Monday evening at 7 p.m. Lenten Service - The Lenten Service will begin March il and continue every Wednesday until April 15, Service 12: 10 p.m., luncheon 12:30 p.n., $1,50 per person - Ail Saints Anglican Church in Whitby. C.B.C. THIICKSON ROAD DEVELOI'MENT The plan was to be discussed at the Monday meeting of the administrative committee. As this coiumn must be at the Free Press by 12:00 noon on Mondays, the details of the meeting will be reported next week.- COFFEE URN More requests to borrow the 100 cup coffee pot. The urn was purchased by the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association for the use and benefit of area residents. It's yours for the asking. APRIL IS CANCER MONTH Just a reminder, that next month is cancer month. Whitby has proven capable of surpassing any goal. Let's ail work together to make sure cancer month is as successful as heart month. REAL ESTATE FE£ SLASH ED T0 3½/% 6 HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED FOR PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS. PRICE RANGE $42,000-$98,000. HURRY AN D CALL 668-0515. ASTON BRUMLEY REAL ESTATE LTD. Mar Natco