New PR pro gram .000 Keep smiling is Wallace' s theme By MICIIAEL KNELI. Free Press Staff The old song says that *'when you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you.' And that is precisely the attitude that ad- ministrator Bill Wallace wants town employees to take. In a seven-point recom- mendation, including six on correct telephone procedure, Wallace has suggested that everyone at the town smile in an effort to improve public relations. "Smile," Wallace said in his report, "A smile puts a smile in your voice. Try it. 1It real1ly works. " In his report that was received for information by Whitby Town Council last week, the town's senior civil servant offered six pointers on the correct use of the telephone. I' recognize that these basic proposais may flot be the end-all answer, but 1 sin- cerely believe that with the help and co-operation of every town employee, that our collective desire to serve the public will be more evident," he said. Wallace recommends that, whenever possible, the caller's name be used and that town staff members an- swering the telephone iden- tify both themselves and their office. Another suggestion in the report is that those an- swering the phone refrain from asking who is placing the caîl. -You will find that an- swering the phone with your name usually prompts the caller to identify by namne too," Wallace pointed out. "And really, when you think of it, as a public servant it shouldn't matter who is calling. " When a caîl has to "When you caîl someone to speak to them, place the cali personally and identify WIIITI3Y FREEi PREISS, WEDNESDAY, MARCLI 18.,1981, PAGE 3 668-8888 668-3333 BELL & BOWMAN 1 TAXI WHITBY'S FIN EST TAXI 1-1FICIENT. FAST AND RI5-LI. TRY US Triceont proposai divides Rosedale Drive residents' B! LL WALLACE be transferred staff should ensure it is relayed to the right person or department. The rules for smiling also extend to those making as opposed to receiving, calîs. yourself." Wallace also urges staff members to follow up on calîs if the caller has flot received a suitable solution to his problem. It was neighbour against neighbour last Wednesday as residents both for and against the sale of a strip of town-owned land behind their homes stated their position to Whitby Town Council. About 10 people from each group of Rosedale Drive residents stiowed up at a special meeting of council, sitting in their own groups, separated from each other by an aisle. The topic for discussion was whether or not the town should selI a 41 by 1,096 foot strip of land behind Rosedale Drive to Tricont Properties Ltd. The spokesman for the op- posing group in the last few weeks, Brian Van Allen, did not speak because his dlaim to speak for the majority of Rosedale residents was questioned by some coun- cillors who said that they had received corresponden- ce from area home owners in support of the $23,000 sale. Bill Bottan, another Rosedale resident, spoke in- stead of Van Allen saying, 1I'm still very much against the sale of the land to Tricont." Bottan told council that the split occurred among the residents when an officiaI of Tricont presented them with a plan to build one 40-foot high building behind their homes. The proposaI that was finally accepted calîs for the construction of two 18-foot buildings. -Residents were told, if %-e didn't go along with the sale of the land, a 40-foot high building would be bult." Bottan said. "We were shocked that the town would allowethis to happen." Council nformed residents recently that unless the town sold the land to Tricont, thev wýould have no control over the size, style, location or constructio'n of any development in the abuttîng lots facing west onto Hopkins Street. Since the town is only ar- med with building code regulations. it could have no say in what Tricont did on their own property. Bottan urged the developer to reduce the wid- th of the 90-foot wide buildings by 30 feet although he was told that this could make the buildings unat- tractive for potential in- dustrial tenants. The width of the property would be reduced by another 10 feet due to the 45 degree angled parking, he said claiming that this plus the narrowing of the buildings would prevent the land's sale. "A compromise should be worked out with the developer so We can keep on enjoying life on Rosedale Drive," Bottan said. 'Otherwise we will have an unhappy neighbourhood. " RICHARD'S 4 FURNITURE RFINISHING 20 % off R.lrsaend Ref Iniahng durlng March. 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