\YIII1'BY [ELPRESS, WIiDNESI)AY.MARCiII 18, I1981, PA( E 5 pine ridge cable tv's Spring Saver Sweepstaes SAVE Up TO $1 5.00 You now have a chance to be a double winner. Not only will you get the best channels and 22 FM stations, up to $15.00 on the installation. of 26 you'll1 You cou Id be a double winner GRAND PRIZE - (subjeot to availability) A trip for two. Your choice of a four-day tour to Nashville or a f ive-day visit to the north country and Mackinac Island plus $100 spending money. Travel arrangements by Mitchell Travel Service. (Approximate total value for Nashville trip $590 and for Mackinac trip $660). television also save Look at what you might win, think about the money you'll save and then give us a cail. We want you to be a double winner. FIRST PRIZE - Your choice of a quality stereo receiver or a 14'" colour TV. (Approximate retail value of each prize is $300.) SECOND PRIZE - A cordless Star Com 111 converter. (Approximate retail value $1 70). WEEKLY PRIZES - A Jerrold converter. One conventer a week for (Approximate retail value $120 each). JRX corded three weeks. A '<j A" ELIGIBILITY - To participate in our SPRING SAVER SWEEPSTAKES, f111 in this coupon and present it to one of our service representatives or drop it into our office Iocated at 301 Marwood Drive, Oshawa. No prize substitution. Contest ends April 16,1981 To be eligible you must be over 18 years of age and able to answer a skill testing question. Employees of Pine Ridge Gable TV and their families are not eligible. r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - M. SAVER SWEEPSTAKES 1 want to be a double winner. Name Add ress Phone Contact me about: Becomning a cable TV subscriber Renting a canverter Having a second TV connected ta cable receiver connected ta cable «2*cable tv pine ridge cable tv. oshawvAa. 579. 223 I I SPRING .1, i Having my FM Y j 1