P'AGE 8, \VI DI I 18.N1« 1, Il s h)si \l j- l ISs Candidates give pers onal views of issues By S. (,REENAWAY Free Press Staff In a carnpaign which locally has not seemed to produce any pressing issues the four men running for Durham West's seat in tomorrow's provincial elec- tion expressed their per- sonal views of varied issues to an audience of about 50 at last Tbursday night's ail- candidate meeting held at the Municipal Building in Whitby. The forum, hosted by the Whitby Jaycees, was the last in a series of 10 such meetings for Progressive Conservative incumbent George Ashe, Liberal Nor- man Wei, the NDP's Hugh Peacock and Libertarian candidate Bill Leslie. Ashe said the main issue was whether or flot voters wanted "somebody who respects the dernocratic system. " "Do you want to continue to have a strong voice and -trong representation on the government side of the house? " he asked. Wei attacked Ashe and the quality of representation he had given the constituents of the ridings over the past four years. "What representation do you want from your MPP?" he asked those assembled. The Liberal candidate went on to criticize the in- cumbent member's han- dling of the waste disposai plant issue in Ajax two years back. While Wei admitted the renovation was no longer a concern he attacked Ashe's handling of the situation ac- cusing him of not taking a stand on the issue. "If a very controversial available at: issue cornes up in Whitby, on his record of past perfor- mance, don't expect him to take a stand for you," said Wei. Ashe defended bis han- dling of the Ajax matter saying he spoke up when the need dicta ted. "Beside," he pointed out, "the issue is a dead one. " Peacock said the major issues at hand for Whitby were the Port Whitby sewers, the bus service, the Higbway 401 sound baffling and the question- of how much to pay for water and sewer rates. Echoing his past arguments, Leslie warned people of the ilîs of too much government. "You don't want to have government breathing down your backs ail the time," he said. Leslie said that economnic opportunity was the major issue for the March 19 ballot. Over the course of his five minutes alloted opening remarks Wei continued bis criticisms of the Davis government and Ashe using results of the now familiar the past few years to find jobs?" asked of the various high schools he had spoken at. "At every single meeting 100 bands went up," he said. Wei spoke of Ontario 's strong natural resource base in the north and the large labour force in the south. He promnised that if the Liberals were elected to power they would "make Ontario strong again in the 1980's."t Peacock said that the Peacoc k Liberal campaign question "how many of you know friends or relatives who have ventured out west in Age16 to 24? Out of school? Can'tfind a job because you lack experience? Now you can!1 The Ontario Career Action Program (OCAF) helps young people who are having diffi- culty Ianding that ail-important first job. OCAP offers you an opportun ity to get on- the-job training and wilI pay you an allow- ance of $100 a week while you're training - for a maximum of 16 weeks. If you would like to know more about the OCAP opportunity, get in touch with the OCAP office at your local college of applied arts and technology or your local Canada Employment Centre. SMinistry of Hon, Bette Stephenson, M.D..Miniser Colleges and Haay~ K Fsher, Deputy Mînistef Unihrersities Ontario 1981 80-260 N focus of the majority of voters had to be the Davis government and leadership, attacking its bandling of health care. He went on to say that the Tory's pusbing of electrical power was a waste adding that there has been an elec- trical power build-up of " more than bas been needed in the pas t few yea rs. " Leslie stuck true to his party's stand that the best government is least gover- nment. "The person who makes a profit in tbe market is treated as a criminal," he said. "If you do flot choose to be free, in the future, you may flot be free to choose" he warned. In support of bis party's past accomplisbments Ashe repeated facts and figures attesting to the Davis gover- nment's ability. He warned vaters that in order to make the right choice in the upcoming elec- tion they must be able to "decipher" through aIl the negative reports in the media by the "gloom and doomners." "Ontario was lOtb and last in 1980 in its Consumer Price Index for the wbole of Canada, so we were last in something.' He added that the PC's were confident most people would not mind that fact. "The average earnings for people in Ontario was 7 per cent higher than the rest of Canada and 15 per cent bigher than the one socialist province in the country," he said. Pssst... Want to lease a Rabbit? Lease one of our 1980 company cars. Example .1980 Rabbit, 2-door, PND 163, 36 month net lease, 72,000 kil limit, $164.40 per month. ý ki i OWASCo_ ýA VLSAG(N IO Whltby - oe Ow 1425 DUN DAS ST. E., Hwy2é_0___ 668-938~3 Toronto line 361-1128 Hwy 401 WANTED!. LEAGUES -TEAMS CLUBS & ORGANIZATUONS IN STOCK SPECIALS ON e TROPHIES e GUFTS ePLAQUES Engravlng on the premises on jewellry, awards, plastic signs & badges If you appreciate their performance, you'It appreciate ours! OSHAWAY DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 180 Bond st. W. (at Arena) Oshawa 571-2777 Ashe Leslie CAN BE STRONO AGAIN IN THE 1980's NORMAN WEI DURHAM WEST Li beral 9 - - -- -