A(I14, WF-DNUESDAY. APRI L 1. 1981,rWlIITBY FREE PRESS Good ews... THE SALE 0F THE YEAR WITH UNBEATABLE',i LOW SALE PRICES LOW INTEREST RATE HUGH TRADE UN ALLOWANCE PLYMOUNTH HORIZON 40OMPG COMBINED PLYMOUTH RELIANT 38 MPG COMBINED from $599 3.00 or Iess from $6877 a0& or Iess mi PLYMOUTH TC3 36 MPG COMBINED MISER trom $599300O or Iess What are you waiting for? PIymouèfi ý.CHRYSLiE VILLAGE CHRYSLER leads the way with fuel efficient front wheel drive cars. Alit Plymouth Horizon, Reliant-K and TC3 models operate on lower priced regular leaded gas. An average saving of 8 cent-s per gallon over the higher priced unleaded gas. Go easy on your wallet.ý Check out our prices. We're ready to deal you in on a front wheel drive car that beats the pump. 3400000 IMPORTANT: IN ORDER TO 13ECOME A 'SINGLE STAMP WINNER' OR A -COLLECTION WINNER" IN THIS GAME. A PARTICIPANT MUST FIRST CORRECTLY ANSWIER A SKIU.-TESTING QUESTION WITHOUT THE USE OF AN ELECTRONIC OR MECHANCAL AID. 1, NO PURCHASE NECESSARY, PARTICIPANTS MUST BE 18 YEARS 0F AGE OR OLDER TO PLAY Obain a gamne boolilet foi the Dominion s4tXt 5)0 Great Escapes - game ai a Pariicipating Dominion Store during business hou.-s Then obtain agaie pcce everp tigme pou sisii a paricipatîn Dominion Store during business houis Limil ut une gaine piece per eligibie peison pet visat 2. HOW TO PLA.,OREATEÃCAPES' -Proies depicte i n game materials are dramaiiiains colO SSec Officiai Prize Chari belare or posted ai participating Dominion Stores 10i a compicifi lisi ai Collect ion Winner and Sngie Sianip Visinner pizes A PARTICIPANT MAY WIN MORE THAN ONCE GAME ÉilAMPS MAY NOT BE IDENTICAL IN EVERY RESPECT WITH THE CORRESPONDING PICTURE IN THE GAME BUT STAMPS AND GAME BOOKIET PICTURES CAN BE MAJCHED BYTHTE PICTURE AND NUMBER SHOWN'r There are two ditterent ways 10 becurel igibie f0 won (lI'COLLECTION WINNER' coilectiiii an entise serres of, a stamps comprising a complet e section iif garnIr toallei or (b) "SINGLE STAMP WINNER* u btainiiig tire correct sing. .Amp A. COLLECTION WINNER Open the çj ife piece anrd tesai uit the collection game starrp Match the pîctute and riurriber on puni collection game stcmp with the coirespondinq picture arid nîrmier shownin ii our ijame boOkliet Daropen thre glue stp onifie bacir ut thecclrlection gaine stamrp and aitach ilt thte pioper place on the gaine. bovolî Wheni pou have collectoil ail ihe gaine stainos in cvie collectionr section ufthte garnI bookiet pou have a potential sinire TO BECOME A -COLLECTIONf WîNNER Cul oui the coniplirir priive ecition in pour gaine coi and sig ourolirtvi legal signature acrass the face OtfraCh gaine siarnp 1ihen reguesit rbni trie rianair esai anp paiticipating Dominion Store a pieaddresserl veriication envelope which wîli caftan a SKILL.TESTINO QUESTION WH12CH musT BE CORRECTLY ANSWERED BEFORE YOU BECOME A WINNER. Complete the uertiicaliii ouITiilPI) eand send i Dp RE GIS TEHED MAIL ai pour 0*0 expenselothe Veiticatiun Centre together with pour answer tu iRe Slrili teSting gueistiriri anid tire cui oui section 0i pour gaine boakiet corrtaînînrg Cour ganis stamps toi nerîtîcatirofutCOLLECTION WINNER ptile% YOU ARE NOT A "COLLECTION" WINNER UNTIL YOUR VERIFICATION ENVELOPE. CORRECT ANSWER TO THE SIILI. TESTîNG QUESTION, AND GAME BOOKLET SECTION WITH GAME STAMPS HAVE BEEN VERIFIED AT THE VERIFICATiON CENTRE AND YOU HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE OFFICIAL RULES. You assume ail isks foi loss damage, destruction aria itlinnry aid aie arluisord ta ubtaîn insurance- B. SINGLE STAMP WINNER Open thc game prece aird tear atfth0e ganse stanrp Thc putential wirinirrg Single Stamp Wînner game sianîps are iderrltted by tire mords SINGLE STAMP WNNER which appear ann tface ufthtie correct gamne stamp and by matchrng theîic îirre and nuniber on the garnie starrp miih tire correspond ifg pîcture and nuiober on the gaine Dotillet under trire iradîng -SINGLE ST AMP WtNNER SECTION Do nol ornx SINGLE STAMP WINNER gainte*lemps Io the, garne booklel. TO BECOME A "SINGLE STAMP WINNER* 0F DOMINION MERCHANDISE PRIZES Sigo pour tull legar signature across the tace iii the gamne siamp Have pour garnie stamp veriticoaal ny paiiicipatirrg Dominîrion Store ana correctîn aiisnoer the skililetsting question providee thtere TIHIS SKILL-TESTING QUESTION MUST BE CORRECTLY ANSWERED BEFORE YOU CAN BECOME A WINNER. Thc Dominion Marchandise Proie specitiel) on your game stamp virls be asardird îrnnedîately upon vnriication oi pour gamne stamp and correct ansmer aIotie Skill-iesting guestion Dominion reseises the rîght ta substîtute a mercroandise iem ut eguivalent retaivalue tar a merchandise proie or issue a raincheck toi the meicroandise prile TO BECOME A WINNER 0F OTHER "SINGLE STAMP WINNER- PRIZES. sign pour tull legal signature aciosthe tace 01thto gamne stanît Reguesi from the manager oi anp paiticipating Dominion Store, a pie-adrasse) vriicultion enrelope whicO miii coniain a SILIL-TESTING QUESTION WHICH MUST BE CORRECTLY ANSWERED BEFORE YOU BECOME A WINNER. Complete trie ucrîtîcatiari envolope ana serrait together witO pour answci io lthe skill-testing cquestion and pour gaine stamp toi nerîtîcation Op REGISTFRED MAIL ai pour Oms erpense ta tire Verîfîcatiari Centre YOU ARE NUT A "SINGLE STAMP WINNER- (0F OTHER THAN DOMINION MERCHANDISE PRIZES> UNTIL YOUR VERIFICATION ENVELOPE. CORRECT ANSWER TO THE SIILI-TESTINO QUESTION, AND GAME STAMP HAVE 9EEN VERIFIED AT THE VERIFICATION CENTRE AND YOU HAVE COMPI ED WITH THE OFFICIAI RULES. Pou assume alli sEsoi oss damage destruction and deliueiy ana are aitaisel) io obtaîn insurance 31 ELIGIBILITY This garneis iopen oripta0 resiOcots ai thre Province ot Ontario 18 pears ofai a or aIder cccept persans in thre tollowing categories emplopees ana agents oi Domnînion Stores Linnteil or oi roc Verfcarlon Centre indîvîduais engagea iiithee ileseluprnit productioin or distribution of materials loi Ohs garne aria the immectiale tarnlp.or membets ai toc househola f aicc persan in anp ofthte prcce)irig categoties 4. CONDITIONS 0F PARTICIPATION Game maicrials submitteni become the properip of Dominion Stores Lîmtea ana none wilI tic retuined Toc SubrniSion of game stamp5 is solfrlp pour responsibiliip Prices and gamne siamps are NON- TRANSFEABLE Prives wiI be awaidel) anlp tf toc OtticiaiRules are coîmpliel) mth No cashtalternative .MIS b. ofleeed for any prz. olfertfluet h.eOtrand Prix@ of M2.000. In Fr.. Air Fort or tfh. 1981 Cadllac Sulie ptlze; wînning participants of ellteçof lh.,prtzdl ibediIOFlohneChosisen lhe.>OappIcbe casht alterriattoieunl.aswtlten notice 0f sioteîor oI th. S25000. In Fie. Air Fsr, or te CodfaitecIamoide eidte lime of Ioracrng ft.e wlnning gaionte poleces)to te VefflIcallon Contre. BP PARTICIPATING THE POTENTIAL WINNER RELEASES DOMINION STORES LIMITED AND ITS RESPECTIVE'AGENTS INCLUDING AOVERTIS&NG AGENCIES FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITP oITH RESPECT 1 O ANY MERCHANDISE OR PRIZES 0F ANT fIND INCLUDING TRAVEL PRiZES, AND AÇKNOWLEDGES THAT DOMINION STORES LIMITED AND ITS RESPECTIVE AGENTS INCLUDINO ADVERTISING AGENCIES HIAVE NEITHER MADE NOR ARE IN ANY MANNER RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANS' WARRANTP REPRESENTATION OR GU)ARANTEE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IN FACT OR IN LAW RIELATIVE TO ANY PRiZE INCLUDINO BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS QUJALIT MERCHANTABILITY FITNESS FOR PORPOSE OR MFCIIANICAL CONDITION By participatiiiig ou agice ta abîcte and OcOouinîi bp the Offinciai Rules andr1teu cse mithout (charge oi caopensatioirni olior naine addresS ana pootograph toirvrtaertisinig ana pubuîcrryp plrpases 5 VERIFICATtON Ai gamne mliterials are subîcct ta ucriicatiain ai a paricipatinIq Dominio Store or toc Vetication Centre as applicable Game malerials are nuîit and noci ana miii Dc reected tl not obtaisea ihirugh autlrorived legîtîniatle cOanneis or tf they are from utier garnes, and may be retected it anp pari es repiol)vced coîinterltevOfoin aiered illegîbie Oupîicîtea or ajamagcl)in anp sapaorilt maternais contaîn prîntînq 1,ppographîcai or mechanical errais or other errais Ail decîs(iofa Dominion Stores Limitera or tire Verîcation Centre are final OnIy gane &lampe wlb 1h. words »Dominion 5400000 Great Escapes' Aprfi 1-June 30, 1981" otlliel prtîed on th. bock ofI clampa woiliIboi accepl.d lor verftkcafor. Promotion raid in shole onin part shere prohîbitel) Oclavs Thns gaine is subîect ru ail applicable iaws 6. GAME SCHEDULE AND DISTRIBUTION 0F MATERIALS Toc game viii Cunmmence and gaine bouiriets and gaine pleces wiii lic auailable ai appîoxîmnatelp 2210 parlicîpatîng Dominion Stures if, the Prouince ofi Ontarri lexclîoinig Keora ana Tnrunder Bapi i.omrniiciiigAprîl i1 191 fA total iii 30 I090 000 gaine iieces *fiii 01)distrîbutel) t airrnnrOp lire parlîcipatiig Dominion Stores aitholgO trire riirer ut gaine pieces shîch su) OIT diStnsihîtel) Ourîng toeddorationiofîthne garneDp cach Dominion Store varies Tis gaine, ns siiieduieituta nd Jnne 3101981 Diil miii otfîcralip enrd shen ail gaine pîcces re Oilrbîteit *iLiei fsuch aisributiion occus Octane on atler Junc 3010 981 Thieitate ut tenînîritro f rtsOuigamne miii Oc posicîtifni tiailicipaiiing Dominion Stores T TIME FOR AWARD 0F PRIZES Ta ne eligiole ta won altparticipants mnusi niio.ec Otinered toc necessai-y gaine maltrais in accandlance silO thre Officiai Ruies mithiî t15 <aps aIler toc dte rof teînornatîon ai ris gaine Anp suc0 gaine inateriais eceinectler iteiis date shah Oce nuit ana vOnt unît inelîgîtle tai gaine proives Gaine proives other (han Domîrnicnni Mechandîre Prizes *ii Oc awardel) mlhîn 45 daps allriacriticaf ionn hie Vefiicatoi Centnre oft heirqirrent game materiais iii accai danice. ithtr iîeOfficiaiflîulesUnawancdor inciaimeelproies sOali De torteilcd airer OcroOc,"Iti91 11 and shah nouer ire auaiteit c. PRIZE CHART AND OFFICIAIL UPOATES Tne mironitier and ttaaivalise if auaiiabirî pries miiii nOm dcri as proes are won duunn iRe itiratan outhie (gaine andith l nrinifer androtai valisof rotiles awardeil Wi11 detrenulon trierb ier of mînneis aeiiied iniaccordance wîth the Ofinciai Roles WOerr trire ota innîr-ohen <ilproies i air0 proive category las set Oucl in *0tire Oficiai ProiveCharinhave been swon ratlspecofiel) prive catagucry miiltic teiminatel) îmmol)rateip iitirout notice On Aprîl t 1981t toc OtîrCoal Prive Chari wil Oc postl) n caco pari icipatilg Dom onîiilStîr, ni-Tcrsilte fr tîi doin tio lnofi ri ligarnie afir itd.telt (lfiii ai Prie ChurT sîli Oc pasteo l acc parlicitîatirg DominrninStore tori iite iunr ofrouiînes %titi arailotile tIrOeWoi oieaCh pmule rateguna 010er tman anp ouminion Morcianiarse Prîvesi as sîncti n onniîatlini 15aiaîliblo NO POOl HIASE NECE'rOARY OFFICIAL PRIZE CHART EFFECTIVE APRIL t. 1961 APPROX. RETAIL PRtZE VALUE 0F NUMBER OF LEVEL PRIZES' PRIZES $21)000II nitCash 5>0 (X 1981 Cadîiar Sevunlieîr n$2S000 $250(O 1911) Bnocx Rîriia $17 3 1981 <.iChrv CReretteS Parasainni Humne Eîtna nnnî'nt'iielinS nnliit.iIIS unît MoitiiinP V 1300K anni T v Muni, Pi Cii ( 20l1 i Oaytigi fini TwonIontlas Vrgus Noevaai(X Anture. & tnavoi arrangneents iiint ioen eiinsphrienTowus (ta i OAnîtai &eanTripforintat Iil tiailasinvir Cieniis Il M,<n(rsaun io-n $9( îatisivnn-te- Lnîiiii' Esî ro(uget i$ T'de w0 w mui Mn nndS 'nis t'iia~~nnr-it TOTAL $416.8 NOTE 'Va Ofl(000 Total gamnni' inneýIori .i- ml.ii.tIit ni. ni - îpn.-aîlienai Valu- as niIrtian ig$ --Ci .nic i.Wmnr i Pînî 20iiCol & SIr 6li I ril, I S"Il I20n20ol S S 0 3001 1) 201 .1 oi1 0 iS 'il l1n'(2n0 in."1, Y S 16.5t1 i 8" qS f00 r i..,.i'... i..-..........' r. ' n' ' ic ri ' ' " n'.'î" ' ci " I < i i"' 'a- r 1--na.- I ,' . .-uî' 1.- Rarêtcl '. 'n..' iv.'.' a~.. ip . I 11, c,1 - .<!cac ., l iii ivi5.î i<l'i-ii-.O r"' yl ' ni-1c .i'ii .< an .in.. n.Il, vle ' Ii - 'I"'l-ci'ii-i.l. c'0i I n 'r u Ife,> I -, IIII'. r'- 'cra-A .n .I. u - , ici' -mi lii , , .q-Mafi"', , i -I.. la- "I in l. c- A ,i,l . I , Iii . ' iîtu.l.n , cq II . IlA4,nl, i, .. . ,ii..i nrn.. ,f 4$-;lii1 . ....r5u.Il .' S I l. n 1 îi.c cv ' i 1-51 m- I, 'et r n..i«Iniic"ie't- n 1In atiii I fcrjMlnn-ii.iIii 1cr"i i r ..1 r...ii 1 i.'. î.,,in ,,,nrci le. -n -e- .5aPI, i n iiI ". . 1 ' -.S.r- '. niI '.j NO PIJRCHASE NECESSARY A Deinte ifeeno DOMINION STORES LIMITED. 25121) S St i 162.951