Whitby Free Press, 1 Apr 1981, p. 19

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eq w ARTICLES FOR SALE WHITE WEDDING ORESS, sîze 12,.i very good condiltin, tîke new $100. Cati afler 6 prn aI 668-9836 Feb, 4.81 GIRLS BEIGE ALL-WEATHER COAT wth aitached hood Sîze 12 $25ý Cati 668-1076 Feb 25,81 BOYS' 3-PIECE SUIT $10 Witt go tes BOYS' SHIRTS (approx 6) front 75c $1ý BOYS' SWEATERS (appros 6) frorn $3 $5 Sîze 14 Ait reasonabtir prîced. Cati 728-2578. Mai 18,81 BABY ITEMS IN GOOD CONDITION, crib $30, Pedestai hîgh chair $20, Waîker $5, Pisypen $30. Bath tahle $35. Cati 668-609l3 evenînga. Pub 18,81 BABY ITEMS FOR SALE - Crib SiMet- iress $25, Msh Pîsypen $20. Swing' O-Mallc $12, Car Seat $15 High Chair $5 Bath Change Table $40 Twa Batil Sterîlîzers $7 each Gen- dran Siraîler witti deracrru0te bout & windbreaker $40 Cai666-1419ý Mer,25,81 BABY NEEDS Change Table. lîke new, $20, Faher Prîce Mobile $5. Cati 668-4934. Apr. 1,81 BABY CARRIAGE $45. BABYS CAR SEAT $20. in good condition. Cait 668-3448. Apr, 1,81 GENDRON STROLLER wih 3 position back, foot resi & handie ad- justment, shopping besket, canapy and bool weafherîzer, $40 Caît 668- 6563 ELECTRIC GUITAR, ike new, $95. BONTEMPI TABLE ORGAN $20. BLACK AND DECKER CIRCULAR SAW $15. Phone 668-4407. Feb 25,81 CONN ORGAN, $1100. Strummer secfion and bench. Leslie speakers, Buffet wth mîrror eitached, $100. Dreaser wth mîrror $50. Cati 623- 2769 Feb 11,81 LOWREY GENIE ELECTRIC ORGAN, 1 year nid. Asking $900. Cati 985- 8573 Feb. 4,81 SILVER HOLTEN TRUMPET WITH CASE, like new $250. Cati 723-0855 Jan 21.81 PINBALL MACHINE, $300. CaiI668-3024 regular sîzed, Mat. 18,81 CHESS COMPUTER for suie $300, Playsa ai"10 Levais' ptus posal gamaes Cati 668-4670 Mur,25,81 1978 GOE8EL ANNUAL HUMMEL PLATE WITH BOX. $185. Phone 668- 6461 after 6p m Feb 25.81 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. 25 volumes of 190-4 edîluon Askung $65 Phone 655-4456 Mur 4,81 BELL &i HOWELL MOVIE CAMERA. One yeur uid Cuat $379 suit fui $100 Prus acreen $20 CaiI666 3995 Mur 18.81 CB RADIO - Ciient 40 crannei base *rtti pie anrp, SWR meter. 120 ted of base cu ax and 58 *dSî' untannae, $160 Cali 668 7123 Api 1 81 1 AIR CONDITIONER, 8.000 BTU, $150 1 20' FAN, $15 I ROLLAWAY BED, $25 t Pair Paie Green DRAPES li Thermal Lnlng, 150' 95- $50 1 Pair Brown DRAPES li Thermal Llnlng. 150" x95* $50 1 CAST IRON BARBEQUE ON WNEELS $30 1 SALON-TYPE HAIR DRIER $20 Cati 668 4686 Mai 25.81 SINGER SEWING MACHINE, biue in cniorý $50 IS.SELL CARPET SWEEPER $10 CaiI655,3772 Mar 25,81 Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the fol!owing Conditions. STEREO with stand $100 HIGH CHAIR $10 3 LADIES' COATS size 12- 1 Leather $30. 2 fuit tengir $25 each, Cati 666-3428ý Mar 4,81 Ovai KITCHEN TABLE &i lent $50 Ladies FIGURE SKATES, suzes 5.- anid6, $8 apair Cai 668-0170, Feb 11.81 Three TIRES for sale, two snnws $25 a pair, 6 50 x 13. une sommier $10.600 X 13. One DODGE WHEEL RIM, 15 inch, $10 One 12-olt ALUMINUM CAR TOP BOAT, heavy duiy. wth 31/2 HP miotor, $600 one sel of HOCKEY EQUIPMENT, nrans medium; skates, pads, gioves, sticks, etc. $100. Two LACROSSE STICKS, one senior. une junior. $10 each. One EXERCISE BICYCLE, otd style, $25, On. pair af SKI POLES, aiuminum. for pesor58to S 11-,, $10 HEATING DUCT PIPES, 4 irnch diameter in sections 20 teet, wîth iwo 90 degree eibows. $10 IRONER, toit sîze rrodeltlu ose un 1 10 voit systent. $50, Cali6886-2935 aller 5 p.M. Feb 1 1,81 2 SNOW TIRES &i RIMS - ite 14 $40 each, 1 NEW LADYS COAT - ite 20 $80. SHOWER CURTAIN $10. MINIATURE CRIB $35ý ELECTRIC GRILL $25, ELECTRîC COFFEEPOT $10. ELECTRIC CAN OPENER $5 SLOW COOKER $20 4 AU.TOMATIC DOOR CLOSERS $20 each, 1 TV AM- PLIFIER $40. CHIL'S LAMP FIX- TURE$8, Caii5ll-0271. Feb.25,81 TORONADO CELLULOSE IN- SULATION BLOWER, 110 voit, hose coupiings & some hose. Excellent condition. $150. Cati 666-3528. J an.28,81 FLATBED TRAILER wth duat asies, 20' tong, $3,000. 50 CEDAR RAILS, $1 each. 5 SHRUBS, $10 each. 1973 MARQUIS BROUGHAM, oniy 27,000 mîtes, A1 condition. $3.000 fîrmn Cati 668-9656 Mar.4,81 30 gaI. aIl gosa FISH TANK wîth black wrought iron stand, power fîter, Hush 111 pump, undergravei fiuer, heater, etc $150. 2 5 gai. FISH TANKS, $5 each. 3 SHOW JARS, $1.50 esci' BRIGOS S& STRATTON 3 HP. ENGINE for iawn mower, good condit ion, $35. ASSORTED TV AND RADIO TUBES, $1 each, 23 CHAN- NEL DIGITAL CB RADIO, $35.Culit 579-2073, Apr 1,81 10 GAL. AQUARIUM, PUMP, FILTER &i LIGHT $25. BASS GUITAR $125 TRAYNOR AMPLIFIER $350 IN- DUSTRIAL STEEL SHELVING, 100, $3. Calit985-3542 Apr 1,81 Two sala ai SWINGS FOR CHILOREN. Excellent condition One cosi $129 seit for $50. Ofuer cost $39. sert for $17 Cati 666-3995, Mer 18.81 MANCHESTER. ENG LAND Two plane tickets on trie 211h ut Aprîl. 1 way. $100 each Big savînga on regular prîca' Cati 663-6571 eveninnis Mar 18,81 AUAIIMIIIIIES FORRSISAELE_ 1971 CHEVELLE. 4 dour. 327 mot. autumuiic. as s, needa body wotk, heavy doty sprntgs ait around, front end jual dune $500 Cuii 723-0855 Jan 21,81 72 CUTLASS OLDSMOBILE. Ne* paint, 5 stlImuga. nu pastrc, perfect runnrnrg condition. 127.000miles un carý 53000 mîtes un engînu A tran smîssuon Brakes g(tud Askîng $1.600 Cuit 668 158M Mat 25.81 1072 PONTIAC STATION WAGON, PIS, PIBPower Reai Window . deai for coniractor $550 as is or w~il cet rf5 Cuit 66814.81 Fetu 4,81 PLEASE READ AIR CONDITIONER, $150 Cati 666-1368 5,000 BTUa. Apr 1,81 THICK SOLID PINE TRESTLE TABLE, 371/2 wîde x 59 long. Extenda to 80' $500 4-DRAWER CHEST ON CHEST - ',Roxion'. 45 tigh v 34 wide. $350. 3-SEATER BED CHESTERFIELD AND MATCHINO CHAIR. $300. SWEDISH STEEL FIRE SCREEN, 36 wîde s 281/2 high and MATCHINO FIRE SET. $35 complete, Cati 668-2258. Feb.25.81 TRESTLE DESK, DARK HONEY PINE, wîîh brasa finish handîes and knobs, Complete wth Captaini Style Chair $575 Cati 666-1899 Jan 28,81 ANTIQUE WALNUT DRESSER. Crca 1890, 8 drawers, 3 mirrors (1 fuit- lengih. 2 %ring) $350. Evenunga. Sundays 668-3729. Feb 25,81 ANTIQUE HUTCH &i BUFFET plus 2 matchlng aIde chairs. Excellent con, dtuon. refinished, 60 years nid, sotud ouir $475 Cali 666ý3995 Mat 1881 CHEST 0F DRAWERS, tnrh.5 diraw-r. gond îîmditiunt $60 MOVIE EOUIPMENT. Browruie 300 mnrvin' prou-c tor, edjUrtandou 'cteeurike rrew $15 Cati 655 328)t Mat 11 81 SPANISH DESIGN BAR. tîia,rk latit-r nt veivet sttrbe iqhts (n on h 'rsuIes nu ides record Pliayer.AMIFM with 8 teack, uarge unit inctudes 3 bar stools. 2 custom speakers vaiued ut $1.000, uskung $400 Cati 683 30,30 Other items for sale Jan 21,81 HARDWICK GAS RANGE -n gnod condition $150 Cali 668 1504 atter 430 Mar 4.81 - _________ III One DOUBLE BED, BOX SPRING Si MATTRESS. Gond condition Asking $100. One ted 8x12' RUG for $50 One TV STAND $20 Cati aller 5 p.nu 666-2098 Feb 18,81 WATER BED, new, queen mattress, lier, heafer & trame, $170. Cati 1 ý281- 0664ý Apr.1,81 ENGLISH BED-SETTEE, sieeps lwo Wooden fiantes and arnresis Black & gray. 2 matchîng arînchaîrs. $280. Cati 666-1896. Mer 18,81 2 YOUTH BED MATTRESSES 66"x33. Ver good condition. $20 each. Caii6f68-4193 Feb.25,81 SOFA Si CHAIR -Bue, green & goid tiorai pattern. Ami) caps In good condition. $150 Cati 666 2457, Feb 18,81 ANTIQUE OAK DINING ROOM SUITE. 6 chairs & hutch. Excellent con- dition. $950. 54" SPANISH OAK FORMICA BUFFET wih gasas doors. 1 year oid. $325. GENERAL ELEC- TRIC STOVE. White, excellent con- dition. $150. Cati 579-8915. Feb.25,8 1 SOLID PINE WITH OAK DINING ROOM SUITE. Hutch buffet, 2 arm chairs. 2 aide chairs, speciai tacquer finish on top. Table 6' long- ovai. Twc 1, teaves, Medium brown staîn. Askîng $2.800. Phone 723-9398. Mer.18,81 SOLID CHERRYWOOD EXTENSION DINING TABLE f0 seat up lu 12 people. Lîke new. With 4 chairs asking $550. Wth 5 chairs asktng $600. For informaition cati 728-9732 betweeii 8 and 10e.m. or aller 6 p.m. Mer. 11,81 Whrrt the advertised Item is sold, disposed of, or unavaîlable for whatever reason, the item wilI be deemed to have been sold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as llustrated below, regardless if priCe (s stated with "best offer". If the Item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $300 will apply. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month If not soîd. RATES (If article sa sold): 5% ut advertlsed price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertîsed for $120.00 -commssion due $6.00 (minimum charge la $3.00) Prîvate advertîsîng only! Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold so that we may delete t f rom the following issues. AIl ads not fltting the Emporium guidelines will be treated and Charged per week as regular Classifted ads on a pre paid basis such as: services, help wanted, cîothing, real estate, and personal.message type ads, or ads not quoting priCe or quantity: Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headîngs. Ail &de wilI go In cîasalîlad section uniseaoth.rwiae ap.cIfied. If in doubt, call668-611 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whîtby, Li N 5S1 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brock St.N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRID AY PREVIOUSTO PUBLICATION AT NOON. SAL 73 FORD GRAND TORINO lu sait for parts. Askung $750 or besi offer. Engîne 351 Windsor. 65,000 originel miles. New Holley 650 CSM 4-barret carborator New Offenheoser high- rse manifold. New Malîory duel- point dstrubutor. New riple-core raduatur, Superuor mag rimsaial aroond. Ait parts gnod n thîs car, Cati 725-9537 Feb 18,81 1974 ASTRA, as s, gond condition, $1300, Cati deys 668-6922 or 74 DODGE CORONET. nung condition $700 tified, Cati 668-1564. Feb 4,81 Good ton- Cen be cer Feb.25,81 1974 VEGA HATCHBACK. Body s un faut condition and engîne needs anme work. Colon - ted wih tan nteruor. 47,000 mutes (original). Serîous catters -$450 -723-2487 Apr.1,81 1976 GRAN FURY BROUGHAM. Ev cetient condition. PS. PB, PW and lrunk, cruise cunîrni, aur cond., tlut steerîng wheel. AMIFM steren, vînyt rouf and Mcheins Body was recon- dtunned and puînted test year. nu ruat -Color-siver/red Engune wus overhauied 2 years ugu interunt ted broqut. luxury pkg Askung $2.700 ut B O Seruuus cutters -723-2487 Api 1,81 1976 MONT-E CARLO. uer tmatîres PiS, PiB. aur cujndrtioi)rnq, AMIFM cassette,'vwivel bonkets. radiaitiries. 61,000 nmies $3,750 certîtuett Ev ceiterit condilt or Cail655-3026 an yt i ro Jaii 21.81 1976 PONTIAC VENTURA, 2 door hatchilsci' 260 V8 Powr b trakes steerung Certified Oct /60 $1.795 Cuii aller 6 p m 839 5656 Feb 25,81 2s FT. SUPERIOR MOTORt HOME. CLASS A self contained b>edroom with vanity,. fuit bathtoom with sunký vaniy.to;tet, bathi & storot 4 burner stova & oven. doubtl steel sînk. exila large autre fndge. uarge furnace, nawly decorated 440 Oodge moior $12,500or bestoutfer CaiI683-3030 Jan 14,81 PARTS 350 CHEV SM BLOCK, 4 boit main. il.5-1 TRW pistons, canu. 202, heads, more Bis 10 prove Brand newv $1.000 or best offer Cati 683-6487 Mar 18.81 ELECTRONIC IGNITION lot '75 Vega and Asîra $25 cati 666-3995 Mar 18,81 FACTORY CAR RADIOS. 196511966 Valient & DerI $30. 196811969 Oodge Plymouth $35. Cati 655-3266 Apr 1,81 15" WIRE SPOKE T BIRD WHEEL COVERS, regularly $385 for $100 CalilHank ut 668-4795. Mar 18,81 AUTOMOTIVE FACTORY SERVICE MANUALS. Chevrotet. 1955. 1961. 1978, $10 each Boîck. 1957. 1958. $10 each Pontiac. 1949 thru 1954. $15ý Toyota Selîca. 1971 thru 1974. $12> Dodge Cott & Plymouth Cricket. 1971 ihro 1973, $10 Pymouth, ait 1968, $10 Dodge. ait 1970. $10 DodgeiPtymnuihiChryslet 1977. 1978. $12 Culit 655-3266 Apr 1.81 CHRYSLER PARTS FOR SALE 16 NEW TRW LIFTERS for big btouk $70) NEW CLUTCN DRIVE UNIT WITH FAN $70 ONE NEW EXHAUST PIPE (replaces converleri foi V8 LeBaron. Corduba, Diptorrat $45 ONE NEW GAS TANK FILLER NECK itegutut gai for 2-dont LeBaroi Cor dobe, Dipiomrat $18 ONE NEW DOOR SKIN for 67 69 Baracuda, passenijer ide. $45 ONE NEW 7 BLADE STEEL FAN $18 TWO NEW UNIROYAL ICE RADIALS. l' P205175R15. $140 forf pair FOUR NEW MICHELIN ZX RADIALS. , %i' 165/70SR13,$240 for set FOUR NEW RALLY WHEELS for Orm & Horize)n $80 FOUR USED AUNGER HOT WîRE ALUMINUM MAG WHEELS. 15, . r $150 ONE USED 340 AVS INTAKE MANIFOLD $60 TWO USED 3401383 AVS CARBURATORS, $30 n-ar t ONE USED 69 BARACUDA NOSE PIECE $20 ONE NEW SET 0F RAC GUAGES (oli caler arvrtî $25 ONE USED RADIO for Huida wiIh apeaker and antennue $30 Cali 655 3266 Mar 1&81 _____ ______I I__________________________ I - i HOHOLD REFRIGERATOR. Westinghouse. $ 15ý RANGE, 30", $100. WESTINGHOUSE AIJTOMATIC WASHER $225. Ail in good condition. Cali 623-1534. Feb.25,81 GAS STOVE wilh roîlaserle, 59" high x30' wide. $200 or besi of fer, Cali 723-2005. Mar. 11,8 1 WHITE 2 BURNER TABLE-TOP STOVE. One control for boih burners. White, good shape, working. $15. Cati 579-2073 Feb 18,81 Apartment-slzed SPIN WASHER S SEPARATE ORYER. Excellent con. dition, $125 each. FREEZER (Mot Potnt) 12 cubtc iniches. Stiti under warraflty. Perfect condition 6 mon- ths oli Beige color, $225. Cai1666- 1.t68 Mar.25,81 ANTIQUE RINGER WASHING MACHINE and Capper Tub ài Waoden Wash Stand $100 for both or best of- fer, One EXERCISE BED $5. 2.PC. SECTIONAL CHESTERFIELD, new in Aog.180. Rusi cotor, puits ouitn bed, storage *comparirneni urîderneeth. $300 or besi offer. Cati 666-1598. Feb. 11,81 CASCADE 40 ELECTRIC WATEF HEATER, 5 years oid, asking $50. ANTHES QIL BURNING FURNACE wit h extra 2 speed motor & power humidifier, askiflg $200. 200 GALLON QIL TANK. wif h ap- proximafeiy 40 gai. oit. aslring $50. Cati affer 5 p.m. 668-4326. Jan.28.81 FLOOR LENGTH, DOUBLE THICKNESS, GOLD LIVINGROOPM DRAPES. $400 new. Four years oid, excellent condition, tust cieaned, $150 firm. Cati 666-2794. Feb. 11,81 2 elegant LAMPS, gotd bases, biacik sheer piealad shadas with gold iining. $60. Cati1668-2320 after 8 pm. Mat. 18,81 21" BLACK S WHITE TV. Ftoo modet $25. Cai 666-3995, Mar. 18,8 NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YU 668-9168- Phone-. press Emporiumi CaliI668M-611 wi mî , pi\(; J., 1 () 1, I'M 1 14q~ Dr

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