PAfJ 20NYIDNL-"S)\\ . AI>RIit. 1. l')8 1. WlI111Y IFRIL-I> RLSS tLr PFESIOMAL RICHARD'S FURNITURE REFINISHING Free Estîmates -Give Your Fumiture a Face Lft" 600 Eucîid St., Whtby Cell RIck rorestaili666-2992 -----g- a CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CaII 668-4686 TRACTO R TRAILER TRAIN ING For Class A & D License Cali PARTICI PATIO N 416-363-8031 day, eve. & Sat. courses COMPUTERIZED BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Pick-Up & Delivery 666-2078 Fast Turnaround Low Rates r HIGHEST PRICES Patd for Gold 'and Stîver coins, old guns, clocks, jewelery, dîshes, furniture, crocks, oti, paintings and sealers. FRI EN DLY FLEA MARKET 725-9783 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA DAVIS AUCTION SERVICES Ask anyone who has used our services - they're our best recommendation! Estates, Antiques, Farms, Consignment 728-4455 A&R HOME IMPROVEMENT No job too small. Bathrooms, rec rooms & fencing. For free estimate cali: 579-6545 <Io,686 -1551- 2 Jon [iI1Lgn OPTOM ETR IST 4UAX, MUSIC LESSONS Quaîified InstruCtor Violin or Guitar 668-3741 MASON RY Restoration, Repair. New work. 668-4860 P.O. BO0X 412 136 COMMERCIAL AVE ONTARIO L'IS 3C5-' C5ýWýATED LOCATIONS FOR BEES Wanted - Suitable locations to raîse bees. Site should be able 10 accom modale 15 to 30 colonies Cali 668- 6693 BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS Kîndly donate your unwanted books Io St Johns Anglican Church Great Book Sale t0 be held in St, Johns Church basement Saturday. Aprîl 4, 1981 rom 25 p.m. Please leave al books ai St Johns Anglican Church Rectory, 1604 Dufferîn St , Port of Whitby Thanks, Thanks, Thanka DR. BERNARD RUBIN,ovs DENTIST IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE HIS PRACTICE 0F GENERAL DENTISTRY 214 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY TELEPHONE: 668-6864 HOURS: MONDAYTOSATURDAY BY APPOINTMENT ___________________ I I -a ARTICLES I Swimming Poot Manufacturer hemi 1980 aett-over pools being oftered aI a traction of regutar selting price for eariy spring delivery, $169000 is complete prîce of pools equipped wth flter, pumnp, motor. patio, walk around deck and fencing. Small deposît will hoid titI delivery date 0fý fer good only white supply lests. Cati 1-800-268-5970- Toronto 746-3340 Swtniming pool Manufacturer wtl lease and iristali new 1981 famiy size pool complote wîth walkway. sun deck and fencing. on a rentai basîs wth option to boy. Vour choice of style. Try before you buy! Cati tm- peril Pools Toit Free 1-800.268-5970ý If wtnîn our local calliîng area, phone 746-3340 (Toronto). For Sale - LOUNGE CHAIRS, $40 each. Phone Cedrcirs, 173 Brock St. N., Whilby, 668-6822. NEED A SUIT FOR VOUR Boy-s GRADUATION? t have a dark brown 3-piece suit, waist 28, regulariy $110 for sale aI $50. Worn twice. PORTABLE BAYCREST DISH. WASHER in workîng condition. $88. Cati 1666-2911. JOGGER ROLLER SKATES, sîze 7 and 8, $50 each. Cali 728-7803 allter 5 p.m. FiREWOOD White birch or mixed hardwood. Dried, Sp lit and delivered, 12" x 4' x 8', $40. 4-foot mixed hardwood available, 4' x 4' x 8,$105. 655-3924 or 655-3546 LATE MODEL RECONDITIONED COLOR TVS. Fully guaranteed. We tako trade-ins. Ailed TV Sales & Ser. vice. 725-8884.' 50C per TREES PLANTS GARDEN 1981 For Sale $2 and up. varous suzes of maples, apruce. ash, pîne, cedar, oak, popiar and other kînds. Roots (plan. tsi liiacs. peonies, iris. strawberry, raspberry, rhubarb, horseradish. minI. etc. Lîmîted stock. Ail very reasonably priced. Cati 655-4525 for more intormation. ATTENTION ALL ORGANISTS! The ultimate ln organ technology I-as arrived. The LOWREY MX-1 Must be experienced to be believed. Visît our showroom for a special preview. LOWREY PIANO & ORGAN CENTRE 360 Brock Street South Whitby, Ontario 666-3544 LEARNING TO TAKE ON ANYTHING IS WHAT TAKING ON COMBAT ARMS IS ALL ABOUT. Becoming a professional soldier in one of the world's most advanced forces isn't exactly ail tea and cake; its serious business. But once you've taken on a job in Combat Arms with the Canadian Forces, you'll be prepared to take on just about anything. You'II be taking on a way of life thats full. Full of action, travel, adventure, and working outdoors. Combat Arms i5 for people who know that keeping active and healthy is more than hait the battie of living a happier if e. Check out a secure career in Combat Arms. For more information, contact.your nearest Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre, under Recruiting in the Yellow Pages. Ile 4- Visit our Mobile1 i si CeNuF.U% Recruiting Team OSHAWA ARMOURIES EVERY WEDNESDAY 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 pi. WHITBY PARKS à RECREATION DEPARTMENT is hiring for the toltowing positions: Tennis Insinue- tors, Pre-School Dance Instructor, Aduit Dance Instnjctor, Roller Skating Patroiler. Cali 688-7765 for an interview between 9 arn. and 5 p.m. RN's, RNA's, NA's & HOMEMAKERS Announcing major psy Increases. Become invotved with a busy health care team. Fuit and part-lime positions, enjoy a variety of assign- ments. We have immediate openings n home care, private duty and in. stitutionat stiji1 relief. For Infor- mation, Calit Connie Gardner. COMCARE 192 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario 571-3501 WAITRESS WANTED Muet have experience. For tunches and evenings. Explorer Restaurant & Tsvem 900 Hopkins Street 668-0316 WOMEN & MEN NEEDED FOR SET-UP AND DISPLAY Steady work, no experience necessary. Must be over 18 years. Part-time positions also available. For interview phone Personnel Manager: 576-6727 NEED EXTRA MON EY? Try selling our Rug Hooking Kits. Excellent com- missions to be made. No cash investment involved. For information cail: 655-4342 or 655-8006 MOTHIERS 5UMMER HELPERS, ive- n girls from Ouebec, help with chiitdren and housework, success or ret und guaranteed. CatI 282-2478. EMPLYEM DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS DONE P HON E 668-2864 NEED HELP WITH VOUR SPRING CLEANING? NO JOB TOO SMALL. ANY ODO JOBS ACCEPTED. CALL 668-5312. WANTED: Retuabte person to work 3 days a week, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. Must be able to tift some heavy furniture. If interested phone evenings 416-985-8161 or Monday & Tuesday at 294-1890. SALES COORDINATOR REOUIRED Sales Coordinator reguired for local company, Some experience required but aptitude to iearn the lob and abitity to work in a sales environment Most important. Preterence could be given to applicant having graduated n Commerce. nepîy in wrifîng with resume to: Stokety Van Camp of Canada Ltd. P.O. Box 297 Whiiby, Ontario LIN SI Attention: Mrs. A. Trantsu LOVING& RELIABLE PERSON REOUIRED TO CARE FOR 2 CHILOREN, ages 1 and 5, In our home n West Lynde. 5 day week, 7:30 - 5:30. Light housekeeping, referen- ces, live out. Cati 668-9831 alter 6 p.m. 3WCILD CAREI S~~ECE WILL DO BABYSITTING IN MY HOME. Palmerston & Byron ares. Cati Annaeat 688-8393. DAYCARE IN MY HOME. Phase 1 0f- ter Creek. Very reasonable. Cati Diane anytimne 666-3995. WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOUSE durlng the week. Weekly catI 668-0531. QEOUTRINJ OTTER CREEK AFTER SCHOOL HOMEWORK HOUR for elementary schoot students beginning Mardi 30. Register early. Cati 668-0109. Tutoring also available. DUCCATIONSA 7SEER7TCJON CREATIVE CUISINE SCHOOL 0F COOKING Nine courses f rom Basic Techniques & menu Plan- ning to Classic French. Conducted by a graduate of the Cordon Bleu School of Cookery, London, England. Classes booking now. Beginning May 1981. 668-9860 or 683-8291 FREDERICK B. BAGG, LL.B Barrîster & Solîcitor WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT EFFECTIVE MARCH 1.,1981 HE HAS CONTINU ED THE PRACTICE 0F LAW AS A SOLE PRACTITION-ER, WITH OFFICES AT il 3B DUNDAS STREET WEST, P.O. BOX 275 WIHITBY, ONTARIO AND AT 7 CAMPBELL STREET BROOKLIN, ONTARIO ON TUESDAY AFTERNOONS Telephone (416) 668-5200 COW MANURE for saleý bushel. CatI 668-9656, LEGAL IÎ57NNIITICES \11ý A' w 'Iwo HELP l WANTED