I ~uhw ~lIl BN R! tPRI S, W l)N Si) N APII S 1 3 ~ BHS meietin g for Mardi m. V.P. Saturday the Glenwood Oldtimers won the "C" Division ai the Bawmanville King Gardens Oldtimers Tournament. Glenwood was lead by a three goal performance from Bruce Markle and the autstanding goaltending oi Dan Biscoe. The score in the final game was Glenwoad 5, Oshawa Stortec 2. Members ai the team were; Dan Biscoe, Steve Berry, Daug Johnston, Dick Shaubel, Jack Gregg, Dave Webb, Rager Shingler, George Field, Larry Scott, Ed Neudori, John Adams, Gary Deighten, Bruce Markle, Herb Tran, Butch Harringtan, Gene Supryka, Bernie Oulds, Paul Johnson, coach Jim Vanderwater, and manager Bob Walker. Biscoe was voted the game's most valuable player. Road approved Regional council approved a $1 million plan ta improve the Highway 401 and Thicksan Road interchange last week. As part of the plan the Vic- toria' Street and Thickson Road interchange will be relocated and widened. The $1 million price tag ai the plan is $95,000 mare than original estimates made by the ministry ai transpor- tation and cammunications in 1978. Regional Chairman Gary Herrema said that the region will have ta cut down an manies far other works prajects in order ta save up the additional $95,000 not originally budgetted for. According ta a report f rom the regional works commit- tee, the money may be available in the depar- tment's winter maintenance budget, which is expected ta have a surplus in it. Works officiais say that the plan, scheduled to be campleted in mid-1982, will improve traffic flow in the Thickson Road-401 area. The majarity af the praject is ta be funded by the CUDATA bers in Ontario will probably be listed an the system by the end ai 1981. Other benefits which may be instituted in the future in- clude a point of purchase debt card whereby a memn- bers account would automatically be debted when he bought something and an automnated teller machine which would help provide services for the ap- pr<ximately 18 hours the credit unilon was not open ta busness. He also said that in the future il mnav he possible for members ta do business with their credit union in ther of- fices across the province thanks ta CUDATA ter- minais. "*Wîth the CUDATA system we can handle manv times the membership we have naw with no added burden on the system should ather branches be added in the future." ministry af transportation and communficatians. ONTARIO YOUTH SECRETARIAT By MARGARET BEATII BItS Director The manthly meeting af the Brooklin Horticultural Society, held on March 25, was opened by President Valerie Hundert, with the singing ai O Canada. She alqa annaunced that 22 people registered for the Flower Arranging Courses being canducted by four af aur members. Hundert advised that aur own District 17 annual meeting will be held on Aprîl NOW US THE TII REPAIR THAT BROKEN WINDO OR SCREEN FOR FAST EFFI< REPAIRS AT CC VISA Wnd& i HE COMPLE 25 at Cannington and that Group 74 of Brooklin has issued an invitation to our society to enter a float in the Braoklin Spring Fair Parade. Carolyn Stevens informed the group that we now have 184 memnbers, with 42 new ones, which is very close to aur goal of 201. Due ta illness, the guest speaker was unable to ad- dress the meeting on "The Vegetable Plot" and a video film was presented on MI ME TO CIENT ý )MPETITIV E PRICES ISIT rony Martin at HARDWARE STORE WHITIf~ DOMINION HARDWARE 319 Brock St. S. 668-3 Ontario Youth Secretariat. An agency of the Ontario Government. Workîng for youth. Working for you. vegetable gardening. This was obtained from the Chicago Horticultural Society. This was very informative and was followed by a panel ai speakers consisting of our own knowledgeable mem- bers: Margaret Davis, Dorothy Barter, Ken Brown and Fred Daw. Questions from the audience were an- swered and a very enjoyable and casual evening was bad by all. Margaret Birch, Provincial Secretary for Social Development William Davis. Premier Door prizes were drawn and refreshments served, The next meeting wilI be the Daffadil Show at the United Church Hall on April Il and in addition, one of the highlights of the year, the Annual Plant Auction. In- cluded in the many sale items will be sorne special gladialus bulbs from the Gladiolus Society. This event is very popular, so came early and bring a friend. It takes more than a simple desire to wvork and a ittle good Iuck to find ajob. It takes organization, determination and a willingness to try a variety of options. That's why the Ontario Youth Secretariat has written a special handbook called "The Edgc<' "The Edge" gives a systemnatic and positive plan of action for findîng vvork and then rnaking the most of iii. It also gives guidelines on how to create a job by turning personal talents into a srnall enterprtse. "The Edcie" is an essential primer for any younq person A IZI. Ontario "½ CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY CONTRACT W81-18 ONE SNOW PLOW EQUIPPED DUMP TRUCK ONE TANDEM DUMP TRUCK Tenders wiII be received by. the undersigned until 2:00 p.m., Monday, April 27, 1981 for - ONE SNOW PLOW EQUIPPED DUMP TRUCK, 35,000 LBS. G.V.W. and ONE TANDEM DUMP TRUCK, 50,000 LBS. G.V.W. Specifications and tender forms are available f rom the Town of Whitby Treasury Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone 668-5803, extension 54. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. M RS. GAI LGOSLEIGH, PURCHASING AGENT, TOWN 0F WHITBY. Iooking for ajob. That's \vvhiyvwe're makinçg I availaîble froc ait high schools, college and universi .ty placement centres and libraries. Oryou can wvrite to us, Ontario Youth Secretariat, Queen's Paýrk, Toronto, Ontario, Ml,' We'Jl make sure you get "The Edge"'