PAGE: 22, Wl DNESDAY, MAY' 6,1981, WIII [BN I F RI3RSS DOLLtAR SEnf Choose the right home to win inflation batile By Randal Adaxnowski,CA makes financial sense providing you choose the Despite record mortgage right borne. That means rates, home-buying still one whose value will con- tinue 10 keep ahead of the consumer price index, now running ai more tban 10 per cent. The secret is a home people perceive as desîr- able, now and in the future. As a rule, detacbed bouses are ai tbe top of the desirability ladder - meaning tbey have a proven record of appreciat- ing in value over the years. Semi-detacbed bouses come nexi, folîowed by townbouses and condo- miniums. Yet an exclusive town- bouse in a good area may be a better buy iban a detached bouse in a poorer area, Such features as brick construction, a garage and central air-conditioning also enhance a home's value. You are strongly advised to bring in a lawyer. He or she can give you advice on how to proceed. Whatever you do, don't sign anyîhing before vour lawyer says so. New and resale homes each have their advantages and drawbacks. If your bouse i5 in an unfinished subdivision (and by the way, check on the builder's reputation with the Better Business Bureau), ils price wilî likely rise more quickly tban an older bouse ai first and also won't need such major repairs as a new roof, furnace or plumbing for some years. But you'Il have to put up with the dirt and noise of construction and land- scaping, and cope with the inconvenience of driving farther 10 work or to an established shopping district. If you opi for a new home, try t0 pick one of the firsi in the 'subdivision. Not only wilI you choose from a larger seleciion, but later homes mav cosi more. Being "the firsi on the blockî can have anotber major advantage. If you have bought your home and arranged to take possession some months from now, you have given yourself a financial headstart at the stroke of a pen. Until you move in you aren t making mort'gage or tax payments but the value of the bouse is appreciating. Auid if you can, take possession early in the new year s0 that you have the advantage of an extra tax-free $1,000 -contribution to your Registered Home Ownersbip Savings Plan. FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 'if, I I ___________ I I _____ I à 5e HUSEHOLDI Horizon blue wth baby blue OUILTED BEDSPREAD for 54" bad wth mat- chtng drapes, 110" wide x 84, $75. Champagne cotor SHEERS, 6 months otd, 4 panais, $65 or beat of fer. Cati 666-3995. May 6,81(R) LIVINGROOM DRAPES, f loor length, double thlckness, gotd, $400 new, 4 years otd, excellent condition, just cteaned, $150 flrm. Cati 666-2794. Feb. 11,81 (B) 201 FLOOR FAN, good condition, $17. WESTBEND TEFLON COATED CORN POPPER and cord. new con- dition, $15. Cait 728-1348. Apr.29,81 (R) ONE RUG, red, 8x 112,-$50. Cati sallrS p.m. 666-2098. Feb.18,81(A) SHOWER CURTAtN, $10. Cati 571- 0271. Feb.25,81(K) ELECTRIC CAN OPENER, $5. Cati 571-0271, Feb.25,81(K) ELECTRIC COFFEEPOT, $10. Cati 571-0271 Feb.25,81(K) SLOW COOKER,$2M Cati 571-0271. Feb.25,81(K) ELECTRIC GRILL, $25ý Cati 571-0271, Feb 25,811K) FRIOGE, $10. Cai 668-6144. Apr 22,81(R) VIKING SIDE-BY-SIDE FRIOGE, avocado. askîng $125. Cati 725-5505. Apr 29.81(G) FREEZER (hlot point). 12 cubc in- chas. suiti under wsrranty. perieci condition. 6 months otd, b:eige cotor. $225.C-alit666-1368 M4ar.25.81(B) HARDWICK GAS RANGE in good condition. $150. Cati 66-1504 alter 430ý Mar.4,81(A) FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR, 13 5 cubic nches. $100 STOVE, $75 in good condition Cai 576-2366. Apf -22,8 1IL) ADMIRALY3eSTOVE. evocado. 5125 Escellent condition Calit 725-5505- Apt-29.81(G) OAS STOVE WITH ROTISSERIE. 5&J higll x 30" wide. $2W0 or tbest ,flpr cait723-200 HOUSHOLD GENERAL ELECTRIC STOVE, whitt, exceltent condition, $150. Caît 579-8915. Feb25,81 (W) 30" ELECTRIC STOVE, good con- dition, $65. Cati 668-8972. Apr.22,81(H) VIKING STOVE, 24", like new, $135. Calit aller 5 668-3738. Apr.1,81(N) WHITE 2 BURNER TAB3LE-TOP STOVE, one controt for both burners, good shape, worklng, $15. Cati 579- 2073. Feb. 18,81(T) APARTMENT SIZED SPIN WASHER à SEPARATE DRYER, excellent con- dition, $125 each. CatI 666-1368. Mar,25,81(B) 1 QENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER with suds saver. 1 GENERAL ELEC- TRIC DRYER, matching pair, $300. ln good condition. Cati 668-2800. May 6.81(P) KENMORE 2 SPEED WASHING MACHINE, new ctutch, needa timer, $65. KELVINATOR ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRIER, naw hat element, drum is noisy, good condition, $75. Cati 668-6294. .May 6.81(V) SIMPLICITY RINGER WASHER, good condition. $90 Cati 668-3885 evenings. May 6.81(M) VIKING AUTOMATIC WASHER à DRYER, working condition, $50 easci or $75 for ihe pair CaIt 655-8062, May 6,81(D) WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC WASHER, in good condition. $225. Cati 623-1534. Feb.25,81lS) WRINGER WASHER, good condition. grealtor cottage. $20- Cati 655-3575ý Apr.22,81(F> ONE ANTIOUE RINGER WASHING MACHINE, 1 COPPER TUB & WOODEN WASH STAND. $100 fOr both or best offer Cai 666-1598- Feb< 1i1,81G) 15' SKI BOAT and Evinrude molor, radio. ski tripod. dean and sharp $2.195 Phone 668-3653 May 681(C) ONE 12 FOOT ALUMINUN CAR TOP BOAT, heavy duty, wth 31/ HP motor, $600. Cati 666-2935 af ter 5 p.m. Feb.1 1,81(A) 1975 550 FOUR HONDA, excellent condition, inctues tools & 'helmels, $950 or nearesi otier. Phone aller 6 p.m. 655-4431. Apr.8,8llG) 1976 HONDA 750 SUPER SPORT, immacutate condition, 10,000 hwy. mites, originat owner, angine ix par- leci and reguiarly sarvlcad, orange metattic and black, crash bar and back resticarrier and crulse control, naw chain and Michelin rear tire, 860 plaies. Serlous caltera, $1.650. Cati 723-2487. Apr.1,81(W) 1978 VAMAHA, 125, DTE, low miteaga, A-i condition. Asking $1.000. Cati 668-3523 allter 6 p.m. Apr.11,81(U) 1980 GRANDE MOPED, hardly used, $700. Phone 655-3470 before noon or sitar 6 p.m. May 6.81l(G) MINI-BIKE, 98 cc, automatic. no gears, $175. Phone 668-4934. Mar.25,81 ILI SUZUKI 380 MOTORCYCLE, 10.000 original miles, $750. Cati 668-6972. Apr.15,81(M) LAIGE SLIM-LINE OLtVETTI OFFICE EIECTRONIC CALCULATOR wîth tape, in excellent condition, cosi $299. sait$90. Cai1723-6731. Apr.8,81(B) TWO STENO SWIVEI CHAIRS, $50« Cati allter 5 668-3738. Apr. 1,81(ni ONE DRAWER FIREPROOF FILE, ïetiâi sîza, $165- Cati altar 5 668-3738& Apr.1 .81(N) TWO INSULATED OFFICE ROOM' DIVIDERS on stan-ds, 5 x 6, asking $20easch rCai 668-6144, Apr,15,81(R) UNDERWOOD MANUAL TrW. rebuitt. $69 ýCatilitar 5 668-3738. Apr,1,81(N) SHEEPDOG - maie, $50 10 good home, trained, good wlth chiidren. Cali668-7371. Apr.15,81(P) 8 MONTH OLD MALE SHEITY (Shesttend Sheep Dog), house trained, very quiet, papers, excellent dog for showing, $200, have sean for $400. Cati 666-1576 alter 6 p.m. Feb. 18,81 (R) ST. BERNARD, $10 to good home. Good wilh chitdran. Phone 725-8370. Mar.4,81(H) 10 GAL. AQUARIUM, pump. huler & ight, $25. Cati 985-3542. Apr.1 ,81(HI 75 GAL. FISH TANK with stand, sulent glant pump, heater, undergravet iller. $300. Cati 6680748. Apr.15,81(M) 30 GAL. AIL GLASS FISH TANK wilh black wroughi iron stand, power tiller, Hush 111 pump, undergravet tiller, heatar, etc. $150. Cati 579-2073. Apr.1.81(T) ONE 5 GAI. FISH TANK, $5. Cati 579-2073. Apr.1 .81(T) THREE SHOW JARS, $1.50 each. Cali 579-2073. Apr. 1,81(T) TWO BICYCLES: mens $65. boys' $25. Cati 683-6638. Apr.8.81 (S) BOYS HIGH RISE BIKE, suitabie for boy 6-8 years otd. Askîng $25. Cati 668-6144. Apr 15,81(R) TODER TRICYCLE, askîng $12. Cati1668-6144 Apr 15,81(R) BEGINNERS GOLF 8AG à CART. $25, In good condition Cati 576-2366, Apr 22,81(L) ONE SET 0F HOCKEY EOUIPMENT. man's medium. skates, pads. gioves. sticks. etc.-$100, Cati 666-2935 aller Spm SSPORTING GO DOS TWO LACROSSE STICKS, one senior, one junior, $10 each. Cati 662935 af ter 5 p.m. Feb.1 1,81(A) LADIES RIDING BOOTS, size 61/, $15. Cati 668-6185. Apr.1,81(B) LADIES RIDINO BREECHES, size 9- 10, $10. Cati 668-6165. Apr.1,81(B) LADIES FIGURE SKATES, sîzes 5Y2 & 6, $8 a pair. CaI668-0170. 1Feb.1 1,81(B) ONE PAIR 0F SKI POLES, stumlnum, for person 51 8 1 to51 11", $10. Cai 666-2935 allterS5 p.m. Feb. 11.8 1(A) 1972 SNOW PRINCE, excellent con- dition, $250 or best ofier. Cati 668-8m90 81(C) 7 RAILRS 1980 MASTERCOACH TRAILER. 33 fIL with 2 tip outs, 2-way fridge & siove with see-through oven, double sink, 21 fi. awnlng, oak doors, TV antenna, sleeps 6, 1 badroom, 3-place washroom. asking $14,000. Cati 683-4457, Ajax. Apr.22,81(R) 4 x 8 8OX TRAILER. 14" wheels. Asklng £225. Cati 668-6144. Apr. 15,81(R) FLATBED TRAILER with dualales. 20' long. suits any purposa trom hauling sod to catile, $3,000. Cali 668-9656. Mar.4,81(D) SOFI TOPPED lENT TRAILER for sale. Steepa 4, new canvass, new tires. used very Mll1e, $450. Cati 668-0245» Apr.8,811R1 FUND TR~iUCK1 FOR SALE 1965 CHEV RAMP TRUCK,. wit h to .ol boxes & storage cabinets, $500. Phone 655-3470 before noon or after 6 p.m. May 6,81 (G) 1965 FORD %i TON, mechanicaily A- 11, needs minor body work, $500 fIrm. Cati1655-3545 al ter 5 p.m. Apr.29,81(H) 1979 FORD HALF TON, super cab, 351 motor, 150 Explorer, low mileage, power steering, power brakea, stereo, sliding windows, tilt steerIng, cruise control, factory air, bold down seata, tinted windows, heavy duty suspen- sion, traiter package, Ziebarted, Per- mashine, Ford cap with ail sîtdtng windows, equipped for camping and much more. Pald $13,500, asktng $8,400 cartiied. Must seil. Cati 728-6700. Apr.15,811(S> 8 FOOT SLIDE.IN TRUCK CAMPER, good condition, $500. Cati 655-3545 atter P.M.Apr.29,81(H) TRACTOR, Ford 8N, good condition, 3 pi. hltch, new paint. Asking $1,695. Cati 655-4995. Apr.29,81 (K) NEED To KNOW SoMETHING ABOUT YOIjR NÉW OOMMUNI1Y? Cal Phone68-'9168 ____ OR 579-7521 Our hostess wîll bring gitts and greetings, along wth heîptulý cornmunity information. REAL ESTATE FEE SLASHED T0 31/% 10 HOMES URGENTLY NEEDED IN CENTRAL WHITBY FOR PROSPECTIVE TORONTO PUR- CHASERS. PRICE RANGE $42,000 - $1 15,000. CA LL N OW 668-0515. ASTON BRUMLEY REAL ESTATE LTD. __________________________I ___________________________ - I 11I 1 q Feb.11,81(A) 1 - 1