l>ROGRI SS L DFiON. WIII3Y tIPR sW NI AY, AGEXN I'î~ 7 Lofthouse supplies local consumers Brass. Loîthouse himself is an experienced tool and die maker and with this ex- perience is capable of designing his own shop machinery, two examples of this are a hydraulie powcred drill press and a three-way drill press. Most of the company's business is for the domestic market although the export mnarket is growing each year. In fact, local consurners miay be using some of the parts that were cither designed or manufactured by Loîthouse Brass, froni the flare nut that was mTen- tioned earlier to thc block heater that is in their car. Loading up the brass ai Lofîhouse Bras s bUbAHU MOTORS Durham Region Subaru Dealer TD)kDai&y Intcrest CcqjU nAccount. TIhe chequinig account for people wýho believe that every penny counts. Here's how it can add up for you. DaitY IftereSt. Start eaming interest every day on every dollar in your chequîng account. When the balance is high. Or when lUs 10ow bDQçIiffg Che1quIDg.With TD's Daily lnterest Chequing Account, you can take advantage of No- Charge Chequing, too. Ask us for the details* Then open a ID Daily Interest Chequîng Account and start making every penny count, today 4sk us how tanmadd up kryou. E TfuS adCo.unt avaaN e at TCsi bfanches 107 Dundas St. E. . Whitby 601 Dundas St. E., Whitby Manager: M.J. Patton Manager: J.D. May