Whitby Free Press, 20 May 1981, p. 23

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WIIITBY FRE PRESS, WE-DNISDAY, NMAY 20, 1981, PAGE 23 PRESIONAL RICHARD'S i FURNITURE REF1NISHING Free Estimâtes .-Give Your Fumniture a Face Lift" 600 Euclid St., Whitby HOME REPAIRS coinls, old guns, CIocks, & jewelery, dtshes, furniture, crocks, oil, paintings and IMPROVEMENTS seaiers. METRO LIC. B-2554 FRIEN DLV FLEA Kitchens, Ceramlc Tiling, MARKET Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar 7259783 Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES 23 KING ST. W., Cail 668-4686 OSHAWA TRACTOR TRAILER DAVIS AUCTION TRAINING SERVICES For Class A & D LCense Ask anyone who has used Cal our services - PARTICIPATION theyre our best 416-363-8031 recommendat ion! 0of <4 it ed«hCRfrt "Estaies, Antiques, Farms, 1-800-268-9689 Consigniment Day, Eve. & sat. courses 7284455 VISUCOM SERVICES POOL OPENINOS AND CHEMICALS. GENIRAL HOME REPAIES. RecR iRo<s. Cpilrr ecks. Painting<,IPatu>ioî><rs, b'nring. FREE ESTIMA TES 683-6044 c CMIG OSHAWA ANTIQUE GUN COLLEC- TORS show and sale, Kinsmen Com- munity Centre, 109 Coiborne St. W., Oshawa, Sunday, May 24, 1981, 9 a.m. lu i p.m. Ladies Siiver Dollar draws, Admission $1.00. Ladies Fr.. f A&R HOME MPROVEM ENT No job too small. Bathrooms, rec rooms & fencîng. For free estimate cail: 579-6545 JOG FOR LIFE AND BREATH Support Vour local Lung Association 723-3151 SCHOOS LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS or Straight Trucks Cal 1 The Canadien Instltute of Trator Traler Training Mt. 416-247-7496 1264 Weston Road Toronto, Ontario M6M 4R1 Establishod 1971 ARC PINE MID-YEAR MOVUNO SALE 335 FRANCOM ST., AJAX, ONTARIO 683-2911 40% T080% SAVINGS on our entire wooden giftware, houseware and ktchenware uines. Showroom samples and seconds. MAY 22, 23 AND 25 HOURS: FR1. 9 A.M.-7 P.M.; SAT. 9 A.M.-4 P.M.; MON. 9 A.M.-7 P.M. Chargex accepted. A lot of items have 10 go to complete our move by the end of May. BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR Prîze Lst Avalable PHONE 655-4666 e MIDWAY THURSDAY, JUNE 4 eMISS BROOKLIN CONTEST aPONY SHOWV BEER TENT FRIDAY, JUNE 5 " MORGAN HORSE SHOW a TRACTOR PULL a MIDWAY " BEER TENT e ARENA EXHIBITS - TENNIS TOURNAMENT SATURDAY, JUNE 6 * HORSE SHOW e DAIRY CATTLE * HEAVY HORSE PULL a TRANS CANADA HELL DRIVERS e TRACTOR PULL e BEER TENT SUNDAY. JUNE 7 PANCAKE BREAKFAST a HORSE ýrOW a PABBIT SHOW4 1:30 P.M. HARNESS HORSE RACES (WAGERINGI 7 P.M. FIDDLEHS GUNTEST SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has 1980 stock being offered at a traction of regular satling price for early spring delivery. $1,69000 is cornplete price of pools equipped with iller, pump, motor, patio, walk about deck & fencing. Smail deposit will hoid tilt delivery date. Otter good onty white supply tasts. CatI toll free 1.800-268-5970. Toronto 1.416- 746-3340. SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER wifilase and instaif new 1981 famity size pool compiele with waikway, sun deck and fencing, on a rentai basis with option to buy. Vour choice of style. Try before you buyl Celi Im- pertai pools toI I free 1-800268-5970. Toronto 1.416746-3340. WESTINGHOUSE DRIER, white, $50, 900d condition. GARDENMASTER LAWN MOWER, afmost new, $50. Reason for selling- moving to apar. tment. Cati 6M83268. TREES-.SHRU BS- PLANTS $2 and up. Various sizes of mapie, spruce, cedar, pu-e, ash and other kinds. Very reasonabiy priced plants of liiac, forsythia, peonies, iris, strawberry, raspberry, horseradish, rhubarb, rnînt. Cati 6554525 for more information. Q ATTMOBILES - ORSALE 1969 IMPALA, good body, needs mofor work. $300 or besi of fer. Cali 668-5009. 1972 CHEV BELAIRE, green, 53,000 miles, AMIFM radio, 4 radiais. Askîng $400. Cati 728-1532 affer 5 pm. on weekdays. 1976 DUSTER, siant 6 engine, recen. iiy overhauted. great running order, neariy new steel radiais, $950 or nearesi offer. Cati1668-1828 anytime. (PARTMENS7 ~T BROOKLIN - Newiy decorated 1 bedroom apariment, $250 per montri, firsi and last, no pets, Cati 571-3243. SEASONAL TRAILER SITES. Ail ser- vices. Near Uxbridge. Grangeways Trailler Park 416-852-3260 VACATION REWENT TSLS CLEARWATER - Seven furnished mobile homes, air condiiioned, pools, tennis, shuffieboard, close to guif beaches and major attractions, chiidren wetcome. Cati 683-5503. PER!! ASI RIDE TO TORONTO AVAILABLE, Monday f0 Set urday et approximateiy 6 a.m. Share gas. $1lOlweek. Cati Ron at 668-8931 af ter 5 p.-m. ATTENTION Yi, ma> carfi otufCassfleo AdJ .0,' x-o -.' f o. Careor Visa Ac ,jntardinr,'a dsoun on f0'- pfîc. .ýf 10e .ad P-ase e jo~uf V a C-fed, c0 all.00 AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, MAY 21 AT 12 NOON 217 EUCIld St., Whltby From the Estate of the tata Gordon McLean et ris former resîdence. DAVIS AUCTION SERVICES 728-4455 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 23 AT il A.M. 305 WaInut St. W., Whltby Compiete houshotd contents for the Estate of trie ste Ann dlarke et her former risidence. DAVIS AUCTIONSERVICES 728-4455 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 23 AT il A.M. The property of Mrs. Hutcttings, 23 dhurch St., Pickering. Househotd furnitura & antiques. 9 pc. dtntng room suife, 2 badroom suites, alec- fric appliancas, round coffea tabtes, press back rocktng chair, arrow back chairs, antique sawtng machine, totls, large numbar 0f dishes, numarous other articlas. Terme cash. No reserve. EARL QAUSLIN AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 30 STA RTI NG 11:00 A. M. Clearing astate aucf ion of antique & contemporary furniture, glass, china, appliances, toots, etc. The property of the tata Mitdred Foutiey, ai 47 Heber Down Cres., Brookiin. Partial liai includes: Heintzman piano (ex- cellent condition), oak dresser; spooî bed, oid bianket boxes; 7 pc. dining room suite; 3 pc. chesterfieid suife; 3 pc. bedroom suite; J & H piattorm rocker; rockers; pressback chairs; kitchen chairs; music cabinet; dressers; iazy boy chair; various fables; selection of tampa; oid quit; beds; white carnîval compote; Sat- suma china; nippon; deprassion glass; lots of other good giass & china; pictures; trames; amati ap- pliances; Panasonic colour T.V.; Viking fridge (neariy new); McLary stove; sfereo; Viking dryer & washer; garden tools; and much more. N.B. This is a good ciean sala, with everything in good condition. Terms casri or good chaque. No reserva. Refreshmenis availabie. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 985-8161 YARD SALE - May 23 at 9 a.m. Victoria St. W. et Road 23 N/S. Wide selection - some antique articles. MAY 23 &24, 10 A.M. TO 2P.M. - Fur famiy househoid sale. Lots 0f bargains. Coma &browsýe. 105 Si. Peter Street, Whitby (St. Peter & Brock Sis.). Whifby Parka & Recreation Dept. PARKtNG LOT MARKET, Saf urday, Juna 20 from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Rain date Juna 27. At Iroquois Park dom- piex. B00K YOUR SPACE NOW! Cai 668-7765. WUPPLESJ DOG KENNELS CUSTOM DOG KENNELS FOR SALE. 576-5606 Q3RVIES WHITBY FABRICS Custom Sheers And Drapes 9 1- 1s<I><>M) f,7b."R.IIÛ,H>'.S 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby OPP Pool Off Ice 668-4821 CASH Turn your unwanted merchandîse In- t0 cash. We Iandle estates. bankrup icies and liquidations Aniques u specialtl 21 years expefiefce3 dealinq in fine antiques. turnitufe, glass and chia Free appraisals Lef us seiyouf mercliandîse fi4flh- hiqhest bedder 1614 Chartles Si., Whitby 686-3731 Deys 579-6250 Evenîngs Auctionoear8111 Wanramaker CHILOREN FREE AUUL tSS2.00U umii N1b. a3::54__'me,______________ OnIy life insurance agents -past -p resen t -future Need reply to this advertisement To double your cîosing ratio and Send resume ini confidence to: R. S. PRICE 354 Regal Briar Whîtby, Ontario LUN 6N1I MM EDIATE OPENINGS We are expanding our facilities in the Oshawa area and need men and women to fi positions now open. Mechanical experiende helptul but not essential, as we provide train ing. Income $820 to $1 ,220 per mont h for those who qualify. For in- terview caîl: 576-6727 MATURE. RELIABLE WOMAN to babysit In my home. Mon. to Fni. 8 s.m. to 6 p.m. Cati 668-6699. BABYSITTER WANTED - Part-time, older woman preferred, ratferences. Phone 655-4210. TROPHY FISH - or lusi a keeper. Have t mounted for your watt. Reasonabte prices. We package the meat and cati you. N & J TAXIDERMY 725-2774 or 728-3135. GARDEN ROTO TILLING - reliabie studant. Phone Greg ai 728-3470. commissions. COLLEGE STUDENT WILL BABYSIT n your home during summer. Ex- perienced wtth chtfdren of any age. Cati 668-9915. MOTHER 0F 2 WILL CARE for 1 or 2 chiuidren in my home, ages 2 and older. Otter Creek, Phase 1. Phone 668-5066. DOMSTI1 IEUEMPLOYMENTI MOTHERS SUMMER HELPERS, live- n girls from Ouebec, hetp with children and housework, succeas or ref und guaranteed. Cati 282-2478. $1,000 FIRM - Requires smatf equip- ped house traiter, steepa 4, or good hard hard-top. Cali 683-2955. JANITOR TENDERS The Whitby Library Board invites tenders on janitorial contracts for its two bran- ches. Details available from Chief Librarian. Board reserves right to accept most suitable tender. P/S address tenders to Whitby Library, 405 Dundas St. W., Whitby, LIN 6A1. Deadline: June5, 1981. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTH ERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F LILLA MILDRED LIBY LEON SMITH commonly known as MILDRED LEVON SMITH, Late of the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Housewife, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all Creditors and others having dlaims or demands against the estate of the said Lilla Mildred Liby Leon Smith who died on or about the 29th day of April, 1981, are required to give to the undernamed their names, ad- dress and f ulI particulars of their dlaim on or before the 3Oth day of June, 1981, aller which date the estate wiIl be distributed having regard only to the dlaims of which the Executor then has notice. Robert J. Smith, Exedutor c/o Schilling, Evans 121 Brock Street North P.O. Box 267 WHITBY, Ontario Li N 5S1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTH ERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F GORDON JAMES SMITH, late of the Town of Whttby, in the Regional Municipaltty of Durham, retired, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that ail creditors and others havîng dlaims or demands against the estate of the said Gordon James Smith, who dîed on or about the 2ist day of October, 1980, are requtred to gîve to the undernamed their names, ad- dresses and full part iculars of their dlaim on or before the 3Oth day of June, 1981 after which date the estate wîll be distrîbuted havirîg regard only lu the clairris of which the Executors then have notice. Schilling, Evans 121 Brock Sireet North P.O. Box 267 WHITBY, Onlario Solîcjtors for the E>ucutors WAWNIEDTED LIFE AGENTS A nt fi y C rýi AA CTI lnt:KjTr' ci nn eEE LEGAL NOTICES

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