PAGEi 14. WI'DNIESIAY, JUNF 3.19 81, WlIITBY FREIi PRESS Hell Drivers and Carlsberg Championship Team big attractions at this years Fair The annual Brooklin Spring Fair, to be held this weekend will have somne new attractions this year, as well as the old favourites. The Trans-Canada Hel] Drivers will enter- tain on Saturday, on the racetrack. Dangerous high-speed precision truck driving, ramp-to- -* ramp car jumps, and motorcycle tricks are featured in the show, which has given per- formnances ail over Nor- th America in the last 15 years, including many at the Canadian National Exhibition grandstand. The show, which begins at 7 p.m., and last an hour and a half, is included free with your admission to the fairgrounds. Also new this year is the Carlsberg Cham- pionship Team and Wagon to be shown ail four days of the fair, Thursday to Sunday. The Carlsberg Wagon is made from solid, oak and decorated by two of Canada's foremost wood carvers. It carrnes 17 solid oak beer barrels, replicas of those used in 195h cen- tury Denmark. An im- pressive hand-made, patent-leather harness with solid brau fittings, and the prize-winning Carlsberg Belgian show horses wiil also be on ciisply. The tractor pull has been expanded this year and will b>e held on Friday evening and also after the Hell Drivers act on Saturday. Saturday's highlights include the midway, Appaloosa horse show, parade, horse and dairy cattie judging, beer tezit and heavy horse draw. On Sunday, there wil be the pancake breakfast, Quarter Horse show, Midway. bed and bathtub race, sheep and beef cattie judging, harness racing, log sawing and nail driving FAIR GCROUNDS - PARADE r Ot D, W. McQUAY, Realtor 103 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY, ONTARIO Phone 668-5868 Whitby FARMS - ACREAGES LOTS - RFESIDEN1IAL COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL SEE YOU AT THE LOG SAWING NAIL DRI ViNG CONTEST SUN DAY m 2 P.M. PRIZE MON EY TROPHIES SPONSORED BY BROOKLIN 655-4991