Whitby Free Press, 10 Jun 1981, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1981, WliI TBY FR-E PRESS Free Press Emporium uu EmoriumAds wiII only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. SI 3t 5, N fi E i Tý i [ENITH PORTABLE SLACK à «HITE, remoescontrot, televîion, 150, In good condition. Cati 66&- mm0. May 6&81(p) ARTIC FOR S, CASSETTE DECK, telefunken, coat $510, Caii 86663995, Varlety of HAND TOOI 683-68. 21" BLACK à WHITI modal, $25. Cmii 66-9 24" BLACK à WHITE TV, $5. Caii 576-2366. 20" AQS COLOR POF ceilent condition, $25C fer. Cmii666-3995. 18 Assorted TV AI TUBES, $1 each. Cati 5 WARTICLES FOR SALE AIR- CONÎdITINER tor sida siiding windows. Wainut wood grainad, 6,000 BTUs. $175. Cal Alan ai 668-2401. Jun.10,81(M) AIR CONDITIONER, 5,000 BTUs, $150. Cati 666-138. Apr.1,81(B) TRAYNOR AMPLIFIER, $35. Cmii 985-3542. Apr.1,81(H) Used BIKE, 20" wheels, very good condition, $35. Cail eveninga 723- 0931. Jun. 10,81 (W> MOTOCROSS BICYCLE, in ex- cellent condition. With eom- petition trame and mag rims. $100 or besi otter. Cali 668-9482. Jun.10,81(M) C.B. RADIO, Citizen 40 channai base wlth pre-amp, SWR mater, 120 ft. orf basa co-ax and 518 wave antenna, $180. Cati 668-7123. Apr. 1,81(M) CHESS COMPUTER $300. Pimys ut "'10 Levais" plus postai gamas. Cail 668-4670. Mar.25,81 (M> SHOPMATE ELECTRIC SABRE SAW, $12. Cmii 728-1348. Apr.29,81(R) LIKE NEW - Scandia hydroiic rowing exarciser, $80. CatI 668- 0748. Apr.15,81(M) CEILING FAN $75. Large ELEC- TRIC GRILL $25. Cati 723-0855. May 20,81 (M) fCORN OLYMPIC 2,000 FIREPLACE, heatilator, glass doors and tira grate, asking $450. For more Information cmii 728- 5892. Apr.22,81 (B) iwedish Steel ARCHED FIREPLACE SOREEN, 41 W' x 31 " righ, i70. Swedish Steel REC- 'ANGULAR FIREPLACE SCREEN, 36" wide x 26" high, $30. Cali 71-3471. Apr.22,81 (W) One OIL FURNACE, 2 motors. Asklng $15. Cali 668-5448. Jun.3,81(F) BELL à HOWELL MOVIE CAMERA. 1 yr. oid. Cosi $379 - seoi for $100. Plus acreen $20. Cati 66-3m9. Mar.18,81(R) BASS GUITAR, $125. Cail 985- 3542. Apr.1 ,81(H) 55 Watts Par Channel TECHNICS IECEIVER, 5 mb. oid, $450 f irm. Cal1 666-3995. May 6,81(R) OLD 78 RECORDS & Wind-Up Record Player, $100. Cail 683- SM3. Apr.8,81(S) DAVID BROWN 990 SELECT-A- MATIC, front end motor, diesel, 3 pt. htch. $6000) or beat 0f fer. Cmii 85-906 atter 6 p.m. May 6,81(T INDUSTRIAI. STEEL SHELVING. Uaii 985-3542. Apr.1,81(H) top ioad, sait $275. May 6,81 (R) .5, $10. Cmii May 6,81(R) 'E TV, floor )95- Mar.18,81(R) CONSOLE Apr.29,81(L) qTABLE, ex- 0 or beat of - May 6,81(R) ND RADIO 79-2073, Apr.1,81(T) good con- new paint. e Apr.29,81(K) BEATTY AUTOMATIC IRONER $75. White FRIGIDAIRE heavy duty 4 burner stove $60. HAND MOWER $10. Two ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS, $15 each. Ail In good condition. Cmii 668- 2800. Mayl13,81(P) PLEASE READ Whon the adveriised item is sold, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wiii be deemed to have been sold and a commission wiiI be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustrated below, regardiessait price is stated with"best otter". If the Item Is NOT SOLO, or disposed orf, the ad wIl be run tor 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE ot $3.00 wiIi apply. Ail advertIsemenis must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHIT8Y FREE PRESS and run aileasi one month If not soid. RATES (If aricle las aoid>: 5 % ot advertI aed pries up b 1400.00 2% of balance over $400-00 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertlsed for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (dllnimum charge la $3.00) Private advertising onlyt Please notity the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is soid so ihat we may daiete tl from the toiiowlng Issues. Alil ada nont ittlng the Emporium guidelines wiii be treated and charged per week as regular classlfied ads on a pre-paid basis sueh as: services, heip wanted, ciothing, reai estate, and personai message type ads, or ads not quoiing price or quantity. Private classitied ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206,-ý Whltby, LiN 551 tf ln doubi cati: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont, THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. UTOMBILES] V MOTIV 'i ORSA LE REPARPASIR/PARTSBA 1976 MERCURY STATION Two SNOW TIRES, E-78-14, on BABY AFGHAN, ci WAGON. new tires. AMIFM, 8 Ford rimaS$W. Cm1 666-3958. graaniwhita/yellow i tracit, power door co dltloned, trailer hitet roof rack, certified. A Calil 655-8052. 'Ï AUTOMOIBILES AUTOP FOR SALE RPI 1987 CADILLAC,4 paint, radiai tires, poi power brakes, powg power seats, cerlili $1,800 or bast of fer.C 1968 CHEVELLE MI dr. H.T., power bra steering, auto. on cor tape deck. As se, $85 condition. Caill666-25 1972 GMC VANDUFi varier, steepa 3, equipped, 6 cyl., cart or best of fer. Cati 668 1973 MAVERICK, automatie, 82,000 mi. body work. Aaklng $7 668-8675 afiar 8:30 p.r 1973 MAZDA 801 WAGON, 4 door, st amîssion, neads work Caii1868-0463. 1974 VEGA HATCHI ln fair condition andi some work, red wlti 47,000 mi. (origini caliers - $450 - 723-24E QOOD SECOND CAlq LTD, body and engint shape, many new part new radial tiras, $1,40 closeat offer. Catil l weekdays or anytime ds 576-5447. 1975 MONTE CARLC power steering, powe original paint, radial certiflad. Asking $2,5 2702. 1978 DATSU N 71 0, 4a mi., two new tires and tlfied, $2.300. Cali 66 p.m. 1976 DOOGE ASPE speed (manual), star 20,000 original mite condition, $2.300 or CatIl 668-0850. 1978 GRAN FURY i excellent condition, P and trunk. Cruise cond., tilt steertng wt sterso. vinyl roof anc Body waa recondltion, ted lest year. no ailverired. Engin* was 2 yrs. &go, interlorr Luxury package. Ser $2,700 or best off er, 72 4 docor, new Dwer steering, er windows, 'lad. Asklng Cati l655-8052. Jun.3,81 (C) LIBU, 3d72 ,akes, power nmole radio & ý50 f rm. Good 582 anytime. Jun. 10,81 (G) lA VAN, con- completeiy tit lad. $2,200 8879. Jun.10,81(K) C, 6 cyl., L, needa sorti 700 as la. Calii .M Apr.29,81 C/) le STATION itandurd tran- ,k. As la, $300. Apr.8,81(S) SACK, body la angine needa hi tan intarior, i). Sarlous 187. Apr.1 .81(W) ,R - 1975 Ford e are In good da on Il, brand .0O certli ld or )etween 9 & 2 ie on waaken- Apr.15,81(N) 0, 350 auto., r braites, air, ls & snows, 500. Cuti 797- May 27,81 (T) peed, 75,000 id snowa, car- 0-8471 afier 5 Apir.22.81(M) EN, 4 dir., 3 ni 6 angine, ea, excellent or besi ottar. JunlOBi8(E) BROUGHAM, PS. PIS, P/W conirot, air 'heel, AMIFM id Micheline. ried anrd pain- ruai, color ae overhauied red broquet. noua calters, 73-2487. 350 CHEV SM BLOCK 11.5-1 TRW pistonE heads, more. Bis to new. $1,000 or beee 683-6487. USED TRUCK CAP, i box, any make truck, condition. Cati Ted ai CAP FOR A HALF PICK-UP TRUCK, 2 yg front & aide siidlng% roof vent. WIitlit ar up. Pald $1.350, sell 728-700. TRUCK CAP (Expie windows, roof vent, li insulated. Asking $3' 8052. ELECTRONIC IGNIl Vega and Astra, $25.C Four Shelby aumii MAGS with G-50-141 to f it Chev. Cost $e $300. Cai Paul ai 6M1 0642. AUTOMOTIVE FAC VICE MANUALS. Chi 1961,1978, $10 each. 1958, $10each. Pontl 1954, $15. Toyota Sell 1974 $12. Dodge Colt Cricket, 1971 thru Dodge, ail 1970, $10. E MOUIHiChrysler 197, Cali 655-3266. 351 CLEVELAND ME plate, trcrn 1974 Fc Automatic Iransmissiý $80. Cati 655-3006. FORD 390 MOTOR& smission. Motor neea $300. Cati868-2708. 1974 GRAND TORINC conditir,iiing rad & ui end windows, etc. cati 655-3006. 1973 MERCURY MARC PARTS. Windshield! grill, tenders, rad.airi unit, etc. S200. Cmli 6! FACTORY CAR1 196511966 Vailant & 19681969 Dodge Plyi Cali 655-3266. SE 0F à SUPEJIIOR used. ail chrome, 15' Cai 723-9972. rcks, air con- h, air shoeks, tsking $2,995. Jun.3,81(C) K, 4 boit main, s, cmm, 202, )prove. Brand si offar. Cmli Mmr.1 8,81(J) 'is regular 8' -. Very good t 683-5358. Jun.3,81(V) TON FORD aura old with windows and ny Ford pick- Il $850. Cmii May 13,81(S) rer), siiding uggage rackt, ý75. Cmli 655- Jun.3,81(C) TION for '75 Cali l666-3995. Mar.18,81(R) num siotted G-60-14 tiras 630. Sai for 8-8145 or 668- Jun.10,81(G) TORY SER- avrolat 1955, .Buick 1957, Ilac 1949 thru Icm 1971 thru I & Plymouth 1973, $10. DodgePLY- 17, 1978, $12. Apr.1 .81(A) UTO Rcom - Drd. $150. ion for same Jun.3,81 (R) rebuili irrin- >ds oi1 pump. Apr.29,81(C) 0 PARTS, air ifit, rad, rear Asking $125. May 13,81(R) QUIS SEDAN s, front end, conditioning 55-3006. Jun.3,81(R) RADIOS, LDan, $30. rnouth, $35. Apr. 1,81(A) RIMAS, nover -$250 tirm. AprB8,81 (SI Two ER78-14 RADIA TIRES mounied on iwo wheais, $110 or boatq DR78-14 RADIAL TIRE whita lattera) Firastone baited tiras mountad on whaais, $180 or boat( GRS0-14 FIRESTONE S TIRES (raisaed white lai beitad mounted on iwc CiassIe Mmgs, $225 or1 WiiI fit amailiChrysiere tires wiIi sait for $450 or Please cmii 686-1686 b p.m. and 10 p.m. Ail tirae AI Two Glass Beited PoI) npike Wide TRUCK TII 14> tubeless. Aimosi rima. $50. Cmii 668-9482 JE. CHRYSLER PARTS Fi 16 naw TRW Lifiars for $70. Naw Ciutch Drive Fan $70. One New Exl (replaces converter) LaBaron, Cordoba, Olpi One new Gas Tank F (ragular gas) for 2-dooi Cordoba, OIlpomat $18. Door SkIn for 67-691 passengar aida, $45. Biada Steel Fan $18. UnIroyal Ica Radie P205175R15, $140 for1 new Michelin ZX Rad 1651705R13, $240 for new Rmiiy Whaeis toi Horizon, $80. Four usi Hot Wlra AiumInum Ma 15" x 7", $150. One usei Intaka Manifold $60.' 340/383 AVS Carbura aach. One usad 89 BarmE Place $20. One naw si Guages (oit, water, amp) used Radio for Hor speaker and antannae 655-3266. 'rpr.8,81 (C) %L SNOW >AMC raiiy offer. Two ES (raised B 721 steel i AMC rmity offer. Two S RADIAL tara) steel ) Kayatone basi offer. s. Ail six besi of fer. beiwean 2 ýs lika new. ýpr.22,81 (O) ;e-ster Tur- FiES, (G78- new, with n.10,81(M) MR SALE r big blockt, B Unit With chausi Pipa i for V8 10mnai, $45. ier Neck r LaBaron, One Naw Baracuda, One new 7 Two naw ais, siza pair. Four liais, size set. Four ýr Omni & md Aunger g Whaaim, )d 340 AVS Two usad tors, $30 cudla Nose et of RAC ý) $25.On rida wlth $30. Cmii Mar.18,81 IfsE a Mo vîng World! And we are here to serve ifs movrng population, If you have just moved into a new home, cati the Welcomne Wagon host- ess. PHONE 88M418or 57-7521 171-Gî crochetted, $20. Cali Assorted girls' BAB) HANO KNITS, newb Change Table $40 for separate. Cali 66B-21 TODDLER ROCKER, 6144. STROLLER, asklng 6144. BABY ITEMS FOR5 Mattresa $25, Mesti Swing-O-Matie $12,1 High Chair $5, Bathi $40, two Bottie Starli Gendron Stroiler wlt boot & windbreaker 1419. CHANGE TABLE $30 Car Bed $10. Free-s Jumper $15. Carrlag and Slida $40. Cali 668-0127. Two sets of SWINGS excellent conditior $129 - salit for $50. Qil sali1 for $17. CalI16W6-3 ALUMINUM 12' BOA 723-0855. 15' SKI BOAT and EvI radio, ski tripod, clai $2,195. Phone 668-38 5 H.P. CHRYSIER MOTOR wllh 5 gal. good condition. Aski 655-4245. 1948 MERCURY MOTOR, 71h, $100. $200. Caii 723-0855. One 4 H.P. EVINR Twin, outboard mole $375. Cali 668-0808. BOYS' 3 PC. POWDEI wom once, sîze 14. Cali 668-9420. BOYS' 3-PC. SUIT,. l088. BOYS, SHIRTI from 75c to $1. BOYS (approx. 6> f rom $3 tc Ail reasonably pricl 2578. DESIGNER WEDDII size 13114, pearis and of lace. Asklng $200. 6&3839. ENGLISH SED.SIE two, wooden t ramesi black & gray, two1 mehai rs, $280. Caii166 WATER BED, new tress, liner, heatar & Cail 1-281-0664. 3DRAWER -D-ESSEÏ $45. 8 DRAWER DI naw, ô DRAWER DI for both. Calii868-3», ANTIQUE HUTCH à& 2 mtching sida chi condition, refinishar solid oak, $475. Cmiii6 Apartmant siza te ROOM SUITE (Englis vaneer BOOK CASE finish AUDIO CABINI $80. Or whola lot fo 9 -0 TÎ DINII rib size, sofit peop mixture, hmndakIi 68-6563. $600. Apr.22,81(M) 9732 ter6j Y CLOTHES & rn to 2 yrs. ýrail or wiii sali oI 164. ROOI Apr.22,81(B) chali iacqi 1$8. Calii668 long, brow Apr.15,81(I1) 723-9 $10. Cmii 668-- Blue Apr.15,81(R) cond SALE - Crib & - Pîmypen $20, Two Car Seat $15, CHAI Change Table goot lizars $7 each, Squr 1h detachabla wlndi $40. Cmii 688- 4245. Mar.25,81(T) D. Wmikar $15. Chai standing JoiIy beige e $40. Swing 868-2 Il afiar 5 p.m. Apr.22,81(D) CHEI chair 3 for chiIdran, 68&9 i. One cos; thar coat $39.- 3995. CHE, Mar.18,81 (R) good 4756. ~~LIES chair AT $400. Cati ditlor $40.' May 20,81(M) iinruda motor, Medli mn and sharp. naw 53. offer. May 6,81(C) OUTBOARD KITC gas tank. In Asii ing $275. Culit p.m. May 20,81 (L) Two 'E OUTBOARD 68. 327 MOTOR may 20,81 (m) Horiz quille U DE, Yacht wiih r lor, ite new, 84", SHEE Jun.3,81(S) or bea ýR BLUE SUIT, condi, Asking $60. Ma88() Fou r Mu88() Three $10. Wlii go T»,g >S (approx. 6) TABL 3* SWEATERS TCml o$5. Size 14. Cl ed. Caii 728- Mar.18.81(W> One- good 86&821 INO DRESS, se»quins, iota Cati anytime OASI Caliif May 20,81 (S) Id Charrywood ING TABLE 10 t les, Ilka new. f Ig $550. WIth 5 D. For Informa 2beiween 8 end Id Pins with >M SUITE. Huici rs, 2 aide chi uer finish ont Jovai, two 1, lei n simin. AskIng .398. Brocade CHAIR dition. Cmii 576-2 )Kroaier LIV IRS, tweed, bIl îd condition, $ ire-type FLOC 0oW fan, $15 eac ESTERFIELD i r, aimoat naw le & brown, mski 29W9 or 725-2243. BTERFIELD & E Ir and rocklng chi 9771. STERFIELD, bl d condiion, $12 il 3-SEATER C I and tootsioo, )n. AskIng $100. ,Cmii 668-6533 at hum slzed COU 54" MATTRESI r. Cmli 666-3995. CHEN TABLE Ig $50. Cmii 571 Smaii TABLES,!1 Ion blue with id BEDSPREAD rnatching drapet $75. Champ ERS, 6 mo. oid,j mI: citer. Cmi 66E FLOOR FAN, go< Wesibend Te, MN POPPER mnc tion, $15. Caii 72 rTABLE LAMP -cushIon CHE! goId color. BED iivingroom sa LES, one lao$25, 688-9009. Generai Etectric condition. Aaki 2800. DRYER $55 Go. 579-9371. l'TEE, eleapai and armrests, matching ar- 66-1896. Mar.18,81(B) quaen mat- t rame, $170. Apr.1,81(K) ËKT50 yrs. oîd, IRESSER,Ilika RESSER, $85 95. May 6,81(R) BUFFET plus aira, excellant i, 80 yrs. oid, 866-3995. Mar.18,81<R) ýeak DINING eh) $450. Taak E $120. Taak ET (low lavai) or $600. Aillin Cati 6688-2014. Apr.22,81 (P) EÉXTENSION &est up to 12 Nith 4 chairs chairs asking tion cali 728- 10 a.m. or at- Mar.11,81(P) Oak DINING h buffet, 2 armn mra, speciai top. Tabla 0' ýaves, medium $2,800. Phone Mar.18,81<P) 1, $W. In good 366. Apr.22,81 (L) ING ROOM ge and brown, 75 for pair. )R FAN and ich. Cati 655- May 20.81 (L) 5Matching eolive gray, ng $450. Cati Apr.22,81(N) 3ad, matching tair, $150. Cali May 13,81(Z) lue brocade, 5. Cali 68- Jun.10,81(B) COUCH. arm ,ln good con- EXERCYCLE ter 5 p.m. Jun.10,81(G) ICH $35. Like 5$30 or besi May 6,81 (R) &4 chairs. '-8808 atter 5 May 13,81(S) $35. Calii3 Apr.8,81 (S) ibaby blue for 54" bed lla0" wide X Jun.3,81(B)1 GOODS Bayereat ELECTRIC DRYER, 5 yrs. otd, $100. In good condition. Cmli 668-6710 atter 7 p.m, May 13.81(S) FREEZER (hot point), 12 cubIe In., 81111 under warranty, perteet con- dItion, 6 mo. oid, beige color, $225. Cal 666-1368. Mmr,25,81 (B) OAS STOVE With Rotisserle, 59" hlgh x 30" wide, $200 or beat otter. Cmii 723-2005. Mar.11,81(K) 30" VIKING STOVE, $* 5. Cali 579- 7658 atter 6 p.m. Jun,3,81(P) Mottait STOVE A FRIDGE 01 door), harvast goid, $400 for pair. Cali 68-0828. May 13,81(M) Simpiicity RINGER WASHER, good condition, $90. Cali668-3885 eveninga. May 6,81(M) Apartmant sizad SPIN WASHER à SEPARATE ORVER, excellent condition, $125 emch. Caii 686- 1388. Kanmora WASHER, aiza, askIng $100. Lt DRYER, mprtmant duiy, aking $125. Cml Viing AUTOMATIC DRYER, work.Ing coi emch or $75 for the pi 8062. Mar.25,81(B) apartmant ady Kenmora sîze, hemvy ill66ffl420. May 27,81(F) WASHER à ondition, $50 air. Cmii 655- May 6.81(D) MO~MTRCYCLESI SALES/RENTALS MINI-BIKE, 98 c, automile, noi ges, $175. Cmii 68-4934, Mar.25,81 (L) SUZUKI 380 MOTORCYCLE, 10,000 original mi., $750. Cai 668-6972. Apr.1 5,81(M) SUZUKI 250 TRAIL BIKE $400. KAWASAKI 90 TRAIL BIKE $20. Cmii 723-0855. May 20,81 (M) 1974 SUZUKI, GT 380, A-1, extras, 9,000 mi. Asking $65. Cati 668- 2776 afier 5 p.m. May 27,81 (L) 1975 550 FOUR HONDA, excellent condition, includes tbols & heimets, $950 or nearesi offer. Phono at ter 6 p.m. 655-4431. Apr.8,81(G) 1975 SUZUKI MOTORCYCLE, TM12S. Asklng $325 or beat offar. Cati 655-4732. Jun.3,81(G) 1978 HONDA 750 SUPER SPORT, Immacutate condition, 10,000 hwy. mi., original owner, engins ta per- fect and reguiariy sarvIced, orange metailie and blackt, crash bar and back reat/carrier and cruise con- trot, new chuin and Michelin rear tira, '80 plates. Serlous caltera, $1,M5. Cai 723-2487. Apr.1 .81(W) 1978 YAMAHA, 125, OTE, low miteage, A-i condition. Asking $ 1.000. Cati 68-3523 ater 6 p.m. Apr. 1,81(U) 1980 GRANDE MOPED. hardiy used, $700. Phone 655-3470 befora noon or atter 6 p.m. -May6,81(G) MOTORCROSS BIKE, heavy duty rima, knobby tires, front ahocit ab- sorbera. Aaklng $55. Cmiieafetr 4 p.m. 868-5603. Jun.3,81(W) Large aiim-iine OLiVETTI OFFICE ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR with tape. In excellent condition. Coet $M9, oeil $45. Culi 723-6731. Apr.8,81(B) 8mars Caiebrty Power 12 ELEC- TRIC TYPEWRITER, 9 mo. oId. Paid $26, aaking $200. Cali 723- 0855.May 27.81 (M) h» TRACTOR, Ford BN dition, 3 pi. hltch, Asklng $1,695. Call 6f excel Pl

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