WIIITl3Y FREE 1RES.S, WEDNESDAY. JLNII 17, 1981, PAGE 13 We've got great gift ideas for dear aid Dad These Big Git Ideas Have SmaII Price Tags Want to gift Dad in a spe- cial way, but don't have a big budget'? Here are sug- gestions for pleasing Pop witbout going bankrupt: Gift Dad with an eIe- gantly framed photo of* the family for his desk. Raid the family scrapbook or have a negative of a favorite snap- shot cnlarged,then cover an inexpensive framie with suede or vinyl scraps in ap- propriately masculine hues. A remote control device for turning off the lamp, TV or radio after Dad's in bcd will please hlm mightily, and the price tag is low. A box of personalized matches will be welcomed by a Dad who smnokes - your local stationery store can have his initiais prînted at litIle cost. One of the new flash- lights that has no batteries to wear out, is always ready for instant to use, will come, in handy for Dad's work- shop, car, or office. A magnifier, complete with light, wiIl help Dad to read that road map or f-ine print with case. Set Dad's minciat rest while the family's away from home - gift himi with an automatic timer that turfis lights and appliances off and on, makes it look like someone's at home. A gift subscription to bis favorite magazine is flot cx- pensive, yet will give hlm pleasure for the next 12 months. A treasured olci family photo can be resîored at a low cost, then framed in an antique-looking frame for a gift Father will cherish. Have a T-shirt printed up with a slogan like "World's Greatest Dad" or "Very Important Pop" for his day. If he's a golfer, gift hlm with a pedometer, so he'll know just bow far he is from the tee. Folding scissors that Dad can carry right in his pocket are a handy, incx- pensive gift. A book about his favor- ite hobby or sport is sure to bring a smile to Father's face. A hand vacuum that piugs into the cigarette light- er of Dad's car will help hirn Lkecp it nice and'tidy. if radio with settes. Dad enjoys taping programs, gift hlm quality blank cas- Handy with the sewing machine'? Whip hlm up' a cornfy robe or kimono for lounging around the bouse. Pops dig plants, too! Present himi with an easy-to- care-for plant l'or his office or study. Encourage Dad to take it easy by gifting hini with a handsorncIe eather-look has- sock. Aller ail ik said and-donc, it's not the price tag.. . it's the thought that counts! ______________________ I This morning program is an excellent opportunity for young children to be with others their own age and particip- ate in camp activities while Iearning through play. Creative expressli is an important aspect of this camping exper- ience. Your child wilI be exposed to new gaines. music, special events and splash time. AGES: <Boys and Girls) 3 -5-1/2 years TIME: 9:00 arn - 12:00 noon DURATION: Four.- 2 week session. DATES: Session I - June 29 - July 10 Session Il - JuIy 13 - July 24 Session 111 - JuIy 27 - Auguat 7 Session IV - August 10 Augusi 21 FEES: $3500 for each 2 weeks session. -~ Four excitîng sports camps are Ia vailabf e this summer, wjth fa- c rosse being our latesi addition. Each is desîgned to accommo- date kids who would fike 10 learn to play or improve in a particular I~ sport. No mater what the c amper s level of proficiency. the -i\camps offer uts participants loads \of fun, as the emphasis is on \learning îhrough fun as opposed to competition. AGES: (Boys and Girls) 8- 14 years CAMPS: Lacrosse. Soccer. Base- bail, Tennis 1 & il DURATION: Two - Four week sessions DATES: June 29 - JuIy 24 - Session 1 uy 27 -Augst 21 -Session il FEES: $4500 for each 4 weelc session. ATTIRE- Shorts. T-Shlrt. sweater or warm.ups. Proper shoe attire for sport - Hiat <GROIJPS: Campers will be divcded into groupa dependlng on age and ablllty. SWIM: The 3-112 hour day in, cludes a 112 hour free swîrnin the afternoon sessions, L~pe. This full day camp wilI offer children somne of the more traditional espeniences of camping such as biking, nature lore. camp crafi. camphires. songs. gaines and special events. A camp of this nature provides the camper with an opportunity o be ln a group with peers and be an individual writhin the group as weiI. SWIMMING LESSONS & PUBLIC SW1M: The camp includes swimming lassons three imes per weelc and free s= twice pr week. 1hn wiil allosi for swimming improvemnents but not t0 attatn a completeSlevel. REGISTRATION & GENERAL INFORMATION - 668-7765 EXTENDICARE For parents with children attending Adventure Camp and Sports Camp. extendîcare wil I be off ered both morning and evenîng <7 30 900 arn and 4-00 6&W pm) for an additîonal fee SPECIAL REGISTRATION NIGHTS June 2,8 & 15. 6 9 prn at Iroquois Arena Foyer, Meet the Staff. See the Site< DAYS You may also regîster at the arena office. 9 am 5 prn. Monday thru Friday TRANSPORTATIONý Town transît can be utîlized (S5 per 2 week pass) routes will be supievised by a counseiki, Cail 668 7765 for further details SUIEMER SWINMMIN( REGISTRATIO N: June 2f). 9 - Il amn a- lroquoiâ Park Are-sia AGES: f(Boys and Girls) 6 - 12 years DURATION: Four - 2 week sessions. DATES: Session 1I- June 29 - JuIy 10 Session Il - July 13 - JuIy 24 Session 111l-July 27 -August 7 Session IV - August 10 - August 21 FEES:. $60.00 fo each 2 week session. EXTENDICAHE: See Generaf Information TIME: 9:00 amn- 4:00 pin mzýý TYPEWRITERS SU MMER SALE CLEARANCE DANFORTH TYPEWRITEA Rentais, Sales & Service 408 Dundas Street VVest 2940 Danforth Ave. Whit by Toronto 666-1131 est. 1930 698-2589 Ch G R EAT FAT H E R'Sý DAY SPECIALS -95 PLAYDAY GOLF CARTS NLYs55. 95 GOLFGLOVE$ 'ROms4 RAM.'GOLFSHOES (GREATVALUE) s39,- 95 STANFIELD S-HIRTS ONLY S9.95 L IL a à & wuýà a