W!ITYFRZEEL RFSS, WEDNIUSIDA", JUINEP1. I QS I, PAGE :1(-) R e gon won't sulpport hospi*tals Hospitals are seeking as much as $830,000 in financial aid fromn Durham Region to aid in an $8 million expansion program. Repregentatives of the Durham Regional District Health Council made their pitch to regional council's finance committee at its meeting iast week, however, they did not get a lot of support.. The programn that the health council wants to start includes plans to convert the presentiy empty second floor of Whitby's Dr. J.O. Rud- dy General Hospital into a 32-bed chronic care unit. Should thie provincial government approve the health council's recommendations it would provide more than $5 million of the total cost. However, the balance would have to be raised from the municipalities and private donations. .he hospitals aiready have $1 million availabie to them for such projects. Health council of- ficiais suggested at the finance committee Qar[ of Mur>am 227 Brock Street South, Whitby 666-2211 The Place to Brlng Dad for Father's Day Every Sunday Brunch is available from 11:30 - 3pa. Special for 4 $1 3.95 Scrambled eggs, 2 types of pancakes, bacon, sausage & bottomiess cup of co fiee. Luncheon& Dinner Speclals Every Day Cozy atmosphere in Downstairs English Lounge Dinner & Dancing Friday & Satuirday Upstairs ln the Lambion Roomn * Weddings, Banquets & Service Clubs catered to. *Open Mon. -Sat. 12.1 a-rm -*Sun. 11:30 -1Op.m. Bro oklin approve d cont'd frorn pg. i In fact, Kolodzie told council that if the mat- ter went to a higher authority, regional coun- cil could not justify the existance of the project. "I believe we will not have a good case when it (the development proposai) goes to the next level, the Ontario Municipal Board," he said. Other concerns brought up by councillors included a desire to know what the region's position would be if First City sold their holdings before fulfilling their commitments but after receiving a residential designation of their lands. Regional Councillor John Aker (Oshawa), chairman of the finance committee said that if the developer defaults "then we're back to where we started. " He added that anyone purchasing the land would have to sign both development and subdivision agreements with the region prior to construction.1 Aker also described the letter of credit not as a commitment on the part of First City but as "a measure of good faith. " The Oshawa deputy mayor also told council that if anything goes wrong and First City does not proceed wit.h the projeet the region will not incur any liability. In other words, it will flot cost the region a penny. However, despite t.he solicitor's opinion, Durham Regional Chairman Gary Herrema meeting that Durham should help pay somne of this cost. "Extremely impor- tant" is how Mick Peters, the health coun- cil's executive director, described financial aid from the region. "Fund raissing oppor- tunities are pretty grim," Peters toid the committee. Regional Counciilor John Aker (Oshawa), chairman of the finance committee said that he did believe individual memnbers of council would agree to set aside the funds the heaith council has asked for. "We are stili of the opinion that the best way to get the additional funds is by public sub- scription. " Aker also pointed out that the region has a no grants policy and that to give the funds requested, council wouid have to break 101 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-8865 Blair Buchanan, F. R.lI., D is tr ic t Manager, is pleased to announce the recent appointment of Erik Johansen to the Whitby Sales Team. Erik has ived in Whitby for the past 25 years where he has been employed by Firestone Tire. He In- vites his friends and former business associates to contact him at 668-8865 or 668-4494. -- that policy. "This has been a hard and fast policy that has saved us a lot of money, " he said. The finance commit- tee voted to recommend to regional council that the policy remain in place and that the request be denied. However, that does not mean that regionai council wiil not consider providing funds for hospital expansion ac- cording to Regionai Chairman Gary Herrema. Herrema said that only under special cir- cumstances would the region make an excep- tion to the policy. The chairman is not in favor of providing the regional heaith council with regular funding in the budget. The health council told the committee that a number of regional municipalities in On- tario contribute capital funding for hospitai ex- pansion projets. Q TRAILERSI 1980 MASTERCOACM f RAILER. 33 ft. wlth 2 tip outs, 2-way trldge & stove with see-through oven, double sink, 21 ft. awning, oak doors, TV antenna, ileepa 6, 1 bedroom, 3-piece washroom, aaklng $14,000. Cal683-4457, Ajax. Apr.22,81(R> TENT TRAILER in good condition. Asking $400 or best offer. Cali 728-3089. May 27,81(D) 4 x ô BOX TRAILER. 14" wheeis. AskIng $225. Cal88-8144. Apr.1 5,81(R) WLNTED HOMES IN WHITBY & BROOKLIN FOR PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS. REAL ESTATE FEE CAL L 668-0515 ASTON BRUMLEY REAL ESTATE LTD. LOOKING FOR A CAREER? - if you are enthusiastic, ambitiaus and a hard worker, you have a lot to offer - and you are just the type of person we're looking for. If you're interested in a Iife-Iong career with excellent earning pQ.tefltial caîl Mr. Lavictoire at Metropolitan Life 728-6224 bet- ween 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and find out what we have to of fer. 1905 CHEV RAMP TRUCK, wlth tool boxes & storage cabinets, $500. Phone 655-3470 before noon or at ter 6 p. m. May ,81(G) 1979 FORD HALF TON, super cab, 351 motor, 150 Explorer, 10w mileage, power steering, power brakes, stereo, siiding windows, tilt steering, cruise control, fac- tory air, foid down seats, tInted windows, heavy duty suspension, trailer package, Ziebarted, Perma- Shine, Ford cap wlth ail sliding windows, equipped for camping and much more. Paid $13,500, asklng $8.400 certltled. Must seil. Cal 728-8700. Apr.15,81<5) FREE PRESS EMPORIUM. NOW U$THE TIME TO EPAIR TUAI BUtOKEN WINDOW~~~ OR SCREEN N~ FOR FAST EFFICIENT REPAIRS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES VISIT[ 1 SWanda & Torly Martîn at THE COMPLETE HARDWARE STORE DOMINION HARDWUARE] 3l9BrockSt.S. 668-354,, SUBMIT VOUR NOMINATION FOR PETER PERRY 1981 (Whitby's Outstanding Citizen) Dinner and presentation to take place Thursday, JuIy 23 at the Earl of Durham Banquet Lounge. Deadline for entries July 3, 1981. NOMINATr!ON REGULATIONS FOR THE PETER PERRY AWARD 1 . Any citizen of the Town of Whitby may nomimate one or more can- didates by writing a nomination letter outîining the deeds per- formed by the candidate for the greatest good of the greatest number of people in Whitby, and mailing it in a sealed envelope marked "Outstanding Citizen" to the Secretary, Whitby Chamber of Commerce, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby, Ontario. 2. Candidates shaîl be residents or taxpayers of the Town of Whitby. No candidate shaîl be disquaîified by reason of his office, employment, business or association with the Cham ber of Commerce. The award may be made posthumously. 3. Nominations to be considered must be postmarked no later than July 3, i1981. Mere numbers of nominations for any candidate wilI not influence decision of the judges. 4. The panel oi judges shail make the award to the candidate who has rendered outstanding service to the Town of Whitby over and above normal duties of office, employment or business. Names of three finalists wiII be made public in advance and the namne of the winner will be announced at the dinner.