Whitby Free Press, 8 Jul 1981, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1981, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Press mrporiumi GO> Empor..*m Coul668-m6111 EmpoiumAds wiII- only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. M-____________- ARTICLESARTICLES FO AE FOR SALE WESTIoNGHOUSE AliR CON- SINGLE HUNO WINDOW wlth DITIONER, 10,500 BTIJ. Asklng colonial grill and storme. Suze 88 x $160. CcI 668-144. 50. Aaking $150. cii 66".796. Jun.24,61MT ANTIQUES à COLLECTAULE8*- Butter churner $50; Mahogany radio $50; piano stool $50; Mahogany mentie $150; glass. closed bookcese $1150; mlîrored wsrdrobe $150. Ccli 965.397. Jui.8,81(P) MOTOCROSS BICYCLE, in ex- cellent. condition. With com- pelition frame and meg rima. $100 or beet offer. Oelil 689482. Jun.10,81(M) CASSETTE DECK, top loed, telefunken, cost $510, sali $275. Calil666399. May 6,81 (R) LIKE NEW - Scandîa hydroiic rowing exorciser, $60. Calii888- 0748. Apr.15,81(M) ACORN OLYMPIC 2,000 FIREPLACE, heatilator, gloa doors and f re grae, asklng $45. For more Information coli 728- OM9. Apr.22,81(B) Swediah Steel ARCHED FIREPLACE SCREEN, 41lVaý" x 31 hlgh, $70. Swedlsh Steel REC. TANGULAR FIREPLACE SCREEN, 36" wide x 26" high, $30. Oel 571-3471. Apr.22,81(W) One GO KART, asklng $50. Calii 65&.3282. Jul.8,81(M) 018SON EBO Basa Gultar, ex- cellent condition, $M0 wlth case. Oelil668-836. Jun.27,61(W) GUITAR AMPLIFIER - Paavay, 60 watts a ide, asking $325. Cali 668. 6297, Jul.1,81(N) 55 Watts Par Cita;el TECHNICS RECEIVER, 5 mo. oid, $45 flrm. «elfCal effim. Mey 6,81(R) SHOPMATE ELECTAIO SABRE SAW, $12. Ccli 728.1348. Apr.29,81(R) DAVID BROWN 990 SELECT-A- MATIC, front end mtai, diesel, 3 pi. hitch. $6,000 or boasf offer. Calii 965-9066cfiter 6 p.m. My68 NEW CLOSET SLIDING DOOR, flsa 82"~ x 69". $15 lnciuding har- dware. Raom-sized CARPET $85. Oelil6687281 cfiter 6:30 p.m. Msy 20,81 (Y) ELECTROHOME CONSOLE STEREO, salld walnut csbinet with two satellite speakers, ex- cellant condition, $20. Cali 666& 1372. Apr.22,81(G) FRANKLIN-TYPE STOVE, neyer used, $20. Cclil 6554245. May 20,81(L) Two 750 lb. SWAY BARS, 2V Inch TRAILER HITON & bail. $100 for bath or boasf ofer. COei l8-795. Apr.29,81(W) BOYS, 3 PC. POWDEA BLUE SUIT, womn once, sîze 14. Acklng $60. Oelil 689420. May 6,81(G) Varlety of HAND TOOLS, $11U. Oelil May 6,81(R) GENERAL ELECTRîC gaod condition, asking ty AutomeatIe IRONER Frigidaire Heavy Dut, STOVE 360. HAND Mg Zenith PORTABLE WHITE, remnote contrai, $150. Ai lin good con 66&.2800. OAK CHAIR $10. Fie $15. Vacuum Cleanar Llght Fîxture $15. Ro HandpaInted Plate $ Wion Handpainted Caliector'c Item Rayai $20. Royal Abert Cup Record Playar $20. Cali Jui.1 .81(N) DRYER, In $100. Beat- $75. White ty 4-Burner IOWER $10. BLACK à 1 taievîsion, dItion. Oel May 6,81(P) or Polisher $15. Neon Dyal Wlnton 12. Royal 1Bowl $12. WInton Cup )$20. HI-Fl 16686080. Jun.24,81(P) PLEASE READ When the advertised Item le soid, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wli b. deemed to have bemen sold and a commission wiIl be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iilustrated below, regardiese If prics le stated with 'best offer". If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposied of, the ad will b. mun for 3 MONTIlS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $8.00 will appiy payable ln advance of publication of the fîrst ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge will ap- piy If billed whicit must b. paid upon receipt. The above minimum chargea wIii be applied to the final commission due but ln any case the hlgher amount will be charged. Minimum charge: $8.00 pre-paid, $7.50 bilied. Maximum commission:. $100.00. All advertisemants muet b. piacad on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiest one month If not soid. RATES (if article la aoid) 5% of advertleed Price Up 10540.00 2% of balance over 540.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item edvertied for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge la $6.00) PrIvate advertling oniyi Please notify the Whitby Free PressImmediateiy when Item se soid so that we may daiete Itf from the foiiowing Issues. Ail ads not fitting the Emporium guideiines wiii be treated and charged par week as reguier classlied as on a pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothing, reai estate, and personai message type acie, or as not quotlng price or quantity. Private ciasslfied ads may appearIn the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WîLL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWîSE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If ln doubt caii: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 6861 131 Brock St. N. P.O. Box 2S668-11Whîîby, Ont. Whltby, Li N 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADSIS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 5iM HOUSI Four TAULE LAMPO Thrce-cushion CHES $99, goid coior. RED1 Two ivingroom sq TAULES, one ls $25, Cali 668.909 Westbend Tafion Coc POPPER and cord, ne% $15. Cali1728-1348. Speed Oueen DISHW energy saver, ln exc dition, $30 or b.st afi 0495. 30-1 VIKING STOVE, $7 7658 affer 6 p.m. Viking AUTOMATIC DRYER, working cor each or $75 for the pa 8062. FUOROSALES * REAUO IAT iE AYNED* BOATS& Simpilcity RIGEF FORAUTMSTLE UPPIESgoad condition, $90. 1967 CADILLAC, 4 door, new CAjO AF O OD BB peint, radial iras, power steerlng, CPFRAHL O OD BB AFGHAN, crîb Siza, soft Ono 4 H.P. EVINRU DE, Yacht powr bake, pwerwindows, PICK-UP TRUCK, 2 years aid wlth graen/whitelyeiiow piixtura, hand Twln, outbocrd mator, Ilke now, MTR power ba as, oerfe . A kn front & aide liding windows end crochetted, $20. Oeli 668 -653. $375. C ii 668-C.8 8 O $1 .800 or bes offer. C cii 655-8052. roof vent. Wi f it any Ford pick- Apr.22,81(M) Jun.3,81 <S) SALES/ I Jun.3,81(C) up. Pald $1.350, sali $850. Cclii _____________ ____________ 728-6700. BABY CARRIAGE, blue, folds17430c.- OD May 13,81(S) down. Asking $25. COeil579-9371. H U SlîE Hf0LifD 19460c.HND _______________________..u.5t1> . -ns difion, asking $575.C G2222L BUNK BEDS with mattresses $130. Ccli 576-745. Jun.17,81(G) Brand new BOX SPRING for qusen size bed. excellent condition, $75. Oel 668-3660 or 5791178. Jun.17,81(G) 3 DRAWER DRESSER, 50 yra. oid, '$S. 8 DRAWER DRESSER, Ilke naw, ô DRAWER DRESSER, $85 for bath. COeil668.399. May 6,81 (R) rwo Kroelar LIVING ROOM CHAIRS, tweed, beige and brown, gaod condition, $75 for pair. WIN. DOW FAN $15. Oeil 655-4245. May 20,81 (L) Blue Brocade CHAIR, $50. In good condition. Ccli 5782366. Apr.22,81(L) CHESTERFIELD & Mcfching Chair, cimoat new, olive gray, belge & brown, csklng $450.COeil 168.2999 or 725-2243. Apr.22,81(N) CHESTERFIELD & B.d. matchlng chaicnd iocking chair, $150. Cmli 668-9771. May 13,81(Z) Medium eized COUCH $35. Lika n0w 54" MATTESS $30 or basf offer. Oeil666-3995. May 6,81(R) Smeii 3-SEATER COUCH, erra chair and foalstaai, ln gaad con- dition. Asklng $100. EXERCYCLE $4O. Ccii 668-6533 affer 5 p.m. Jun.10,81(G) Nrought iron Glass-Toppad KIT- CHEN OR PATIO TABLE with 4 chaire. Asking $125. Cclii 66.12110. Jun.24,81(WV) -orizon blue wlth baby blua quiited BEDSPREAD for 54" b.d with matching drapes, 110"~ wide x 84", $75. Charapagne color SHEERS, 6 mo. oid, 4 panels, $85 or boat of fer. Oelil666-3995. May 6,81(R) HOUSEHOLO SALE - White Ad- mirai range $250; green Kanmore range $250; kitclnen suite $50; Panasonic air conditioner $250; electrlc firepisce $25; 21" Lawn- boy lawn mower $150; white GE ciothes dîyer $25; white GE washing machine $25; wagon bar- beque $30; double mattrasa & box spring $25. two Hoover vacuum clamnera, $100 and $30; Viking f loi polilher $20; set oI 3 suit- cases $25; green area rug $40;, two irons $20 and $10. Oelil 668. 7014. Jui.8,81(S) CUSTOM-MADE SHEERS with embrolderod hama, approx. 16' wlde. Asklng $20 or basf Offfa. Ccli 6880495. Jul.1,81<(C) 1974 HONDA, 550 cc excellent condition, i tras. AskIng $1,000.Q 1974 SUZUKI, GT 380 9,000 mi. Asking $6 27'76 after 5 p. m. 1975 SU0 FOUR HONI condition, Include heimets, $950 or ne Phono afler 6 p.m. 659 1975 SUZUKI 125 MI excellent condition, parts. Asklng $450. C 1950 GRANDE MOI used, $700. Phon before noon or aff ai ô 1981 050 SPECIAL chror'ýihighway bokrst, ail warranty tif lad. Asking $2,700. 6886M ter 4 p.m. SUZUKI 380 MOI 10,000 original mi., 68-6972. tapaedock. As is,$850 condition. Cali 666.25E 1972 GMC VANDURA verter, sieeps 3, equipped, 6 cyi., certl or bast of fer, Cali6& 1973 GRAN mechenicaiiy sound.j or basf offer. Ccii 655. 1073 MAVERîCK, automatic, 62,000 MI.,f body work. AskIng $7' 668«875 chter 6:30 p.rr 1975 CAMARO RALLI spead, standard, redi tlfied. Asking $3,40 3336. GOOD SECOND CAR LTD, body and angins shape, many naw parte new radial tiras, $1,40C closeat offer. Calk, bel weekdays or enyi de 576-5447. 1975 MONTE CARLC power stemerIng, power original paint, radiali cartIfied. Asking $2,5( 2702. 1975 MUSTANG Il FA cyiindar, power ste< brakas, automnatic, AI new radiais, 63,000 n $2,000. Cali 668-9604. 1076 DATSUN 710,4 si mi., two new tiras anc tified, $2,300. Cali Wb~ p.m. 1976 MERCURY WAGON, new tires, track, power door lai ditionad, traiier hitch, roof rack, certif ied. AI Calil 6554m02. 1078 MOS, MK. IV, Bi green, AMIFM starec, certif lad, must sel $5.900. Cali 666&2273. TRUCK CAP (Expli windows, roof vont, it insuiated. Asking $37 a=. io firm. Good 582 anytime. Jun.10,81 (G) A VAN, con. complet eiy iflad. $2,200 .6879. Jun.10,81(K) TORINO, Asklng $450 .3879* Jui.1 .81(B) 6 cyi., needs some 100 a e. s.aOil n. Apr.29,81 (V) .Y SPORT, 4 Ilai tires, cer- D. Cal 655- Jui.8,81(L) Il. 1975 Ford aare In goad sa on If, brand )0 cortifled or etwaen 9 & 2 3 on weeken- Apr.15,B1(N) >, 350 auto., r brakes, air, Je & snOws, 500. 0ali797- May 27,81(T rASTBACK, 8 sring, power M/AFM radio, 'nies. Asking Jul.8,81(H) peed, 75,000 i snows, car- 8-8471 afier 5 Apr.22,81(M) STATION sAMIFM, 8 )cks, air con- ,' air shocks, sking 52,995. Jun.3,81(C) British racIng 0, 35,000 mi., iL. Asking Jui.1,81(L) rer), siiding uggage rack. 175. Cali 655- Jun.3,81(C) IM CHEVELLE Dox, any maxa rrucuc(B dr. H.T., power brakes, poweî USED TRUCK CAP, fits roguler 8' ateerIna. auto. on console radio & 1._ . .- i- . i Asqn ,, irls' RARV ( LOTH.Es à condition. Caii Ted ai Four Sheiby aiumiu MAGS with G-50-14C to fit Chev, Coat $« $30. Caii Pauliait 668. 0642. FORD 390 MOTOR & smission. Motor neac $30. Cali 688&2708. 1973 FORD TORINO Engina $200. Transi same $85. Radiator end, fendais, grill, drums, etc. Complel Oei l 655-3006. PARTS FOR A GTS(. hub, spokes & brake knobby, nover used shocks $25; front i $100; front rlm wlth I & brakes $50; front tl tub. $5. COei 728-2578. 1973 MERCURY MARC PARTS. 429 motar,, front end, grill, fende conditlon!ng unit, et $200. COei 655-3006. FOUR 14" RADIAL. steel beltad, raised tiras. Under 10,000 mi Asking $200. Caii 655- SET 0F 4 SUPERIOII usad, aii chroma, 15' Caii 723-9972. PIONEER Car Stereo, 2 amps, cassette deck equaiizar.' Asking $9( heard. Cali 6684832. Two Glsse Beited FC nplke Wide Trsck TII tubaiesa. Almost ne $50. Cai 668.9482. Two ER7&-14 RAD TIRES mounted on tm wheeis, $110 or bei OR78-14 RADIAL Ti whlte Setters) Firetco beited tires mountedg wheeis. $160 or basi 0980I-14 FIRESTONI TIRES (raised white1 belted mounted on Iy Clasaic Mags, $225c Witt fit smcii Chrysh tires wiii ssii for $450, Plams Cai 686-188a p.m. and 10 p.m. Ali ti Two SNOW TIRES, For rms, $50. Cadi&E 683-5358. HANE Jun.3,81(V) Chang, seara num siotted G-60-14 tires Nal 630. Sali for 40.ArI! B-8145 or 668- 4.A Jun.10,81(G) TODOL krebulit tran- 6144. ds al pump. Apr.29,81(C) STROL 6144. PARTS: 302 smission for ,$50. Front CH»W 1bumpors, Car Be ele car $35. Jumnpi and SI Juil ,81(R) 68-01: kRear rlm, ies $60; reer Paregc ýd, $30; rear STROL lork systom rad, $1 hube, spokos mcdo Ire $15; front $35. P B. navy, t Jun.24,81MW QUIS SEDAN ors, rad, air tc. Aaklng 81 SEA Jun.3,81(R) matai Call 8 S, Unîroyal white-iat fer i. on cil tires. 15' SKI -41 08. radia, I RIMS, nover- 51$250 flrm. 15%i Apr.8,81(S) secte, electrI 4 speakers, campl ýk nd graphic everylI )00 - muet b. Askinç Jun.27,81(W) RES, (G78-14) yw, with riras. Jtun.17,81(M) DIAL SNOW wo AMO raliy ef offer. Two 'IRES (raised 1 one 721 steel on AMC raiiy el offer. Two E 88 RADIAL lettera) steel Anc wo Kaytane moî or boat offer. just lors. Ail six eall )or boasfoffeor. es 18 batween 2 es ires Ilke new. Apr.22,81(D) PH' E-7814, on Api.B.8(C) D KNITS, nowbc ie Table $40 forî rfa. Oeli 668-216 lnew BABY CRI mklng $35. Oeli LER ROCKER, LLER, csking$ 10E TABLE $30. 3ed $10. Fiee-sti oer $15. Carnlage Slide $40. Ccli l127. jo Combination LLER, excelien! i1. Colonial Bq ita ccnopy, wit Perego Stroilor, $45. Ccli 683-157 EAFLgA and 4 hm e with gas tank.~ 58-6297. Ki BOAT and EvIr ýski trIpod, closi 6. Phone 668-361 FT. FIBERGI lD BOAT, windsln 935 h.p. Evîni trie atait, elumil plata, ready fthing ln excellai g $575. Oel68 Wori i we are here t wing population. 1 a moved înto a r Ithe Welcome Wi IONE ef84108or rn ta 2 yrs., ail or wlll sait 54. - Apr.22,81 (B) lB, size 20 x M8-4670. Jul.1 .81(M) $8. Ccli 668 Apr.15,81(R) ;10. Ccli 668- Apr.15,81(R) Wclker $15. anding Joiiy e $40. Swing affer 5 p.m. Apr.22,81<D) CýARRIAGEJ t condition, ld, cauld be h mattres,. doluxe size, 74. Jui.1 .81(5) .p. Johnson Asklng $225. Ju. 1,81 (N) Inrude motor, tn and sharp. 53. May 6,81 (C) LASS AND id, aleeper rude motor, num friter, for use, ýnt condition. 1-6294. Jul.8,81(0) AuWA oserve ts f you have new home, lagon hast- rSM97521 j, A F EW WORDS IN THE RIGHT PLACE IS ALL IT TAKES MRS. PAUL LAVALLEE 0F CARTER CRES., WH ITBY KNOWS AN AD IN THE WHITBY FREE PRESS GETS RESULTS. She sold a washer and crib WITHIN HOURS of her ad being published. IT WILL WORK FOR YOU TOOI CALL 668«611il EHOLO M OFFICE I DDESUPLE ', $5 each. Largée slm-iine OLIVET11 OFFICE STERFIELD, ELECTMONIC CALCULATOR with SOFA, $110. tape. In excellent condition. Cost quare END $29.,oeil $45. Cali 723-6731. other la $45., Apr.8,81(B) May 27,81(K)ý TYPEWRITER, E LECTRIC IBM Seiectrlc, needs servicing. Asking Datad CORN $50. Callcii 6.668 w condition, Jun.24,81(S) Apr.29,81<R) Sears Ceiebrity Pawgr 12 ELEC. - TRIC TYPEWRITER, 9 mo. oid. 'ASHER with Paid $26, a«king $200. Oelil 723- collant con. 85 ier. Cali 668- May 27,81 (M) Jui.1,81(C) 75 Cii5~ ~SIJPI.ESUfPPLIES un38P) KITTENS, part Persian, maies& WASHER à femaes, $1 each to good home. WASHER , $50 C l655-U54after 5p.m. aIr. Caii 655- Jun.10,81(H) SHEEPDOG, maie, $50 to good May 6,81(D) home, tralned, good with chlldran. - COe ifl8.371. i WASHER, Apr.15,81(P3) Cal l 666.3885 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 76 CAL F1811 TANK with stand, May 6,81(m) esuent glant pump, heater, un- dergiavel filiter, $300. Cali ffl- 0748. CYCLES IApr.15,61(M) A, good con - R AILERSI >11 683-6638 I Jun.2481(S) 1980 MASTERCOACH TRAILER, c4 cylinder, 33 ft. with 2 tlp outs, 2-way fridge 8.000 MI., ex- & stova wlth see-thîough ovan, aIl 68k1471. double slnk, 21 ft. awning, oak Jun.17,81(M) doora, TV antenna, sloops 6, 1 badroom, 3-piae washroom, i, A-1. axtras, asklng $14,000. Cali 683-4467, 50. Ccii 668& Ajax. Apr.22,81(R) May 27,81(L) 4 x 8 BOX TRAILER, 14" wheeis.- DA, excellant Asklng $225. Cclii %8-144. s tools & Apr.15,81<R) ereet of fer. 1.4431. * Apr.8,81(G) I ' TRUCKS I SFOR SALE IOTOCROSS, - imany new 1908 011EV RAMP TRUCK, with aIl 57".572. f001 boxas & storage cabinets, Jui.8,81(O) $500. Phone 65&.3470 before noon PEDI hardîy o fe .. May6c'el(0) ne 655-3470 _____________ lp.m. 1979 FORD HALF TON, super cab., May 6.81(G). 351 motor, 150 Explorer, low mileage, power steering, power .2,500 km., brakes, stereo, liing windows, bars, KG tilt staerlng, crulse control, fac- Ycheck$, cor- tory air, fold down oseais, tintad Ccii Lcr"yse windows, heavy duty suspension, traiter package, Ziebeuad, Permas- JUI.B,81(B) Shine, Ford cap wlth ail siiding windows, equipped for camping ýTORCYCLE, and much more. Paid $13,500, $750. Cali asking $8400 certif led. Muet sali. Oei l 7284700. Apr.15,81(M) Apr.15,81(S) c E c c c ri c c c c c y c f r t

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