PAG E 2, W EDNESDAY, J ULY 15, 198 1, WHITBY FREE PRESS Sa.lary increases for MP's too rihFnnlesy Bv MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff OTTAWA - Ontario Ridlng MP Scott Fen- neil said last week that he plans to fight the proposed salary in- creases for members of the House of Commons. Recently, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau announced that the government plans to introduce legisiation that will give backben- chers an approximate 30 per cent increase in their stipenda . The legislation will also give the prime minister an annual salary of approxiniately $100,500 and Opposition Leader Joe Clark $85e400. New Democratic Party leader Ed Broadbent wif get $73,300. It will also give corresponding In- creases to cabinet members and to Jean Sauve, the Speaker of the House of Commons. Fennell said that there are many MP's i both opposition parties that are "really opposed to it."y The Progressive Con- C E RCGIF ANSC NIA ORANS UTIUTYPWRTE * SALES * SERVCEes &G SrcT 48DnaUtreWOZestVA 294 DEA or Av servative backbencher said that the Increase in MP's current $32,000 a year salary would set a terrible precedent throughout governent circles. The government, he added, would have dit- ficulty in relating this increase for MP's to those given to civil ser- vants in collective bargaining agreements. However, Fenneli agrees that the ordinary member la underpaid. "I think it's the wrong tinie (for an increase), " he said, "land too high."1 Me also has difficulty with the pension proposais contained within the legisiation. Fenneil is opposed to the indexing method used in pensions for MP's saying that it "las s0 rich that we can't af- ford it. 1 Under the gover- nment's proposai, backbenchers would receive an increase of $3,60 a. year for four years. However, members of the New Democratic Party wanted this of a 31 per cent raise over the $30,600 they were receiving last year. A total of 10 members of the 268 member House refused to accept the raise. Four of them were Progressive Con- servatives, five were New Democratics and there was a lone Liberal. 0f those that voted against the measure, some said they wil ac- cept it or give it to charity. 30,000 ti*res destroyed in auto yard f ire Scott Fen.nellJ reduced by one-third te $2,400 a yar. Under the com- promise that Fennl said has been worked out, MP's will receive the Increase i one year INVITATIONS AV*.ilal. fvom and* that amounts to $9,600. The Tory caucus members poit out that this, represents a 30 par cent increase in one year. right," Fennell con- cluded. "'I think we have te be responsible."' However, during a day long debate that took place in the House of Commons last Thur- sday, MP's voted them- selves an immediate 23 per cent raise which will bring their annual salary and expense allowances to 854,600. That 18 the equivalent Durham Regional Police were cailed ite control the crowd that gathered to watch members of the Whitby Fire Departmnent battle a fire that occured last Thursday night at Art Robinson Auto Wreckers on Taunton Road East. The fire destroyed approximately 30,000 tires, a smail shed and a number of wrecked automobiles. According to Deputy Fire Chief Tony Van- Doleweerd, police had to clear a laneway leadlng to the yard that was clogged with cars. Despite this, fire department pumpers still bad .difficulty reachlng the scene. VanDoleweerd said that the 17 firefighters on the scene were bam- pered because.of lack of water. The nearest fire hydrant was a hall-mile away and pumpers had to use a shuttie service to get water to the fire. "When we got there at about 10:30 (p.m.), the fire was really going and our first efforts were to see that flames did not reach a lime of nearby trees," he said. The deputy chief ad- ded that if the fire had reached those trees it, might have become necessary to evacuate neighbouring homes. "Fortunately, that wasn't necessary."1 While firefigbters had the blaze under control by midniglit they stayed on the scene for several hours afterward, Van- Doleweerd said adding that one fire unit stayed on the premises ùntil early Friday morning. As of press time, no cause for the fire had been found. There were no in- juries to either bystan- dors or firefighters. Chase ends in crash A high speed police chase last Sunday through the middle of Whitby resulted in a collision with -an estimated $6,700 damage and charges laid against an Oshawa man. A Durham Regional Police radar trap clocked a vehicle near the Spruce Villa Motel at a speed of 105 kilometres in a 50 kilomotre zone at ap- proximately 6 a.m. Police chased the suspect vehicle west- bound on Dundas to White Oaks Court where it drove through a field, turned around and proceeded eastbound on Dundas hitting speeds up to 130 kilometres. The chase ended when the vehicle collided with the Windmill Donuts sign on Dundas Street East. Damage was estimatod at $3,700 to the sign and $3,000 to the The Whitby Jayeees Presents the 1981 County Town Carnival Parade MM PlREET c "WT octMAM STRW TUm~ Sat. J uuy 25, 1981 10 A.M. Sharp