PAGE 8, WLiDNESDAY, J LILY 21. 198 1. WHIITBY FREE PRESS Rotary Club holds first Bonanza.NLi*ght The Whtby Rotary Club wil present its fir- st Bonanza Night on Saturday, August 29 at the Iroquois Park Arena. i.NOTIC E DURH&V REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PAYING VOUR WATER & SEWER BILL DURING THE POSTAL DISRUPTION We would Ilke to remlind you that durlng the interruption ln postal dellvery, you may pay your Water & Sewer 811l ai any of the followlng locations: - Any Chartered Bank within Durham Region (a small service charge may be applicable>. - Regionai Headquarters, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. - Reglonal Finance Department, 60 Bond Street West, Oshawa, Ontario (for your convenience there is a Drop Box Iocated beside the "North" entrance.). Please check your mail box as deliveries are continuing with our own agents. Thank you for your co-operation. Finance Departmsnt, Water Biling Section, (416>)571-3311 The Bonanza Nigbt la being held to raise money to purchase a new Handi-Transit vehicle as well as to support various programs the club un- dertakes for minor spor- ts, youths and senior citizens. The highlight of the evening will he a draw for a 1981 Chevrolet Caprice. The second prize in the draw will be $1,500 cash. Third prize will be $1,000, fourth prize $500 and fifth prize will be $250. There will also be 95 other prizes given. In total, more than $20000 in prizes wil be offered. The club is selling only 500 tickets for this event. Tickets are $100 per couple and a tax deductible receipt for $50 will be issued to each purchaser. Each ticket also en- titled the purchaser to a sit-down roast beef din- ner and dance. The music for the dance will be provided by Sam- my's Capris. Tickets are available from the following downtown merchants: The Kitchen Cupboard; Victoria and Grey Trust; the Bank of Mon- treal and at the Whitby Curling Club. They can also be purchased from ,any Rotary Club mem- ber. Jefta $ 10,000 grant for WPH, TORONTO - The Ministry of Health bas awarded $10,000 to a health research project at Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital, it was announ- ced today by Healt,h Minister Dennis Tim- brell and Revenue Minister George Ashe, MPP for Durham West. Diese A fuel-economy mcisterpiece Combine aort remorkable fuel A . consumption ratîng of 5.OL/lOOkm (56 mp ) withJe t iltelr poefor 4 odulis ond trunk D ie se l copocity of 630L (22 cu. ft.) odd front wheel drive, independent suspension, and the fa mous Volkswogen quolity ond reliobîtity, ond you have o mosterpsece, The VW Jetto Diesel-E h e m Don't seil for less. PICERNGCAR CENTRE LTD. F'ýT" 'î0ý 918 BAYLY E., AJAX 683-1881 The grants are among 128 awards amounting to $4.1 million announ- ced today for health research projeets in Guelph, -Hamilton, Kingston, London, Ot- tawa, Penetanguishene, Sudbury, Toronto, Waterloo and Whitby. At these 10 Ontario centres, the awards will fund applied research for the prevention, diagnosis and manage- ment of disease, and studies evaluating the effectiveness and effi- ciency of public health programa and other health care systemas. Announcing the awards, Timbrell said, "The scope of research is broad and ranges, for example, from pre- natal follow-up for early identification of handi- caps to a study of the ef- fects on retirees of in- creased physical ac- tivity. "Projects such as the smoking cessation studies are particularly relevant to one of our top health priorities of the 1980's - encouraging people to take greater responsibility for their own health,"' he said. The grants, recom- mended by three exter- nal advisory commit- tees of health pro- fessionals from across the province, are effec- tive fromn April 1, 1981 to March 31, 1982. 0f the total number of projects announced, haîf are being funded for the first time. The remaining 64 are being continued. The grant was given to Dr. J.J. Cyr of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital's department of psychology. It will be used to con- duct a study to develop "6adequate measures to assess the nature of schizophrenia." Whitby's "mini-msummit" The news last week focused on the seven nation economie summit that was hosted by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau just outside of Ottawa. However, after the leaders of the western world's most important economic powers went home, Whitby was the scene of an official "mini-summit." Members of the diplomatic community in Toronto gathered at the local home of the Consul for Malta, John Pisani and his wife, Maria. Seen here from left to right are: Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner Harold Graham; Gord Thom- pson, manager of the local office of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation; P. Ribadeneira, Consul of Equador; Oswald Murray, Consul-General of Jamaica; Carlos Izurieta, Consul of Equador; Mauri Hasa, Consul of Finland; Dennis Parish, Consul of Great Britain; George Ashe, Durham West MPP and Ontario Minister of Revenue; and, Max Charles, Consul of Haiti., Seated in the front fromn lef t to right are: Joszet Hudson-Ziegler, Consul of the United States, John and Maria Pisani and Calvin Smith, Consul-General of Trinidad. -Free Press Exclusive Photo by Michael Burgess A handy new book by Sidney Led son, Oauthor of the best-selling book, 'Teacli Vour Child tu Read in 60 Days'. Herels a book rno stenographer should be without; virtually a university course in'gramimar but presented in a iiveiy way no university can match. PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLY 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax 638-1968 1