WH-ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1981,¶ PAGE 9 Localy outh fiinds worlkat WPH lab Just in WPII lab «Photo courtesy of WPH By RONDA STEWART Students like Bob Just are getting some prac- tical experience at Whitby Psycbiatric Hospital this summer, working in various areas of the hospital un- der the Governments' Youth Secretariat Program, Experience The program is in its ninth year and employa many young men and women in various governinent ministries across the province. At Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital, the prograrn allows the ten students a better insight into psychiatrie care and of- ten offers tbem the op- portunity to work in an area that is their career interest. Bob Juat, wbo Ashe upset with the postioes By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff George Ashe la ex- tremely upset with the posties. Ashe, Ontario Miniter of Revenue and Durham VWest MPP bas criticized both the (at press time) strlking Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) and the Letter Carriers Union for refuslng ta deliver pro- vincial Guaranteed An- nual Income (GAINS) cheques to senior citi- zens at the sanie time they were delivering federal Old Age Security cheques. Ashe was par- ticularly critical of CUWpresident Jean- Claude Parrot for decelaring that al provincial cheques were "hot cargo" and should not be handled by post office employees during the strike. "Qulte frankiy," Ashe sald iln a wrltten state- ment, "I find kt utterly abhorrent that inside postal workers and Mr. Parrot would use the health and well-belng of Ontario's seniors as a bargainlng tool in the ef- forts to gain a better working agreement with the federal govern- ment. Every postal strlke bas its innocent victinis.", Wbile he paid tribute to the Jegitimate fun- ctlons of the collective bargaining proces Ashe indicated that both parties involved should be concerned with the pligbta of those innocent victims. "But it's clear that exceptions should be made. And in this in- stance the federal OAS cheques were being delivered by the latter carriers anyway,"1 Ashe sald. The recently sworn i member of the Ontario cabinet said that bis ministry had reached an agreement with the beads of the Toronto CUPW local and tbe Toronto letter carriers to get the provincial benef It --cheques delivered in the Metro Toronto area but Parrot scrapped the agreement by declaring the cheques to be "hot cargo."1 11I tbink it's, wrong to use senior citizens in this way - as pawns in a game to achieve a bet- ter worklng contract," Ashe said. "In negoti- ating deiivery of our GAINS cheques we loat valuable tinie I impie- menting a contlngency plan and 1'm sure we wilI tread carefully before embarking on the same approach again. " However, despite what Ashe referred to as the "llack of co- operation froni the post office and its union heads" he said that GAINS cheques have been delivered by the revenue ministry's assessment field office staff . Ashe aaid that GAINS chequ es have been delivered for both July and August over the last two weeks. EDITOR'S NOTE: By the tirne the reader has seen this account of Ashe's position is , ln- deed, possible that the postai strike will have corne te an end and that GAINS cheques will be delivered t., Durhamn West's senior citizens ln the normai mairner next month. B00K BETWEEN 120 Dundas Street West, Whitby AUGUST l5th We're celebrating our FIRST YEAR IN BUSINES WITH A GIGANTIC SALE * PAPERBACKS 1011ea. *CHILDREN'S HARDCO VER BOOKS 5011 25% off * HARDCOVER 25% off noon they work together on a specia projeet like graduated from Henry Street Hlgb School, is ln his third year of Biochemistry at Queen's University. Hils summer job in the laboratory at the hospital gives him the practical side of his degree. "It's really great ex- perience," says Just who has worked at the hospital for two previous summers. Craig Hamilton, co- ordinator of the Ex- perience '81 program says, "I think it isaa valuable learning ex- perience, 'not only career-wlse but tbrough the association wîth patients and staff they find out about them- selves." "From the hospital's point of view, these students bring a refreshing vitality towards the work and this affects the staff positively", says Hamilton. The students work in many areas of the hospital including the volunteer and recreation programs, but every Friday after- Drive in cool comfort - just lift reflective glass panel or remove compîetely. AIl weather molded leakproof. Installation available. the bi-weekly car wash or a strawberry social. Up the solar thIe sunroof seal is 100% REG. 159.95 9's $200.00 installed Mon - Frî. 10to 8 Sat. 9:30 to 6 M 630 EUCIIdStree 666-2323 z j U A lA SAVE M.IDW Y DSUe «~CERTI FI ED G EN ERAL ACCOU NTANTS iL ASSOCIATION 0F ONTARIO CGA ENROLMENT IN FORMATION Students living in Oshawa, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Bowman- ville area are asked to pick up June examination resuits and re- enrolment applications as fol lows: Durheam Collego foyer main building Wodnesday, Aug. 19 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 20 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. New students wanting to enter the programme may obtain caiendars and applications at the place and times noted above. Applications with payments enclosed can be delivered to any branch of the Bank of Montreal. The envelope containing your application and payment must be addressed to: C.G.A. Association of Ontario clo Bank of Montreai Shoîl Building Branch 505 University Ave. Toronto Transit No. 427 If there are any further questions, contact Paul Hurley, C.G.A. at 623-3899 or the C.G.A., at 623-3899 or the C.G.A. Association offilce at (416) 593-1100. Mur), St. Du sk. [Hwy21 Hwy. 401 Essi