PAGE- 20, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 19,19'-81, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Press mnporiurn U*J Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. ýwvARTICLES ~ J RI FOR SALE 1(2FO R' ANTIQUES à COLL Butter churner $50 radio $50; piano Mahogeny mantle cloied bookcase $1 wardrobe $150. Cail i One GO KART, askl 65&-3282. LAWNMOWER for working condition. F wheeis. Asking $6 68. 4 xS8SLATE POOL TA Complete with a Asking $80. Cait 66« KAYAK ABOVE GR( MING POOL. 16' x2 Overali 20' x 34'. Ci Jacuz.zt pump and1 equipment. Excellei Purchaser to disf remove. $1.500 or bu 66&-9829. SINGLE HUNG WII colonial grill and aborr 50. Asking $150. Cmii DESIGNER WEDDII size 1314, pearis and of lace. AskIng $20. 666-3839. MEDITERRANEANC two end tables $150. otched TABLE LAMP & White TV $25. 4 1Z MAGS, 4 boit Chev, UnIroyat RWL BR78111 Caili86663096. FOR SALE: Antiqui CRADLE. Oak, orIgir cetient condition. $d Pins Harvoat TABt natural finish, goc $225. Antique V CARRIAGE, Vctoria with umbreila. wire wheeis, excellentc coitent for window d natural wickor witt padding, $350. ROCKING CHAIR, caned seat and Bowmnanviite ROCI Circa 1850. upholal veivet, $150. Antii Ladies SIDE CHAIR arma & legs, up tapestry, with maîci oxcellent condition, $325. BOSTON R' ped, neoda 10 be as Phonoe66-2815 ove' NEED EXTRA 1 unwantad aricles% dasment ln the Emp of the Whtby Frea t 6111 now. THE WORI IS YOURS YOU KNO RIGHT Pl5 cofaemunty CaS U o ECTAILES. 0; Mahogany 51001 $50; $150; giasa. 150; mrrored gN5-m97. Jui.8,81(P) ing $50. Cati Jut.8,81(M) sale. Good Raise & tower 5. Cail 683- Jui.29,81(S) ABLE for sale. accessories. "-712 days. Jui.29,81(W) 3UND SWIM- ' plus deck. ýompIeta with iller and ail )nt condition. imentie and et offer. cati Aug.19.81(C) NDOW with 'ms. Size 88 x 188"8796. Jui.1,81(N) NG DRESS, sequins, lots Caît anytime May 20,81 (S) COCKTAIL & Pair of brasa bS $20. Black ý3 Super Lug ,$175. Three 3 TRES $120. Aug.19,81 (C) ie Four-Poster nal finish, ex. ý200. Antique LE, drop-teat, Ad condition. licker BABY n Circa 1890, a poke metai condition, ex. dispiay - retail, h uphoistered i Bowmanviiie Circa 1850. back, $150. ýKING CHAIR, ered ln beige ique Victorian qcarved back, hoisiered ln îing footstooi. iquaiity piece. DCKER. strip- îaembied. $50. ings. Aug.12,81(G) EY? Sali your wiih an advor- ortum Section Pre.s Cal 668- 18 - 0' ROUND CEC sharpened. Assorte( 3- 5"- tops. $1.75 ei FIREPLACE SCREE? $15. Blacki FIREPLA9 good condition, $8. 10" AQUARIUM, $1 SPOOL TABLE $70. 57"-929. 6AK CHAIR $10. FI $15. Vacuum Cleane Light FIxture $15. F Handpalnted Plate Ninton Handpaintei Collector'a Item Roya $20. Royal Albert Cu Rlecord Player $20. Ci DAR POSTS, d sizes from each. BRASS N, Like new ýCE SCREEN. 36" x 12" x 5. Antique .all evenInga Aug.12,81(G) toor Poilher or $15. Neon Royal WInton $12. Royal ed BowI $12. 31 Winton cup up $20. HI-FI a11688-080. Jun.24,81(P) iAUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1967 cADILLAC, 4 door, new pint, radiai tires, power steering, power brakes, power windows, power seats, ceriified. Asking Si1,800 or best of fer. cati 655-8052. Jun.3,81(C) 1971 TORONADO, needs Iran- amission, wiiisli for paria. Aaking $350 or best of fer. caîl Barry ai 723-092 after 5 p.m. Jui.15,81e() 1972 VW BEETLE, running condi- tion. needs body work and to be certified. $200. Cali 668-7470 atter 4 p.m. Aug.5,81 (S> 1973 GRAN TORINO,. mechanicaiiy sound. Asking $450 or best offeor. Cati 655-3679. Jui.1 .81(B) 1975 CAMARO RALLY SPORT, 4 apeed, standard, radiai tires, cer- tif led. Asking $3.400. Cali 655- 3336. Jul.8,81(L> 1975 GRAN TORINO BROUGHAM, 351 auto., power steerlng, power brakes, air, radio, excellent con- dition, 65,000 mi., moving, must soit. Asking $2.600. Muat be seen to appreciate. ceii 668-2958. Jui.15,81(H) 1975 MONTE CARLO, 350 auto., power steering, power brakes, air, original paint, radiais & snows, certlfled. Asking $2,500. caii 797' 2702. May 27,81(T 1975 MUSTANG Il FASTDACK, 8 cylinder, power steering, power brakes, automatlc, AMIFM radio, new radiais, 63,000 miles. Aaking $2,000. Cali1668-9604. Jul.8,81(H-) 1976 MERCURY STATION WAGON, new tires, AM/FM, 8 irack, power door ioclçs, air con- ditioned. trailer hitch, air shocks, roof rack, certif led. Asklng $2.995. Calil 655-8052. Jun.3,81(C) 1979 CHRYBLER CARAVELLE, blue, 49,000 km., excellent con- dition, 4 door, power steering, power brakos, certif ied. Asktng $5,500. caiti 68-1436. JuI.15,81(O> 1979 BUICK Park Avenue, ailver grey, four door, excellent condi- tion. Low miiaage with many op- tions. Aaking $8,495. Cai 576- 5M62 aflter 5 p.m. Aug.5,81 (E) 0VMTVE 7RPIRPAR/7îPAI]rTS Ford Custom Fibergiss TRUCK CAP. Aaking $W5. Cili 723-998. JUl,15,81MP CHEV 350 HEADS, good con- dition. Aaking $75 or best offer. Cmli 668-0482 Jul.29,81(8) 197 FORD TORINO PARMS~ 302 Engin@ $20. Transmission for same $85. Raedialor $50 Front end, fenderb, grill. bumpers, drums. etc. Compiete car $350. Cali 655-300. When thie advertised Item ls soid, dlsposed of, or unavaliabie for whatever reason, the Item wlii be deemed to have been soid and a commission wIii be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iliustrated beiow, regardiess If price le stated with "best of fer". If the Item la NOT SOLD. or dlaposed of, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUJM CHARGE of $6,00 will appiy payable ln advance of publication of the firit ad, Otherwse a $7.50 charge wlli ap- piy If biiied which muet be pald upon receipt. The above minimum charges wiii be applled to the final commission due but In any case the higher amount wiii be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald. $7.50 biiied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alil advertIsements muet be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atieast one month If not sold. RATES (if articlesla soid): 5% of advertisd price Up b 8400.00 2% of balance over $40.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertised for $120.00. Commission due 36.00 (minimum charge la $6.00> Private advertising oniyl Please notiiy the Whitby Free Press Immediateiy when Item sa soid 80 ihat we may deiete itf from the foiiowing Issues. Ali ads not fitting the Emporium guidetines wiii be treated and charged per week as regular ciassified ads on a pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, cIothing, reai estate, and personai message type adae, or ada not quoting price or quanlity. Private ciassified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN cLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWîSE SPECîFîEO. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 WhItby, Li N SS1 668-6111 131 Brok St. N. Whtby, Ont. dition BEDi (Engli 6 fI.r h eadt lights, $650. x 5 yi black TEAIV unusu 668-19 47 sci bitter I hae rad he mpoiumguielies bov an wih t hae te flloingad- 723-9Ç CUS7 embr wide. Cati i vertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. ____________________(don't forgol 10 include your phono numbor) CI I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. C Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. Ci Bill me for $7.50 atter f irst publication of my ad. Cad No. Exp. Date Name (plae prInt) Addresa Ci Postal Code t~Ž MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whltby Li N 5S1 SLL OUR UNWANTED ARTICLES NOW Use this tiandy form to mail In your Emporiumad t ~UTMOTIVEI ~OTORCYCLESI ~REPRPARTS J LESIRENTALj ), $450. Cail 576. îtOOM SUITE, 5lih), 6 fI. dressin mirror, Continsr board with sic s,2 wardrobes.J ýCARPET (Engii i., ail over desîgr ýk& pink. ASI IWINE TROLLI mal design. Aski 946. îuare yards of BP er aweel. Asking 9989. ;TOM.MADE SH )roidered hoe, D.Asking $200o 668-0495. HOUSEHOLD SALE mirai range $250; gne range $250; ktchsî etectric fIreplace $2! cioihes dryer $25; washing machine $25 baque $30; two Hoo cisaners, $100 and f loor poiisher $20; tu cases $25; green ares Irons $20 and $10. Col Spoed Ousen DISHW energy saver, ln ext dition, $30 or beat of 0495. FRIGIDAIRE RANGE, $35 or boat of fer. Cmil 30" VIKING STOVE, 7658 afler 6 p.m. with turniabie. Exc lion. $185. RECLIN BLACK à & WHITE DOUBLE BED with hi Two pairs of DRAP $S0. Cali 668-076. PIONEER Car Stereo, 2 amps, cassette dockj equaiizer. Asking $90 heard. Cali 688362. Ji 1973 MERCUAYMAÀRO PARTS. 429 motor,i front end, grill, fende condlttonlng unit, et $200. Caii 655-3006. FOUR 14"1 RADIAL.9 steel betted, ratsedi tires. Under 10,000 mi. Aaking $200. Caii 655- CUSTOM ROOF RACK size station wagon. Caii 576-592. REAR WINDOW for D truck. New. Fits yt Asking $25. REAF BUMPER for ½ý ton Asking $50. Cati 668-71 AN Emporium Ad wi automotive parts qul 668-6111 now. Perogo Combinatton STROLLER, exceltor rod, $1W. Colonial Bi made to canopy, wit $35. Perego Stroitor, navy, $45. Calii683-15j G~GO(il WALNUT DINING R complote with buffet months otd. $850. 4 speakers. 1 anidgraphic ex C -muetbe Po lun.27,81(W) IS SEDAN rn windshisid, 90 ers, rad. air c. Asking - il Jun.3,81<R) Cr tu S, Uniroyai tif white-letter 6a 1. on ail tires. -4108. Jun.17,81(H) P KS 10 fit full- k Asking $80. Jui.15,81(O> )odge 'h ton ýear 1975-80. R CHROME truck. New. M960. Aug.19.81 (L) 11l sell your 0 ickiy. Calii N3c CARRIAGE t condition, ed, couid be 1h mattreas, ,deiuxe size, i7 .Jui.1,81(s) O0OM SUITE and hutch. 2 Four plece ýcellent con- 6-5062 afler 5 Aug.5,81(E> teak look ng table with ntai 'padded de tables & A bargain at sh>, app. 5 yd. In In maroon, king $200. f EV, 2 lier, (ing $85. Cali Jul.29,81(C) ROADLOOM, g$200. Cati Jut.15,81(P) HEERS with ,approx. 16* or besi offer. Jui.1 .81(c) White Ad- soen Kenmore n~ suite $50; 5; white GE iwhite GE 5; wagon bar- ýver vacuum 1$30; Viking et of 3 suit- e rug $40; two mil 668-7014. Jut.8,81(S) WASHER with Jul.22.81(K) 1975 SUZUKI 125 MOTOCROSS, xcelient condition, many new >arts. Asking $450. Cai 579-0672. JUI.8,81(O) 977 YAMAHA YZ, compl.teiy rbutit. Asking $8150. Cali 723- 989.,8(P 981 60 SPECIAL, 2,500 km., chrome highway bars, KG backrest, ail warranty checks, car- lied. Asking $2,700. Cai Larry et 568-8m66*fier 4p.m. Jut.8,81 (B) PARTS FOR A OTtM Rear rim, hub, spokes & brakes $60; rear nobby, nover used, $30; rear shooka $25; front f ork system $100; front rim with hubs, spokas & brakes $50; front tire $15; front tube $5. Caii 728-2578. Jun.24,81(W) NJj SM R NTSI DRUMS - Premier - 4 drums com- piete wiih cymbais and stands. SacritfIce et $675. Cati 666-2958. Jul.15,81(H) CLASSICAL GUITAR (Eko), new, with case, $120. Cali 686-9462. Aug.5,81 (M) 018SON EB0 Basa Guttar, ex- cellent condition, $300 wtth case. Cati 6883M2. Jun.27,81(W) GUITAR AMPLIFIER - Peavey, 60 watts a side, asking $325. Cali 66- 6297. Jul. 1,81(N) 12 STRING FENDER GUITAR. Juat tike new. Compiete with case. $285. Cai 655-300. Aug.5,81 (R) METAL OFFICE DESK & High Back Chair, black, good condition, muaI seit. Asking $150. Cali 666- 2958. Jul.15,81(H> Sears Celebrity Power 12 ELEC. TRIO TYPEWRITER, 9 mo. oid. Paid $269, asktng $200. Cai 723- 0855. May 27,81 (M) BLACK MANX STUMPY CAT. femate, 1 Vh yearse od, very smatt. $1 or fras10 good home. Cati 666- 1576. Aug.19,81(K) STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER, 9 weeks otd, tomate. CKC regiatered. Asking $300. Cali 666-3995, Aug.19.81(R) Three-yoar-oîd BAY GELDINO, over 15 handa, part thoroughbred, haiter broken, good disposition. Asking $400 or beat of fer. Cai OU5 3006. Jul.?2,81(P) One purebred Arabian weaniing grey FILLY, asking $1,000. One 1 1 1 PLEASE REAU 1 -- -- --- - 1 . Ljà ýý 1 1 1 1 1 1